Thursday, December 12, 2019

Why are we always running into Obama appointees conducting investigations into conduct of former Obama connected government employees? Listened to several hours of IG Horowitz's tap dancing around what can only be described as a "Bill Clinton parsed definition" of "evidence" and conclude that Horowitz,, though evidently well versed in parrying questions and probes, has no inclination to apply common sense to obvious conclusions.. deft afoot, Horowitz has left the impression that "that (Comey) was not motivated by any political bias.".. I say "left the impression" for that's not what he actually said or meant.. he really said that he could find "NO EVIDENCE" that Comey was "biased". Of course Horowitz couldn't find "evidence".. Comey is FBI trained, and had a whole STAFF trained in biased presentation and disbursement of evidence! Thank heaven AG William Barr US Attorney John Durham are not going to wrap this up based on Horowitz's opinion.
Let's talk about Kevin Clinesmith, a lower level FBI lawyer who was later part of special counsel Robert Mueller's team, that led to the criminal referral reported two weeks ago. He altered an e-mail..and not just an ordinary e-mail, but an e-mail sent to the FBI from .. get this.. the CIA. Does anyone feel..much less THINK, Clinesmith would have done so I'd not ordered to do so by someone at the top of pay scale?
How can the DemocRATs sit around and support the destruction of the American citizens opinion and confidence in the FBI because Party leadership says to ignore evidence and common sense to cover the arses of politically appointed or elected officials?
From the "Bias? What bias?" department - Online headline: "CNN skips Lindsey Graham’s opening statement before Senate Judiciary Committee" -- CNN... "Cable News Network"? I don't think so.. more like "Cable News NOSHOW"!
Listening to Sen Feinstein say it's time to move on and forget about what went on during the FBI's subversive actions against President Trump and other US citizens is disheartening. This is the same person who had no inclination to discuss..much less investigate...Biden's Ukraine actions nor the Clinton/Lynch airport meeting when her party was in the White House.
What a sorry situation and sad commentary that the DemocRATic Party elected representatives have devolved into..Their House Intelligence and Judiciary Committees groups just abused our Constitution, and the Senate group was only interested in defusing any concept that DemocRATs abused the integrity of the FBI. In a word, "pathetic"!
Online story: " President Donald Trump signed an executive order Wednesday targeting what his administration describes as a growing problem with anti-Semitic harassment on college campuses. * He said Wednesday that the order sends a message to universities: “If you want to accept the tremendous amount of federal dollars that you get every year, you must reject anti-Semitism. It's very simple," Trump said." -- How ironic... yesterday it was released that the two terrorists who killed a police officer and 3 people in a Kosher grocery store in Jersey City, NJ were affiliated with "Black Israelite" an anti-Semitic hate group. Parents of college students now will have more assurances that college administrations will have motive.. albeit financial.. to watch over the rights of all students on their campuses.
From the "Pee Wee Herman "I know you are, but what am I?" department - Online headline: "AOC explains why she won't go on Fox News: 'Unmitigated racism'" -- L'il Miss Wine Wench really knows how to see herself disguised as someone else when looks into a mirror.
Once again, "TIME" has literally "stood still" .. Think about naming a 16 year old whiner as its "Person of the Year" who has offered nothing but a whiny voice of victimization of unproven science rather that at least one personally researched solution. Personally, "TIME" should have "waited" until she died and an autopsy showed "Climate Change" was the direct cause... THEN award her the cover page as a memorial.
The House DemocRATs must really know they are in trouble over their "impeachment" ruse.. following their capitulation on all the issues they've ballyhooed for 3 years, they now are only going after the vaguest of issues based on their interpretation of "Abuse of Power" and "Obstruction of Congress" (which are not listed in our Constitution), so they have hurriedly passed the USMCA Trade Agreement.. and ,, get this,, next year's Military Budget!
Online headline/story: "U.S. judge blocks $3.6 billion transfer to Mexican border wall * Kristy Parker, counsel for Protect Democracy, an organization that represented plaintiffs in the case, said in a statement that the order "affirms that the president is not a king and that our courts are willing to check him when he oversteps his bounds." -- Good grief.. the only one who feels "he's king" is the judge who is ALLOWED to feel his opinion is as definitive as the US Supreme Court AND the President. The SCOTUS needs to revamp it's chain of procedures... no single judge should be able to stop a Presidential Executive Order nor a properly enacted Legislative law by him/herself.. Such a policy would pretty much stop "judge shopping" by liberals.
Socialist DemocRATs so believe they can run our lives better than we can. Latest case in point: A few years ago government told our church it had to lower the Fire Alarm pull boxes so that a 3 year old can reach it.. Of course, now that 3 year olds can reach them, their curiosity drives them to pull down the alarm lever.. Now, we've had to install special 3-year-old-proof Fire Alarm box covers to KEEP 3-YEAR-OLDS from setting them off!
You know, if Joe Biden is serious about becoming the DemocRATic nominee for President, he NEEDS to dispel ANY.. and ALL issues concerning his and his son's connections with the Ukraine and China issues. Personally, if he's certain of the innocence of both situations, I'd have thought he would have done this already without any other motivation.
Columbus Ledger-Enquirer headline/story: "A $200M casino in Columbus? Businessman makes promise if Georgia passes gambling laws * District 7 Councilor Mimi Woodson spoke in favor of a casino in Columbus Wednesday, calling it a “game-changer.” Wright’s proposed project would be located in her district, along the riverfront between downtown and Fort Benning. * “No doubt this would create jobs and improve the quality of life for many people in District 7, throughout the city of Columbus and this region,” Woodson said. “This is the perfect district for this proposed economic development.” -- Hmmm.. "would create jobs and improve the quality of life for many people in District 7"? Many people? Yeah.. the owners/principles, and upper management... and of course their bankers.. and maybe the "bouncers", but the Casinos don't allow more money to walk out as came winnings nor expenses... Now.. if it is approved.. and comes to fruition, maybe Councilor Woodson would really commit to getting those extra 100 police officers hired.. District 7 will need them even more.
Let's revisit this: Online headline story of June 28, 2019: "Jimmy Carter: Investigation would show Trump lost 2016 election" -- Good grief.. even Queen PeLOUSY cal-BagLady couldn't get the House Judiciary Committee on board with this.. let's make sure Cuzzin Jimmy has to "eat crow" on this!
Columbus L-E headline/story: "Do you drive in downtown Columbus? You may have to start paying to park soon. * Columbus drivers could have to pay up to $2 an hour for downtown street parking next year if Columbus Council decides to install parking meters. * The current timed parking zones in place often result in tickets of $40 for drivers who are unable move their vehicles within the time allotted." -- Hmmm.. you know.. it was parking meters coupled with high fines for not getting back to your car before they expired that drove shoppers to suburban shopping malls. Our family business worked hard at getting them removed 40 or so years ago. Restaurants will be the first to suffer from this as outside the DT area customers face the extra expense of paying to park and the thought of a $40.00 ticket if they linger a moment too long.

Hey, Council! How many public parking garages has downtown Columbus have actually been "revenue positive" because shoppers and restaurant customers have supported them? Don't think too hard.. the answer is ZERO!

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