Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Online headline: "Saudi arms sale was a second area of investigation for fired State Department watchdog" - "watchdog"? Just another holdover "Yellow Dog Democrat" from the Obama Administration that should have been replaced when President Trump was sworn in...basically an inside saboteur...
Online headline: "Barr says it's unlikely Justice Department will investigate Obama or Biden" -- We know both of them are guilty of behavior unbecoming a political leader while in office (Obama knowingly allowing misuse of DOJ/FBI to destroy American citizens, and Biden for using American tax dollars to bribe a foreign government), and that their insignificance will make the blips in history books in a couple of decades, so it'll be "OK" just to let them just fade away in their own little worlds.
I object! I object to jobs curtailed by Covid-19 edicts from governors be called "lost".. They are better described as being SUPPRESSED by governors.... especially Democrat Party ones..
Online commentary "headLIE": "Detention Worst Place for or Youth * By Steven Teske, chief judge of the Juvenile Court of Clayton County" --- Hmm...Really? Is Detention ideal... No.. but it can be.. probably is.. a lot "better" (less worse) than a youth in an undisciplined home, or roaming the streets under gang guidance, or thrown into incarceration with hardened career criminals..
As I've oft said.. my BCers are the best.. they keep their eyes open and ears to the ground an pass on things I sometimes miss. Enjoy this "Democrat" ad:
Columbus Ledger-Enquirer headline/story: "Some Columbus parks and rec facilities start reopening" -- Welcome back! One thing I wondered about is why the AquaCenter was closed.. unless they changed to a salt water system, I would think the highly chlorinated pool water may have been a useful tool to combat the Covid-19 issue. Of course keeping the AquaCenter CLOSED probably has been a positive revenue stream..
Online headline: "Comey: 'We Did Not Spy---We Just Observed And Reported Secretly Without The Subject's Knowledge Or Consent'" -- Dang.. the entire Democratic Party must use a dictionary redefined by Bill Clinton.. and as bad as Comey's actions were, Obama's lack of action was even worse.. No President should knowingly allow any agency of the US government to persecute an American citizen for political reasons.
Columbus L-E story: "A celebration to dedicate a new bronze sculpture overlooking the Chattahoochee River has joined the long list of events put on hold by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. * The bronze sculpture depicts five dancers, arms around each other, performing a high kick. * “CanCan” was donated to Columbus State University in November 2019 * It was created by artist Jane DeDecker and purchased by Linda Draper Newton in 2006." -- Hmmm... how about an appropriate plaque... say... "ColumbusColumbus CanCan DoDo AmazingAmazing"


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