Monday, May 11, 2020

Covid-19 may be the least of our problems! Think about it.. with the recent discovery of a number of White House and Secret Service Covid-19 cases, President Trump and VP Pence could be under attack by Queen Pelosi... no one takes Biden as a serious November "contender", but.. should President Trump and VP Pence fatally contract Covid-19, Queen Pelosi would become the acting President.. don't think she's not planning for this... remember how boastful she was when she became the 1st female Speaker.. multiply that exponentially if she becomes our 1st female President.. her disease is megalomania .... and it has a name ... Connive-2020 ... "Corruption of Nancy Needing Insidious  Vacuous   Election-2020"
From the "truth vs fact" department - Online story: "Joe Biden’s selection of a running mate matters more than any other VP pick we can remember — because of Biden’s age, because of the coronavirus, and because it could eventually produce the nation’s first female president. * Remember, Biden has guaranteed he’ll choose a woman to be his No. 2." -- Aside from the FACT that Biden may not remember this promise, he'll be more inclined to break it as is his life's pattern, but the TRUTH of the matter is that "it doesn't matter".. Socialist Democrats will vote for Biden .. well, they will vote AGAINST Trump.. regardless of who Biden selects as his running mate... Truth be told, Socialist Democrats will vote for Biden in November even if Biden has attained a permanent residence in a mausoleum.
Online headline: "Video appearing to show Ahmaud Arbrey at construction site day of shooting is under review" -- While it doesn't appear to justify the actions of the McMichaels, this video does make it imperative that the McMichaels not be pre-tried and convicted in ..or by...the media. Let the path to justice be just...
From the "moronic AND OXYmoronic" department - Online story: "China has issued a lengthy rebuttal of what it said were 24 "preposterous allegations" by some leading U.S. politicians over its handling of the new coronavirus outbreak. * "As Lincoln said, you can fool some of the people all the time and fool all the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time," it said in the prologue." -- Good grief.. China... citing Abraham Lincoln.. that's not only moronic AND oxymoronic. it's also IRONIC... imagine.. the leader with one of the worst human rights polices citing Lincoln, one of the world's iconic leaders in humanitarianism.
I'm amazed that Council is still considering funding the Liberty Theater project with $3,000,000.00. Aside from their being concerns about personal gain within the decision makers, one thing I have not heard is whether or not a 5 or 10 year Forensic Audit has been made..
Whoa! A new discussion about the River Road Roundabout NEEDS to be aired by Council.. In the beginning, the premise of the roundabout being built was that the State was going to build/pay for it, and, according to ex-Mayor Tom-LYING-son, we would save money by the elimination of traffic light maintenance and electricity expense..WE all know how wrong the construction costs to the City taxpayers has been (originally, State was going to build for $1,500,000.00 but in the end, we Columbus taxpayers were stuck with a projected cost of $4,600,000.00 which makes that alone a $6.1 Million dollar "swing"), but now I see construction going on to put in an automatic sprinkler system.. First.. is this included in the original construction bid, and more importantly, who's gonna pay for the water usage, maintenance and electricity costs? From my own household experiences..experiences, sprinkler systems are a MONEY PIT... forever! So much for saving electricity costs of a couple of traffic lights..
Online story: "A federal lawsuit says ballots postmarked by election day should be counted, a change that could save thousands of votes from being rejected during the coronavirus pandemic. * The lawsuit challenges a Georgia law that requires absentee ballots to arrive in county election offices by 7 p.m. on election day." -- Good grief.. allowing this to become reality means no election can be decided on Election Day! If being unable.. or too lazy... to go in person, then mail-in voters should be responsible to get their ballots mailed with plenty of time for the Post Office to deliver them on time..
Online story: "Calling upcoming budget cuts to the county school district “crushing” and “catastrophic,” candidates for the Cobb County Board of Commissioners have asked the board to first use federal aid to support the district. * In late April, the county received $132 million in federal aid as part of the $2.2 trillion CARES Act bill Congress passed in March." -- Good grief.. first, states/communities should be totally responsible for their public school systems.. Secondly, if a state or local system does apply and receive federal grants for a program/project, the program/project must be 100% doable with such federal funds.. as it is, too many.. if not all.. federal funded areas of schools require additional local/state funding with directly takes such money out of local/state funds available classrooms.
HuffPOOPOO "poop" - Online headline: "Anthony Fauci says Chris Cuomo was sicker than viewers knew" -- As Sherlock Holmes might say, "Elementary!" And that was BEFORE anyone knew Cuomo had Covid-19... fortunately, not many people were overly exposed.. to any of his sicknesses, to Cuomo as his ratings reveal..
Take a moment to remember Richard Penniman.. He passed Saturday at age 87. Oh, he doesn't ring a bell? How about Richard Wayne Penniman of Macon, GA? Well, does “wop-bop-a-loo-bop-a-lop-bam-boom.” help? Hmmm... how about "Tuttu Frutti"... or "Good Golly Miss Molly"? These should shake out the memory cobwebs... Little Richard.. While Little Richard is no more, Little Richard is forevermore..
From the "Bias? What bias?" department - Columbus Ledger-Enquirer headline": "Documents show top White House officials buried CDC report" -- Good grief! Any report submitted to any White House is going to be "vetted" and digested before it's integrated into the news steam.. Reports have to considered whether they confirm existing directions, are worthless, or may alter current thinking and send direction to a different position. Now, what's really BIASED is that the Columbus L-E has said NOTHING about President Obama KNOWING his FBI Director was colluding in falsifying the Gen. Flynn charges and the FISA request.. It doesn't matter whether he knew "the details", but memos confirm he was AWARE of what was happening to American citizens, and Obama DID NOTHING TO STOP Comey.
From the "a silver lining -- doing what makes America GREAT" department - Columbus L-E headline/story: "Cleaners shifts to making PPE during slowdown * Proms, graduations, weddings, restaurants, conference centers, hotels — all drove customers to Columbus’ Wade Companies for alterations and cleaning to employee uniforms, tuxedos, gowns, tablecloths and bed sheets. * When the novel coronavirus forced closures and cancellations, all that business vanished. * “In the beginning, obviously our revenues started to decline when restaurants started to close,” he said. “About 35 percent of our revenue is the linen service, dedicated to the hospitality sector.” * “The first thing we did was to start using our alteration personnel to make masks, which we’re continuing to make,” Wade said. “At this point, we have a waiting list, and they’re in there sewing away right now. … We’re doing some barrier gowns for our local hospitals and healthcare communities.” * Those gowns are reusable, so the company can launder them under the same sanitary standard already required in its cleaning contracts with Piedmont Columbus Regional and St. Francis-Emory Healthcare: A mix of heat, bleach and peroxide that kills viruses and other biological agents. * Finding material for the surgical gowns was another challenge: It’s a nylon fabric with a coating that can block infectious agents, yet remain breathable enough to feel comfortable. * “We’re getting it all over the country — Dallas, South Carolina,” said Loncher. “You’ve got to remember, this is not an industry we were in, that long ago. We were always laundering it, but we were never making it before, so we had to get all that information together.” * Despite such obstacles, the first shipment went out March 20. * Now the company can’t keep up with the demand." -- Thank God we have a successful businessman as our President.. success as a businessman gives President Trump.. and America .. such a boost over having a Socialist running America's business. A lot of the supplies needed by the Wade Companies would not have been available IN America now if Trump wasn't our President!
From the "PITIFUL!" department - Columbus Ledger-Enquirer headline/story: "Donate to Ledger-Enquirer coronavirus coverage * Our reporters are men and women just like you, living, working and growing in Columbus. Our staff is eager to tell these important stories but we’re all stressed, tired and ready to see a light at the end of the tunnel — just like you. * And we’re not going anywhere." -- Good grief... The Columbus L-E/McClatchy corporation need to revisit the 1970's ad campaign of Smith Barney as done by John Houseman.. “How do they make money? The old-fashioned way…they earn it.”.. begging by the L-E is something a company without a future does...
Looks like there's "showdown" coming to a head in CA-razy! Elon Musk of Tesla is about to move his company out of CA-razy because the Socialist government won't let his open back up for business.. I seriously CA-razy will allow Tesla to move, though.. CA=razy will "naturalize" the company before allowing this..
Columbus L-E commentary headline: "A tale of two joggers and possibly two Americas
* BY JOHN A. TURES" -- On the surface this (the Brunswick, GA killing) it's definitely atrocious.. but is this going to be tried in court or the media.. When I first saw the video.. there was a lot that wasn't there as well as what was, but there's no mention as to what the driver/videographer of the car that came up on the situation. Did he/she stay as a witness? How did the lawyer get the video and not the police? Why didn't the lawyer send the video directly to the police (or GBI if there were other issues)?Regardless, let's keep the focus on justice, not vengeance..
What is it with MSM-13's destructive attitude? This editorial is another divisive attempt to separate Americans. It's class warfare.. it's deplorable.. but if the "artist" has any concern for the truth, there should two more mattresses in the stack.. one showing the liberal/socialist government leadership (or lack of to be more accurate) of the most affected states, and the other one showing Obama/Biden leaving office with no reserve emergency supplies/equipment which would have helped from the gitgo.
I think I've figured out why Pelosi and her Pips have avoided coming to work.. President Trump is talking about fixing issues like the poor rural internet connections, and Pelosi knows Trump will make his promises come true.. which will eliminate the Democrats from being able to run for re-election every two years making the same promise they really don't want to happen.
From the "must be 2 more Bill Clinton defined words" department - Online story: " Former President Barack Obama, talking privately to former members of his administration, said Friday that the “rule of law is at risk” in the wake of what he called an unprecedented move by the Justice Department to drop charges against former White House National Security Adviser Michael Flynn. * In the same chat, a tape of which was obtained by Yahoo News, Obama also lashed out at the Trump administration’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic as “an absolute chaotic disaster.” -- "law"? "disaster"? According to our Constitution, a "law" is "something to follow", not abuse...and "disaster".. the state of the supply of Obama's emergency medical equipment and military preparedness were true disasters.
From the "it must be a Left Coast thing... and no sane person will understand" department - While I don't have an Oregon contact, what we just read about in CA-razy furnishing drugs and alcohol to the homeless also goes on in Seattle WA-shedout. Wait a minute... did you hear that rustle of papers? Sounds like "ballot harvesting" in progress.
Heard there was a sequel to "The Grinch that Stole Christmas"... working title is "The GRETCH that stole Christmas in July in Michigan" starring Governor Whitmir..
You know.. if Bill Gates was really as generous a guy as liberals feel he is.. , wouldn't his wealth be declining annually rather than increasing?
HuffPOOPOO "poop" headline/story: "The Monthly Economic Crisis Support Act, introduced Friday by Sens. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Ed Markey (D-Mass.), would provide a monthly $2,000 check to every person with an income below $120,000 throughout the public health crisis and for three months after it officially ends." -- Good grief..In other words.. a Congressperson's non or part time working spouse could draw a $2,000.00 "stimulus" check until Pelosi decides the "end date plus 3 months". Like George Orwell said in Animal Farm, "all animals are equal, but some animals are MORE EQUAL than others."
Online headline/story: "Tara Reade, in new interview, claims Biden used graphic language to proposition her during alleged assault * Reade recalled. "He said some other things. I can't remember everything he said, but he said something vulgar." * "He said, 'I want to f--- you," Reade responded. "And he said it low and I was pushing away." -- Well we know one thing for sure.. Creepy Joe likes to use the "f-word".. remember his open mike gaffe.. "This is a Big F-ing Deal"?
You know... Creepy Joe may need a new lawyer to handle the Tara Reade situation.. Maybe he should contact Congressman Sanford Bishop... not only was he charged with such assault by Jehmu Greens in a 1996 "incident" .. which had supporting video tape ... but Bishop's attorney has made it "go away"..well, except for the Breakfast Club Blog
( )
Online headline: "Obama knew details of wiretapped Flynn phone calls, surprising top DOJ official in meeting with Biden, declassified docs show" - You know.. it's not even WHAT Obama knew, but him just KNOWING this was happening and not putting a halt to it is a crime against America.
Online headline: "California sheriff refuses to enforce state's coronavirus stay-at-home orders: 'Doesn't make sense anymore'" -- The sadder thing is that the Sheriff was under the delusion that all previous CA-razy government laws and regulations made sense.
NOW.. James Comey is saying that Americans are crying for competent leadership. Hmmm... it sure would have been nice if Comey had demonstrated ANY competence when he was in command. Let's also hope justice is served to him.
Columbus Ledger-Enquirer "headLIE": "Columbus to vote on sales tax delay due to COVID-19" -- Good grief.. It isn't going to pass, but COVID-19 isn't the problem.. C.O.V.I.D. is the problem.... Can't Operate Valid Income Distribution-
Columbus L-E story: "Out of Georgia’s 159 counties, Muscogee County ranks 122nd in health outcomes, down two spots from last year, according to the 2020 County Health Rankings & Roadmaps, a collaboration between the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation of Princeton, New Jersey, and the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. * Meanwhile, the study says Muscogee’s neighbor to the north, Harris County, is among the healthiest in Georgia, ranking 7th, up one spot from last year." -- Good grief.. Why is it every "ranking" about living in Columbus.. whether economic, health, or education is like this while Ex-Mayor raves about her leadership.. Oh.. she's Tom-LYING-son the Democrat!
From the "Bias? What Bias? department - Columbus L-E headline/story: "Prominent lawyer, Trump donor representing accuser * Tara Reade, a former Senate staffer who alleged Joe Biden sexually assaulted her 27 years ago, is being represented by a prominent lawyer and political donor to President Donald Trump’s 2016 Republican campaign. * Attorney Douglas Wigdor told The Associated Press that he was not currently being paid for his work with Reade. His firm also denied there was a political motivation for his decision to represent Reade in her accusations against Trump’s presumptive Democratic opponent in the November election. * “We have decided to take this matter on because every survivor has the right to competent counsel,” the firm said in a statement." -- Good grief.. like Tara Reade could find a lawyer backing Biden to re[resent her.. for that matter finding a lawyer backing Biden who would represent her fairly... I remember in 1990 when I ran for Mayor, and tried to get a lawyer.. even close friends who were lawyers, to represent me in a claim against our then Supervisor of Elections for allowing the Democratic Party to use her office for "qualifying" candidates because basically every lawyer had contributed $100.00 to the Martin Campaign (The $100.00 amount was a loophole so the Martin Campaign did not have to list them as individual donors). I had to go to Atlanta to find one.. and as a result, the State Board did agree she had done so wrongfully, and she resigned later following the election..

There was an interesting article in the Columbus L-E Monday: "Graduating seniors from Brookstone, Northside, and Harris County high schools had the opportunity to participate in a unique “graduation ceremony” Saturday morning, organized by the mothers of students who live and work in the Lake Harding, Georgia, area. Each of the 27 students walked out on a small dock by the boat ramp at the Backwaters Condos on Lake Harding, where they were cheered by family and friends in boats nearby." -- Has anyone at the MCSD taken note of Northside Seniors who participated, and how many are possibly living in Harris County.. and whether or not out-of=county fees were collected from them... Other than that.. I applaud the parents giving their children a memory to remember...

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