Monday, December 2, 2019

So Congressman Doug Collins wants Congressman Fulla Schi** to be the 1st witness called by the Republicans in the House Judiciary hearings... hmmm.. you'd think the DemocRATs would HAVE to call him FIRST... he's still the only one that hadn't testified who claims he has evidence for Trump's impeachment.
I also think Congressman Collins should call on Joe Biden to testify.. at this point, the Ukraine/China issues are secondary.. what I want to hear... under oath.. is him swear he can cure cancer.. and how.
Interesting headline: "Senator Elizabeth Warren's net worth revealed as the 2020 Presidential Election heats up" -- Hmmm.. and yet as I see Warren, her "net worth" to the future of America is.... zilch...
From the "wink, wink" department - Online headline/story: "MSNBC confuses ex-Trump navy secretary for infamous white supremacist * An image of white nationalist Spencer, was accidentally shown in place of the former military leader. * Host Joy-Ann Reid issued “a very big correction” on-air for the mistake, saying, “Earlier in the segment as we were talking about former Navy Secretary Richard Spencer, we mistakenly showed the wrong image of white supremacist Richard Spencer. Very deeply sorry for that mistake.” " -- "confused"? "mistakenly showed"? "issued a big correction"? Wait a minute.... did we hear an (wink-wink) APOLOGY? Looks like MSNBC ENJOYED connecting BOTH Spencers to President Trump, and pointing their "mistake" and "confusion" was an extra way to be disrespectful.
From the "you still have to wonder" department - Online headline: "Toll at least 21 after Mexico cartel attack near U.S. border" -- know, you still have to wonder if any of the guns used were supplied by the Obama/Holder "fast & furious" program to provide automatic weapons to Mexican drug cartels..
After hearing about NYC mayor de Bl@sio's "homeless relocation program", we have to wonder if he sent any to Martha's Vineyard so the Obama's could offer one of their many spare... and unused... bedrooms? How about to Montecito, CA.. Oprah's has about 35 bedrooms as I recall.
Why are we paying sales taxes on our Christmas trees bought in Columbus? Two separate issues back this up...1..separation of church and state is a popular one liberals can be fully partisan about, but I think precedence is the best defense....most Christmas trees are grown on tree farms, and farm products for home use are not taxed by the state of GA....and they shouldn't be taxed by local SPLOSTs and LOSTs either!
From the "Back to the Future..Bloomberg style" department - 2013 headline/story: "NYC Mayor Bloomberg: Government has right to 'infringe on your freedom' * “I do think there are certain times we should infringe on your freedom,” Mr. Bloomberg said, during an appearance on NBC. He made the statement during discussion of his soda ban — just shot down by the courts — and insistence that his fight to control sugary drink portion sizes in the city would go forth. * Mr. Bloomberg’s remaining months in office have included a firestorm of regulations and policy pushes on wide range of issues. Aside from the soda size ban and a well-publicized call for tighter gun control, another contentious policy he pushed: Nudging hospitals to lock up baby formula to force mothers to breast-feed newborns." -- Hmmm.. you know.. why is that DemocRATs who have "made it" financially feel that no one else can do so without them controlling their lives?
From the "I need a job.. Warren's VP slot will do fine " department - Online headline/story: "Colin Kaepernick speaks at 'Unthanksgiving' celebration, criticizes US * "Spent the morning at the Indigenous People’s Sunrise Ceremony on the 50 year anniversary of the Occupation of Alcatraz," Kaepernick tweeted on Thanksgiving day. * . Thank you to my Indigenous family, I’m with you today and always." -- Wow! Whatta combination the Warren-KaeperPRICK team would be .. two people raised by white families claiming they are indigenous people...
Surely it's not only me, but the two "semifinal" bowl games to determine the finalists for the National Championship are being played BEFORE the traditional January 1st Major Bowl Day.... this is JUST WRONG!
Looks like New Orleans is getting ready... early.. for the Sugar Bowl fireworks show.. 10 KNOWN people were shot on Canal Street early Sunday morning.
From the "you didn't see it in the Columbus L-E on Monday" department - WTVM-9 headline/story: "Victim in shooting on Terminal Ct. in Columbus ID’d * The victim in a deadly shooting on Terminal Court in Columbus has been identified. * Muscogee County Deputy Coroner Elizabeth Allison confirms that 29-year-old Jamad Humphrey was shot and killed." -- Number 36... unless you feel 35 is more politically correct.. fortunately, there are only 29 more days in 2019 before we start over counting.
Columbus L-E story: "The House impeachment inquiry enters a pivotal stage this week, with investigators planning a vote Tuesday to approve their report making the case for President Donald Trump’s removal from office as he decides whether to mount a defense before a likely Senate trial. * A draft report will be available for members of the House Intelligence Committee to view in a secure location before their planned vote on Tuesday, which would send their findings to the House Judiciary Committee to consider actual charges." -- Hmmm...since it could be edgy to get the necessary :YES votes from just DemocRATs, I hope a few Republicans will be on "standby" to vote YES if it looks doubtful that the Fulla Schi** report might not get approved.. America NEEDS this to get to the Senate!
Columbus L-E headline/story: "City preps for legal fight over Confederate flags" -- Good grief.. the City is definitely guilty of "desecration" of a cemetery!
From the "times are...well..may be...a-changing " department - Online story: "The Newsweek writer behind a story on President Trump's Thanksgiving plans has been fired but is pushing back on the perception that the published story -- initially leaving out that Trump was visiting troops in Afghanistan, but rather mistakenly saying he would be "tweeting" and "golfing" -- was her fault." -- "fired"? Yes! But... I can remember when a liberal reporter would have been given a pat-on-the-back, vacation time.. and a raise for coming up with "a good one" in disrespecting President Trump...
You know. I find it interesting that whenever Trump or Pence go into combat zones, security measures such as not mentioning it to DemocRATs or MSM-13 is necessary, yet when DemocRATs want to do the same, they pretty much advertise it without fear of possibly being in danger..
From the "Bias? What bias?" department - NBC headline/story: "Ilhan Omar's opponent banned from Twitter after suggesting congresswoman should be hanged * Danielle Stella, a candidate hoping to challenge Omar for her Minnesota seat in the 2020 election, tweeted earlier this week, "If it is proven @IlhanMN passed sensitive info to Iran, she should be tried for #treason and hanged."" --"suggested hanging"? I think y=she hit the nail on the head.. if Omar was CONVICTED of treason, hanging would be an appropriate sentence... What's really sad is that NBC, which wouldn't EXIST without the 1st Amendment, is supporting the loss of an American citizen's 1st Amendment right to free speech...
Online story: "Terry Glenn Jr., the son of former Pro Bowl and All-American receiver Terry Glenn, died of an accidental drug overdose on Thursday," -- "accidental overdose"? As sad as this death is, calling it "accidental" just "kicks the drug problem down the road". "Accidental" implies that the drugs were ingested/injected "unintentionally" which is probably not the case. Pray for his family...
From the "nailed it!" department - Online headline/story: "“This is Not a Day Care. It’s a University!” : College President Writes Scathing Letter About Students Wanting To Play The Victim And Blame Others * The President of Oklahoma Wesleyan University gave a lecture to students they’ll never forget. * Recently, a student complained about a sermon that made him feel guilty and blamed the school for making students feel uncomfortable." -- Good grief! I hope the MCSB tracks him down and makes him an offer to be our next School Superintendent!
You know, with the DemocRATs so intent on making "Medicare for all" the only healthcare option, how many of those currently eligible to get Medicare have opted to drop their Senate or House healthcare plans FOR Medicare?
Good grief! Germany is going to bury 28,000 Cubic Meters of highly active nuclear material in some remote area ..possibly in a 3rd World Country, which needs the revenue, and won't have the security to keep safe from terrorist eager to steal nuclear waste to build "dirty bombs". Perhaps, a future despot of such a country will SELL the nuclear waste to terrorists!
The NFL is suffering "at the gate"... and deservedly so... as despicable as KaeperPRICK's disrespect for our flag, veterans, and law enforcement was/is, it was his personal opinion.. but when the NFL owners "condoned" it by their silence and their became a National issue.. and it STAYS a national issue!
Ole know, a definitive name of what to call Ole Miss has been in limbo for some time with campus movements that have shifted emphasis away from the historical "Col. Reb and the Rebels" era.. mascot ideas have moved to Black Bears and Landsharks, but the game against Mississippi State in this years "Egg Bowl" has nailed the name of the future for them.. after their what could have resulted in a tie score, the runner made a disgusting personal statement of getting doggie styled and lifting his leg in a classic dog urination pose and was hit with an "unsportsmanlike conduct" penalty which put the tying point-after-attempt out at the 25 yard line and it was missed. From now on, Mississippi's University at Oxford SHALL simply be known as "Ole PISS".
Ironically.. had the same kick trajectory been done from "the 10 yard line", it would have gone THROUGH the uprights and tied the score.
Oh... and the Old Pisser himself, Elijah Moore, wasn't counting on the camera attention he got.. the shot made it appear he'd been "neutered"...
While the judge and jury are still out, it seems that in typical liberals' "rush to judgment style", the president of Brazil is blaming uber-lib Leo DiCaprio for some of the Amazon Forest fires... seems Leo is funding some environmental organizations who are under scrutiny for being BEHIND some fires. Looks like Leo may actually "be a little green" after all,, especially around "the gills".
Online story: "Protesters around the world disrupted Black Friday shopping in order to draw attention to climate change days before the United Nations met to discuss the issue in Madrid." -- Hmmm... you know, if protesters had tried to block our store's doors (Kirven's Department Stores in Columbus, GA... 1876-1993) at a George Washington Day's Sale, shoppers would have just trampled over them... and justice would have been served..
Islamic terrorists struck Friday in London.. and The Hague.. two were killed in London and several were injured there and in The Hague, Netherlands by terrorist on a stabbing spree. While the one in The Hague is still out, it's the dead one in London that causes the most consternation... Following the attack, London police identified the suspect as 28-year-old Usman Khan, who lived in the Staffordshire area and was convicted in 2012 for "terrorism offenses." * Authorities said Khan had been released in December 2018 "on license," meaning he had to meet certain conditions or face being sent back to prison" -- Good grief.. what is it with liberals that feel putting a violent terrorist in jail will cause rehabilitation and they can release them back into society as "changed"? The two dead and all the wounded in London are so because of LIBERALS!
I've decided that my 7 year old granddaughter is going to become the first "trans-ager Senior".. that way my bride's and my tickets at the movies won't be cheaper than hers.
OK.. Hey Council... November is gone, and December has arrived.. yet no response on to questions of public interest... 1- how much is the Deputy Mayor's salary, and what is his job description that makes it a necessary job? - and 2 - Will the Chase Homes be rebuilt on the same location or moved elsewhere.. and if moved, where?
You know.. the fact that Chase Homes exist in the area that ex-Mayor Tom-LYING-son feels would benefit from redevelopment yet public housing shouldn't be part of it..there.. should really reveal the true DemocRAT agenda..
Killing number 34 happened Friday here in Columbus...more than 17 per 100,000
Statistic Reportedincidents  Columbus/100k  Georgia/100k  National/100k
Murder           35                      17.6                  6.7                5.3
This is the legacy of ex-Columbus mayor.. wannabe US Senator Tom-LYING-son 3 times the State Rate, and close to 4 times the National rate
From the "the other shoe is dropping" department - Online story: "Stacey Abrams’ campaign on Wednesday asked a judge to deny the Georgia ethics commission’s demand for more documents linked to the Democrat’s 2018 race for governor, saying it had already sufficiently complied with the panel’s request." --Obviously, a conflict in opinion.. since when is a subject of an investigation able to decide whether the Ethics Commission has enough "sufficient" documents it wants?
California is the pits! God drops rain to quench the fires, and snow to add charm and delight, and California has nothing good to say about it... Happy Thanklessness!
From the "are you listening America?" department - Columbus L-E story: "Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s plan to tax the assets of America’s wealthiest individuals continues to draw broad support from voters, across party, gender and educational lines. Only one slice of the electorate opposes it staunchly: Republican men with college degrees." -- Wow! In one fell swoop, MSM-13 and the DemocRATic Party have exposed their Socialist agenda bias, their Socialist GENDER bias, and their Socialist hatred for individual success. They've also given all Americans the best voting advice EVER! (Hey... RINOs are not Republicans!)
From "straight from the 'Pitts of despair" department - Columbus L-E guest commentary headline: "Believe Fiona Hill: Russia, not Ukraine, is our enemy * BY LEONARD PITTS JR. * MIAMI HERALD" -- Two things.. Remember when "the Pitts" agreed with Obama when Obama mocked Romney for declaring our worst enemy was Russia... and now "the Pitts" is supporting a non-American who's basically a foreign meddler/interferer in our elections.
I've decided that my 7 year old granddaughter is going to become the first "trans-ager Senior".. that way my bride's and my tickets at the movies won't be cheaper than hers.
Looks like Congressman Jerry Nadler, D-NY, will be the DemocRAT shill of the month in December.. Seriously, can any one who has seen Shrek not look at Nadler and think about Lard Farquaad?
Following a "trip" in October, I went to a local ER...the bill details are just now coming in... the details reveal why costs are so high.. I was lined up with several others for a CT scan.. even though no Dr/PA actually evaluated me before hand to see if I needed one, and then I was treated.. and quite professionally and acceptably.. by a PA.. and dismissed by said PA, the bill detail indicates I was treated by a Doctor as well.. I did not see one Doctor in the 4 hours I was contained in that facility.
Columbus L-E story: "Study after study published in recent months has underscored the rapid pace of global warming and the need to urgently cut emissions of greenhouse gases." -- "Study after study"? What we NEED is a "study" that evaluates all the "studies" MSM-13 uses to propagate its agenda. There are NO requirements that "studies" actually be factual..
From the "hey, Bill, what was the name of your lawyer?" department - Online story: "Gordon Sondland, who testified publicly this month in the House impeachment inquiry, is categorically denying allegations of sexual misconduct that occurred before he took his diplomatic post and were published for the first time on Wednesday. * “In decades of my career in business and civic affairs, my conduct can be affirmed by hundreds of employees and colleagues with whom I have worked in countless circumstances. These untrue claims of unwanted touching and kissing are concocted and, I believe, coordinated for political purposes. They have no basis in fact, and I categorically deny them,” Sondland said in a statement about the claims" -- "categorically deny"? Sounds sorta like "I did not have sex... with that woman.... wonder what Sondland's definition of "IS" is...
A few months ago, there were 2 dozen DemocRATs vying for the presidential nomination in 2020..The highest polling number was about 30%. Now, following 'drop and add' period, there are about 16 candidates left and the highest polling candidate still only gets about 30% of those left..sounds like not even DemocRATs want any of the choices either.
From the "alternate explanation" department -Online headline/story: "UK police explain decision on Prince Andrew case * London police are defending the decision not to pursue a full investigation of allegations made against Prince Andrew by a woman who says she was trafficked by the late convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. * Metropolitan Police Commander Alex Murray said, “Following the legal advice, it was clear that any investigation into human trafficking would be largely focused on activities and relationships outside the U.K." -- Hmmm.. I think it sounds like the UK Police (Scotland Yard?" feels it is the FBI and the the Queen Mum feels like she's Hellary, and the Metro Police Commander feels like he's James Comey.
From the "this is what's wrong with "politicians making business deals" versus businesspersons making political decisions" department - Online headline/story: "Illinois Democratic senator resigns amid federal corruption, bribery probe * FBI agents raided Sandoval's offices and home looking for information on concrete and construction businesses as well as information related to bribery or theft of federal funds. They were also looking for information on a power company, officials, lobbyists, gambling interests, a red-light camera company and information on at least three suburban mayors. * The move comes after two months of pressure by Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker and other state leaders who demanded Sandoval step down as chairman of the Transportation Committee. Pritzker expressed concern about the state's $41.5 billion construction program, in which Sandoval had a leading role last spring." -- What in the world is a politician doing running a $41 BILLION dollar "business"... on the other hand, we've seen Donald Trump.. the businessman... make a great difference in how a "political business" fares.
You know.. the DemocRAT agenda is not near as concerned as which candidate of theirs wins their nomination as they are at getting President Trump OUT OF OFFICE.. They fear how much more change he can make with 4 more years in office that will undermine the whole socialist platform because America's citizens are becoming "woke" ... again!
From the "manufactured problem?" department - Online headline/story: "ICE arrests deported Guatemalan woman who killed 4 kids in 2008 bus crash after she’s found living in US * A Guatemalan woman arrested Tuesday for illegally re-entering the U.S. had previously been deported after serving eight years in prison for causing a 2008 school bus crash that killed four children in Minnesota. * Olga Franco del Cid, 35, was taken into custody Tuesday at her home in Inver Grove Heights after U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers received a tip she had returned to Minnesota. * Franco del Cid was convicted of killing four children in a school bus after the minivan she was driving ran a stop sign in February 2008. She was in the country illegally and had claimed her boyfriend was driving. * She served eight years in state prison and was deported in 2016 following her release." -- Build that WALL!.. Oh, and check out her voting records!
From the "the truth will set you free" department - Online headline/story: "Ken Cuccinelli, acting DHS deputy, forced to leave bar after being assailed by Martin O'Malley * The incident allegedly took place at the Dubliner, an Irish pub on Capitol Hill where Cuccinelli and O’Malley were said to be attending an event with fellow graduates of Gonzaga College High School, according to the Washington Post, which first reported the encounter. * “We all let him know how we felt about him putting refugee immigrant kids in cages -- certainly not what we were taught by the Jesuits at Gonzaga,” O’Malley said in a text to the Post, adding that Cuccinelli is “the son of immigrant grandparents who cages children for a fascist president.” -- Wait a minute.. it was Obama who ordered ... and had those "cages" built.. In fact.. it was during the time O'Malley was the Governor of Maryland and supported everything Obama wanted!
You's the liberals inability to know.. to freely admit.. what the truth is, then not knowing when to shut up letting people know the truth is what will return Trump to the White House, and the DemocRATs back into the minority... and obscurity!
Ah! The Macy's Parade...think of all the effort Macy's puts into it....then think about the Macy's "brain freeze" in 2016 when in a mean spirited politically correct leftist moment Macy's kowtowed to Hellary-mania and kicked out Trump fashion merchandise. Haven't bought..even been in the local unit since. Well, I do use their Lenox Square bathrooms when cutting through to the main mall area.
Bias? What bias?" Department... New York Times fake news.."There's no evidence in the IG Report of FBI spying om Trump Campaign".. -- Of course there's " no evidence" in the report..The report is about FACTS...from which evidence can be extracted in a proper investigation by the Senate.
Also... did you notice that the Dems had their "A-team" out as spinmeisters on the upcoming IG report ALL's what they do when they are in deeper doo-doo than normal.
Quid pro quo? That's the whole methodology of the DemocRATic Party agenda... .promise anything .. to get votes!
---'s Monday...again...and those 48 California Turkeys...uh...DemocRATs ..are returning to Washington. Lord help us!
Online headline/story: "Former District Attorney weighs in on bond reduction in Blanchard case * As the investigation into Aniah Blanchard’s kidnapping continues, questions continue to surface about bond amounts set for suspects arrested in the case. * A judge set Antwon Fisher’s bond at $50,000. He was the second man charged in Aniah’s disappearance. Investigators say he helped Ibraheem Yazeed destroy evidence in the case.
* Fisher also pleaded guilty to murder in 2006 and was sentenced to 19 years with 17 of that suspended." -- What! 17 years of a 19 year sentence were SUSPENDED! Good grief.. and he probably got the other two "off" for good behavior! There can be no real justice for the people when consequences are laughed at by convicted criminals... and the court system!
While we can be Thankful that she's no longer in "the picture"... but where is Huma Abedin? Actually, she's still involved with Hellary.. In fact, she's described.. Politico once described her as Hillary Clinton’s “shadow.” .. Excuse me, but if Politico described Abedin as a "shadow" .. you know, if a truthful publication described a dedicated and constant supporter of color of President Trump as his "shadow", it would be a racial slur on Trump's part.

We also learn that divorce proceedings of 2017 were altered in January of 2018.. but not finalized as of July 2019.. my guess is neither she nor Weiner can afford a divorce which would eliminate either testifying against the other in court.

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