Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Looks like Pete Booty-gig has some "splainin'" to do... he went behind closed doors at California fundraiser at a Napa Valley winery, and other DemocRAT candidates are blasting him for seeking "fat cat donors". Hmmm.. the liberals chief pooper, the HuffPOOPOO , has outed Mayor Pete in a worse way than his open personal life...he's being vilified because the fundraising sponsor is wealthy and lives in luxury. Amazing.. Bernie and Warren have no trouble going after the wealthy to tax them to fund their big money plans, but seems Bernie and Warren feel it's not OK if the wealthy want a say in who they donate their money.
You know.. it's bad enough that the wealthy are vilified by the DemocRATs, but what will happen to charity organizations once a Bernie or Warren government has stripped billionaires and millionaires of their money they give to charities?
Open letter to Columbus Council.. MCSB, too:
Having the ability to tax and spend is an awesome power! It's sorta like winning a lottery.. once you do, everyone who wants something becomes "your friend" and they have their hands out. Trouble is.. it's not lottery money you are given.. it's tax dollars that property owners share with you to take care of their community. Having the ability to making decisions that create flashy new projects or attractions need to be tempered with what's best for the community long term. Treat our community as if it's YOUR home... YOUR community, and you want to "sell" it to new "buyers". It's easy to feel that adding a new family pool will make YOUR home more desirable. but unless the driveway and foundation cracks are tended to, no "buyers" will even care about the new family pool you installed trying to make a new buyer NOT NOTICE the cracks in the driveway and foundation.
Several cases in point have occurred all to often in recent years.. Council has spent $4.6 Million on a new roundabout that originally was going top come out of state funding.. and the money pit Natatorium... WHEW!.. what happened? Bicycle paths have been the focus versus basic street maintenance. And in the MCSD,money set aside for school roof repairs/replacement have ended up funding an "astro-turf" baseball and softball complex at Columbus High, 40'X60' metal exercise buildings on slab foundations are costing $312.00 per sq square foot, and a recent Title 9 lawsuit at another high school resulted in a settlement that includes a 1,000 square foot girls locker room costing nearly $450.00 per square foot (and since it was about "equality", I wanted to see pictures of the boys baseball locker room to see if that one costs the same.. but no one from the MCSB or District responded), and who can forget a rather new high school being built on insufficient ground basically being abandoned (Anyone want to inform us on the future of it or will the MCSD just let it rot?) and a new, though not necessary for the number of students in high school, one was built for some $56 Million... and let's certainly not overlook the education and crime statistics that every "new buyer" is sure to Google..
I know Columbus Council and School Board positions aren't "big paydays. but ... BUT you stepped up and volunteered your service.. Please keep that in mind when juggling decisions about maintaining what we have versus buying the shiny new toy..
I heard some time ago that Columbus would be the site of a traveling edition of "The Price is Right!"... a popular TV game show.. I thought this would possibly be an event that would give Columbus some national exposure.. Recently, I've been hearing some ads for the event.. we're now learning it's not to showcase Columbus or the show, but just a money making event for the promoters.. The show won't be on TV.. heck, Drew Carey want even be here to run the show.. it's simply an event that will cost you at least $35.00 as a spectator, and who knows what "prizes" will be that contestants can "win" since I doubt sponsors will donate nice things in exchange for national publicity/exposure.
Online headline: "Schumer says he wants impeachment trial focused on facts, not 'conspiracy theories,' as he balks at GOP calling witnesses" -- Hey, Schmoozer.. sit down and shut up.. it's not your show! House DemocRATs had their shows and opportunities to present CREDIBLE witnesses,,, but didn't, and since the Dems feel what they presented warrants "charges", there is no need for anymore DemocRAT witnesses. Stick around though.. if the Republicans bring in Comey and his cronies, and the Bidens.. it could get pretty intense..
You gotta go kidding..now one CA DemocRAT..Brad Sherman .. feels the Trump impeachment is justified because Trump fired Comey in 2017..now he feels that the Senate should call more DemocRAT witnesses.. hmmm...you know, since the DemoCRATs' Judiciary Committee has already found him guilty, then why does Sherman feel more DemocRAT witnesses are needed...he didn't seem to feel that way about Republican witnesses in the House trials.
The most interesting question on the Senate table will be what lawyer will be interested in tying his/her reputation to presenting the DemocRATs case against President Trump?...
I do not know if it was ironic, prophetic, or simply coincidental, but yesterday afternoon, while traveling north on Veterans Parkway, I witnessed a vulture slowly circling the Wilson Homes site. Did the CPD miss something Sunday?
Personally, I can't wait for the Senate trial to begin...of course I'm assuming PELOUSY can get an impeachment charge passed despite the growing grumbles within the DemocRATic Party... but I want a detailed trial..complete with the Supreme Court decision on whether President Trump was allowed to have privileged conversation with his advisers. I then want Schi** under oath and be asked under what authority did he deny an American citizen be charged of a crime, and his actual accuser not testifying to such, then I want Comey and Clinesmith to be questioned..under oath...at the same time..but without ability to hear each others testimony..then I will lay out my next set of druthers.
From the "talk about an elephant in the room that MSM-13 and DemoCRATs don't see" department - Online headline: "Dow gains 10,000th point since Trump's election" -- The DOW was created in 1915 as a way to quickly get a feel of how the overall markets were doing.. it took the DOW until 1983 before it reached 1,000 points. The Dow hit 10,000 points for the first time in 1999.. receded a bit, than reclaimed the 10,000 point level in 2004 It has now reached 28,000! The 10,000 point growth under President Trump in 3 years is literally AMAZING!
Hey, Columbus Council/MCSB.. how does the DOW's meteoric 10,000 point rise (55%) compare with the revenues received from all the LOSTs and SPLOSTs Columbus has?
SEN UpChuck Schmoozer literally undermined his fellow NY House legislator Jerald Nadler as well as CA Congresspersons Queen PeLOUSY and Fulla Schi** by stating he needs more witnesses. Obviously, what they produced left Schmoozer..well..basically, unsure that they made their case for impeachment.
From the "poll truth.. nothing but the poll truth" department - Wow! Democrat strategist turned Fox News spinmeister Mary Anne Marsh actually said there was a poll that said that the way the Republicans were handling the impeachment process was "purely political " .. Good grief... the whole process has been political for the DemocRATs since before President Trump actually took office!
Ironic online headline/story: "Ex-President Obama, overseas with Michelle, said it’s time for women to run the world * Speaking at a private event in Singapore, “Women, I just want you to know, you are not perfect, but what I can say pretty indisputably is that you’re better than us,” Obama reportedly said Monday. “I’m absolutely confident that for two years if every nation on Earth was run by women, you would see a significant improvement across the board on just about everything."" -- Good grief.. he didn't feel that way when he took the DemocRAT nomination away from Hellary in 2008.. but then again, if he hadn't, we'd know how wrong his assumptions today are.. Of course, if I announced I didn't feel "women were perfect" while my wife was sitting next to me, I'd be writhing on the floor with multiple broken ribs from a well placed elbow.
HuffPOOPOO "poop" headline: "Rudy Giuliani admits wanting Marie Yovanovitch fired to probe Bidens" -- And Rudy was right! This country.. our country.. doesn't need underlings speaking of policy variables that don't reflect the President's opinion.
Online headline: "FBI: 19-year-old arrested, charged in Houston mercury spill" -- (Good grief.. I'm posting the URL so you can read this article and it's absurdness)
What kind of world do we live in that mercury can cause so much angst? I know it's a carcinogen if swallowed, but does anyone remember the oral thermometers our mothers used to see if we had a temperature if we complained we were too sick to go to school? They were filled with mercury.. in fact, we were intrigued with mercury, and who didn't break the little bulb off of a thermometer and "free" the mercury so we could play with it it? It made a blob of silver that would "break" into many little beads if you pressed it with your finger tip, and if you jiggled the bowl, all the little silver beads would reassemble themselves back into a single bead. We even use to rub them on pennies and make them look like dimes.
Online headline: "Number of Trump's 'false or misleading claims' rose dramatically in 2019" -- Good grief.. where is MSM-13 on exposing the TRUE LIES of Al Gore and the climate changes? In 2007, Al Gore stated.. definitively.. that in 6 or 7 years, there would be catastrophic results and unchangeable flooding situations.. well, 2013 and 2014 have long passed, and where are the MSM-13 "truth-seekers" looking for Algore! Now this is the time we need to hear from Greta Sundberg.. she should be yelling, "Al Gore.. YOU LIED!"
I find it extremely self-serving when MSM-13 throws out numbers on the effect of Chinese tariffs on US farmers.. yet do not mention the BILLIONS of dollars that President Trump has allocated TO our farmers to make up the "hit".
Online headline: "Nadler brushes off Van Drew's planned jump to GOP, says he's 'reacting' to poor poll numbers" -- Hmmmm... or in other words, Van Drew is doing his job...representing the needs and concerns of the voters in his district.

Columbus L-E headline/story: "No charges for vandal who drew swastikas at UGA * University of Georgia officials determined a Clemson University-bound student visiting the Athens campus was responsible for drawing swastikas on student doors inside a residence hall last month. He won’t face criminal charges, officials noted in a statement. * The university didn’t identify the student in its statement last week, but confirmed he was banned from all University of Georgia system campuses, news outlets reported Friday. * The South Carolina student admitted to drawing explicit images in a residence hall in October, according to an incident report obtained by news outlets. Someone saw him drawing the images, told him to stop and erased them, the report said * Similar offensive drawings were also found in November. The student admitted to being in the hall again that month, but denied making any drawings during that visit. * Investigators concluded they were made by the same person, the report noted." -- On a hunch (wink/wink) .. since the identity is not "important" enough to be released by a liberal campus administration, I'm betting the student was not a skinhead or White Supremacist/Nationalist.. nor Jewish nor a Trump supporter.

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