Thursday, December 19, 2019

From the "Bullying? What bullying?" department - Online story: "Donald Trump became the third sitting president in U.S. history to be impeached, as the House of Representatives approved on Wednesday the first of two charges against him: that he abused the power of his office by pressuring Ukraine to interfere in the 2020 election on his behalf. * The House approved the first article of impeachment, charging the president with abuse of power, by a vote of 230 to 197 at 8:34 p.m. after a daylong debate. Of the 233 Democrats, 228 voted in favor, along with the House’s one Independent. Two Democrats opposed the measure. No Republicans voted in favor." -- You know.. liberals should be embarrassed at themselves.. not only have they exposed the major flaw in a pure Democracy (of which our Forefathers fervently... and correctly made sure we were NOT)... that the popular vote of a mob-mentality group eliminates "reason" in their actions. Impeachment charges based on a one-party agenda is the worst case of "bullying" ever recorded.
From the "and the bullying continues" department - Online headline: "Jeff Van Drew ousted from Blue Dog Dems; gets office help from GOP after staffers quit" -- Wow! Just shows you how the Democratic Party leadership responds to any elected representative making choices that represent his/her constituency back in their home districts. It also demonstrates the hierarchy of the Socialist Democrats as presented in "Animal Farm".. "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."
Hmmm... the Republican Party should file charges against every Democrat in the House who made a statement inaccuracy on the floor of the House or in any Committee room about why they voted for impeaching President Trump. It's recorded verbatim and would be lying to Congress as well as America.
Irony? Congressman Alcee Hastings, D-FL, was once appointed a District Court Judge by Cuzzin Jimmy.. In the summer of 1988, the full House of Representatives (with the Democrats having 258 seats to Republicans 177) took up the case, and Hastings was impeached for bribery and perjury by a vote of 413–3. He was then convicted in 1989 by the United States Senate (with Democrats having 55 seats and Republican 45) * The Senate had the option to forbid Hastings from ever seeking federal office again, but did not do so". How did Florida voters send a man like Hastings to Congress, and why would Queen PeLOUSY appoint Hastings to the HOUSE RULES COMMITTEE?
From the "coin-toss truth" department Online headline: "'We squandered a major economic recovery': Harvard professor" -- "We Squandered"? Well, only if he meant the Democrats,, and since he is a Harvard professor, we KNOW he's a liberal..
Wow! On the floor of the House, Stony Hoyer, DemocRAT Congressman from Maryland..mentioned he missed the civility of the Republicans of old..of course, he could not say he missed any civility of old or current DemocRATs as bullying has always been the Democrat agenda. Stoyer is just not use to the Republicans standing strong against the Democrat bullying agenda.
Online headline: "Eric Swalwell's Trump comment on CNN sparks Twitter furor: 'We can only conclude that you're guilty' -- You know..these DemocRATs have really revealed themselves as the despotic Socialists they are... in America, the accused is innocent until proven..PROVEN.. guilty, and the accused has no responsibility to prove his/her innocence.
You know... I do not believe I've heard one Democrat candidate for their Party's nomination say that he or she would be willing to give up any of the Constitutional powers/authorities to Congress that are reserved for the President to lead this country.
Columbus Ledger-Enquirer headline: "TRUMP IMPEACHED * House sends case to Senate for trial" -- My daughters grew up hearing my bride's and my take of what goes on in the world of politics, and learned that what they hear via MainStreamMedia (a.k.a. MSM-13) is not necessarily "news", but opinion and bias..One daughter called last night to ask more about what "impeached" means.. she pretty much knew, but wanted our support .. Seems her college graduated, liberal friends all feel that President Trump was kicked out of office last night.. my bride and I assured her that what happened last night was no different than a Grand Jury indictment that sends a case to the Court system for trail, and that the Senate now would have a trial that's fair to the President, and that President Trump is.. and will still be our President when all this is over.. and what has happened so far is nothing more that a large gang bullying someone simply because "they can". What's the saddest part of her experience is that her friends were not properly taught the workings of our government in high school nor college.
Online headline/story: "Former FBI and CIA chief William Webster calls Trump and Barr's attacks against FBI a 'dire threat' to rule of law" * "Today, the integrity of the institutions that protect our civil order is, tragically, under assault from too many people whose job it should be to protect them," William Webster, the only person to lead both of the intelligence services, wrote in a New York Times op-ed published Monday." -- ""Today, the integrity of the institutions that protect our civil order is, tragically, under assault from too many people whose job it should be to protect them"? You know, Webster's comments would have been way more pertinent 3 years ago when then FBI Director James Comey handed over a fraudulent FISA warrant to a judge to authorize unlawfully spying on a private US citizen who was running for and won the presidency of our country.. Webster should have been more concerned as to whether Comey was simply a rogue FBI official, or was under pressure by the then president of our country.
Speaking of William Websters diatribe.... FISA Judge Collyer's anger over Comey's fraudulently presented request overrides every point that Webster is trying to highlight. If Comey acted on his own, that's even scarier than if he responded to a. Obama order.
One thing we can pretty much assume is that James Comey, the former the head of the FBI, would know how to eliminate evidence of his crimes within the FBI, but the FISA Court is a different story.
You know.. James Comey feels he is not in danger of evidence appearing that could be used to convict him in a court of law..well, if I were the once head of the FBI. I'd feel pretty sure I'd covered all my bases by making sure any trace evidence was either destroyed of deleted..but he cannot do either on the FISA Warrants he presented to the FISA Court.. let's just pray that Judge Rosemary Collyer, the presiding judge on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, is as PO'd as it sounds like she is.
Wow! Haven't heard this good of news since some Democrat Yahoo turned Hellary's $1000.00 into $100,000.00 in a couple of days playing cattle options. Hmmm...sounded like a bunch of cow patties to me then, too.
I've been rethinking what I said about Judge Ginsburg's assessment of President Trump's assertion... the one that the Supreme Court should stop the Democrats impeachment charges, she's just wrong in saying that it's not a SC issue now... The Supreme Court should recognize that what the Democrat agenda is trying to do is destroy.. usurp.. any future president's power and ability to represent the best interests of the American Citizens in International dealings.
Online story: "The Georgia Secretary of State this week removed hundreds of thousands of registered voters it classified as "inactive" from its voting rolls, amid a legal challenge from a voting rights group to block the purge of a portion of the names. * The removal comes as part of a new state provision signed into law earlier this year. Under the provision, the state must remove registration records from the voter rolls that have been deemed "inactive" for more than three years. A voter is categorized as "inactive" if they don't vote in two general elections and have had no contact with board of elections in that time * About 313,000 voters were removed from the list, or about 4% of all registered voters in the state, according to the Secretary of State. The "inactive" voters were marked for removal after failing to respond to a pre-addressed, postage paid confirmation card within 30 days; the card asked voters to confirm or update their information." -- Can you not see Stacey Abrams imploding! Sadly, this is a new law, when common sense says such an examination of the voting list should have mandatorily occurred every two years following the General Elections (and any runoffs).
Online story: "Former FBI lawyer Lisa Page explained to MSNBC host Rachel Maddow what the text messages between her and former FBI agent Peter Strzok actually meant during her first televised interview on Tuesday." -- Wow... speaking with the likes of Rachael Madcow is not exactly like being under oath to tell the truth.
You know it's an absolute shame our school board has so little confidence in its SPLOST proposal that it won't submit them during the General Election where the whole community has time to sold on... and show unity for the mission of the school system.
Columbus L-E story: "OPELIKA, ALA. A teenager charged in a car crash that killed an Auburn University radio announcer and his wife earlier this year went to jail Wednesday after a judge revoked his bond. * Lee County District Judge Russell Bush ordered the arrest of Johnston Edward Taylor, 16, during a hearing, and deputies took him straight to jail, news outlets reported. * Taylor was free on $50,000 bond while charged with two counts of reckless manslaughter in the death of Auburn broadcaster Rod Bramblett and his wife Paula in May. * Prosecutors asked the judge to revoke the bond because Taylor received at least three tickets in November for speeding and reckless driving. In one instance, authorities found marijuana residue in his car, prosecutors said in court documents." -- Good grief.. it's hard to understand.. much less comprehend the actions of teens, but where in the hell were his parents! How did this menace get a vehicle to drive again! He's back where he belongs.. and sadly, and this will sound harsh.. but it needs to be said...I do not think he should be released on bail again before his trial, but maybe the authorities should investigate also his parents.. or any other friends or family that voluntarily provided him a vehicle.. and charge them with domestic terrorism!

Columbus L-E headline: "Fiat Chrysler, Peugeot sign deal for 50-50 merger" -- Hmmm let's pick a name for this new company... how about "Fias-car-go" it sort encapsulates the visual imagery of a slow moving fiasco.

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