Monday, August 5, 2019

Online story: "President Trump on Sunday forcefully denounced two mass shootings in Ohio and Texas, saying "hate has no place in our country." * As the president spoke, top Democratic presidential candidates -- including Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Cory Booker -- demanded Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell recall Congress from its recess, currently slated to last until the second week of September, to vote on initiatives to curb gun violence." -- Federally licensed firearm dealers are already required to do background checks, and no new law will actually do more...what needs to be changed is how information about violent incidents created by minors is handled, and how justice is meted when guns are used in crimes. Too bad MSM-13 , DemocRATS, and the Antifa don't get it.
Somewhat lost in the chaos of the Dayton shootings is that the shooter also shot and killed his sister who was at the target area.. Let's pray for their parents and any other family who will have to deal with all aspects of this sadness.
In one of the stories about the Dayton shooter, a person in the shooter's past described him as a "nice" person when he knew him.. Obviously, this person really didn't KNOW him. Now the point is that all media should restrain from ever again reporting that a monster like the shooter was EVER a NICE person.. even if he/she was at one time.. seeing such crap can only inflame the situation for those directly affected by the crime.
That killer in El Paso.. Seriously, why didn't the police shoot this freak! I do not care that he laid his gun on the ground..he could have had another gun on his body, and the first police officer was endangering himself and the public.
What a weekend.. mass shootings/killings in El Paso, TX and Dayton, OH...can MSM-13 live with itself in creating the cultural terror situations that pervade.. MSM-13 has promoted such anger to give itself relevance so that individuals, as well as gangs and protest groups, have been emboldened to strike out.. strike back.. at what they deem offensive to their own agenda. This just wants to make me start carrying so I am in better control of my family's safety... and to help police officers restrained by political agenda of Democrat politicians.
Repeat Breakfast Club item: Online quote source: "“Any fact facing us is not as important as our attitude toward it, for that determines our success or failure. The way you think about a fact may defeat you before you ever do anything about it. You are overcome by the fact because you think you are.” - Norman Vincent Peale " -- "Any fact facing us is not as important as our attitude toward it"? It's especially egregious pertaining to liberals who are also just averse to facts.
Online quote source: "“Any fact facing us is not as important as our attitude toward it, for that determines our success or failure. The way you think about a fact may defeat you before you ever do anything about it. You are overcome by the fact because you think you are.” - Norman Vincent Peale " -- "Any fact facing us is not as important as our attitude toward it"? It's especially egregious pertaining to liberals who are also just averse to facts.
I had a former friend post a social media item saying George Wallace was less of a racist than Donald Trump.. yet he still votes for Democrats.. In "Remember the Titans", LB Gary Bertier responds to a racist act performed by another player by going to Coach Boone and saying, "Sometimes you just have to cut a man loose.". To my past friend, Joe N. ... you've started believing have become a racist, and fighting any redemption..., and now you are cut from my life.
From the "how ironic... uh.. moronic" department - Online headline: "Barbra Streisand mocks Trump with 'Send in the Clowns' parody -- with Clintons in audience" --
"mocks Trump"? Hey, it was the Bill and Hellary, plus Nadler and Al Sharlatan troupe in attendance ...
Online headline: "Federal judge strikes down Trump asylum ban on migrants who illegally cross border" -- The US Supreme Court needs to be empowered to strip Lower Federal Court judges of power when they show irreverence to our Constitution.
Wonder when DemocRATs will realize what a monster they've created by banning single use plastic straws? There's already been a death caused by a woman who's stainless steel straw went through her eye into her brain... Wonder if TSA will allow metal straws through the check stations... and when Sen Diane Feinstein will yell,  "we need a new law banning straws!"
Talk about we learn that Congressman Cummings talked about vermin "infestation" in Baltimore in 1999.. now what's his excuse for not doing something about it over the past 20 years?
Online headline: "Feds' crackdown on Baltimore drug trade nets 90 indicted, 51 guns, $1M cash" -- Looks like Baltimore is less infested than it was last week..
Repeat comment: You know..when we take/send asylum seekers back to Mexico to wait out the asylum process, and they choose/decide on their own to go back to their home countries, then the asylum seekers probably had no valid claim to be seeking asylum here or elsewhere.
From the "Bias? What bias?" department - Online "story": "The White House is on the verge of taking steps to protect thousands of Venezuelans living in the United States from deportation, even as it finds new ways to restrict the ability of asylum-seekers from other countries to claim refuge in the U.S. * The proposal was confirmed by a senior administration official and other U.S. officials familiar with the matter, and it could include work permits. It is controversial inside the Trump administration, which has sought to restrict immigration" -- "controversial"? "the Trump administration has sought to restrict immigration"? -- Trump reinforces his humanitarian compassion to protect Venezuelans in America from being persecuted and MSM-13 calls this "controversial"? And then MSM-13 accuses President Trump of being anti-immigration when all he's doing is carrying out his constitutional duties of protecting our border, our country, and out processed/invited guests. Hey, MSM-13.. take the log out of your eye!
Online headline: Venezuela hyperinflation hits 10 million percent. ‘Shock therapy’ may be only chance to undo the economic damage" -- This just revealed how Bernie and the other Socialist-DemocRATS running for the nomination are going to pay off student loans, give universal minimum wages/salaries, and pay for Medicare For All.. print cash on a $10,000,000.00-to-$1.00 ratio so nobody has debts... nor can afford food, or living..
How come we hear about 2 dozen protesters ranting about our Mexican Border issues from Portland, Oregon, but nothing about protests in Venezuela?
Was "stunned" to hear "Joe-been-BOed" tell us to go to his website, "Joe Three-0-Three-Three-0"... sounds like Joe's been BOtoxed so deep, he's given his website a "ZIP Code", and, basically preserved himself for the next 9 or more centuries.
You know...what we really need to know about the new MCSD "kop" program is whether the officers assigned are young enough to handle physical issues that happen with disturbed teens.
M/C L-E headline: "Special sales tax may leave Columbus voters in quandry (sic)" -- "leave Columbus voters in a quandary"? -- That's minor to what SPLOST projects do to drain our operating revenues and "Fund Balances"! Al the these "new things" are going to need staffing and maintenance, and no SPLOST revenues can be used for such so, revenues that need to be spent of current expenses each year become stretched to point that that deterioration of assets is guaranteed.. we are seeing in our Government Center, and have seen it in Spencer High School. We're seeing it in our Natatorium, and two outdoor pools that haven't been operable for the past two years.. I tell you what though, before any new SPLOSTs should be entertained, our Legislative ensemble needs to work together towards making all local elections and all tax referendums be decided on General Election Day.
Has anyone on the MCSB or Columbus Council stopped to consider that if we go to 9% sale taxes, it would be the equivalence of paying for an unserved, uneaten extra meal at a restaurant...
From the "what's the difference?" department - M/C L-E Commentary headline: "Democrats’ debate was a left vs. far left brawl" * BY MARC A. THIESSEN * Washington Post Writers Group" -- "Left vs far left"? Is there there any difference than "being pregnant but only a little bit pregnant"?
It's disgusting for DemocRAT candidates to try to blame President Trump for having anything to do with any of the mass shooting that have happened.. Trump was not responsible for any of the laws on our books nor did he pull a trigger on any of the weapons used. Now, if any politician has any responsibility for these, it will be the ones that have handcuffed police engagements, or voted to keep minor's violent actions "sealed" so those are not on public records when they become adults.. Hey, DemocRAT candidates.. do your past and current positions fit?
From the "as Fred Sanford would say, "It's the BIG one, Elizabeth!" department - M/C L-E headline/story: "Renovated Columbus Ice Rink reopens in time for hottest days * The rink at 400 Front St. was closed for its annual repairs and maintenance, which included removing the old ice and replacing it with new ice. And speaking of cold stuff, the air conditioning system got a checkup to make sure things inside the 38,122-square-foot facility stays chilly. The rink’s rental skates were spiffed up and are ready for you to take then for a spin. And the Zamboni got a once-over before being rolled out to keep the rink’s ice smooth and clean." -- What! An annually planned maintenance program! Be still my heart! Now, why is this the NORM versus the EXCEPTION for City assets?
M/C L-E headline/story: "Today in history — ASSOCIATED PRESS * In 1864, Union Adm. David G. Farragut led his fleet to victory in the Battle of Mobile Bay, Alabama." -- Wow, and his famous quote has been updated by President Trump 150-plus years later.. Trump looks at all the MSM-13/DemocRAT "torpedoes: fired at him, and tweets back, "Damn the Stupidos! Full speed ahead for America!"

Wow! Local public schools open Wednesday, and have you seen the situation at the River Road/Bradley Park Drive "roundabout"?  Guess all of ex-mayor Tom-LYING-son's Green Island Hills donors will be pleased to be the first parents/grandparents who will have to  drive "way round about  the school to get their students there and to pick up afterwards.. Oh, and can't wait to see how the Harris County business commuters and MCSD buses handle the "detours when the rest of River Road is closed to complete the rebuild of the Roundabout road bed..

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