Thursday, May 14, 2020

From the "Bias? What bias?" department - Online headline/story: " * Democrats say Republicans are using the issue now as a pretext to reject additional relief, arguing that they weren't concerned about the debt when passing the $1.9 trillion tax law or other coronavirus aid measures that helped businesses." -- Good's pure and simple politics... Dems are trying to "save face" by bailing out poorly run "Blue States/Blue Cities" debts and pension deficits on the backs of the taxpayers in better run states...
You probably aren't aware that two Special Elections were held Tuesday for Congressional seats in WIsconsin and CA-razy..... you probably aren't aware because Republicans won by landslide amounts.. eve MORE exciting is that the Republican victory in CA-razy actually "flipped" that seat from Blue to Red. -- Hmmmm.... you know, if the DNC felt Republican candidates would use absentee and mail-in votes ballots to swing election results, the DNC would be hell-bent against them. Wanna bet Pelosi is re-evaluating after the landslide "seat-flip" in CA-razy!
Did you hear Queen Pelosi defend her $3 TRILLION DOLLAR bill as " thinking BIG"? What she really showed was that when she was putting her Bill together, she was thinking PIG!
From the "Bias? What bias?" department - Online headline: "Paul Manafort released from prison due to virus concerns" -- Hmmm.. so it's MSM-13 NEWSWORTHY to name names if a convicted person knows President Trump, but it's not newsworthy when rapists and drug dealers are let out for Covid-19 "concerns".
Columbus L-E story: "The tax assessor’s office expects a 1% increase in the real property tax digest in 2021, or an increase of $1,163,000." -- Once again, the Columbus TAX FREEZE on homestead properties SAVES Columbus Council and MCSD.. even with property values taking "a hit" during this Pandemic, both Council and the MCSB KNOW their tax revenues from Tax Freeze properties will not decline even though values will... but overall, she's wrong.. Only H1 properties are "frozen".. commercial and residential rentals aren't, and there will be major appeals made when the the tax notices go out this summer to have the values, thus tax revenues, lowered, Maybe, though, someone on Council will step up and go after the 2 year delinquent taxes of one of an Authority executive's property taxes.
Juan Williams of Fox is a Socialist DUPE! Remember when he worked for NPR and was "just" a Democrat contributor in alignment with Fox's "fair and balanced" approach? Remember when Williams casually expressed his fear of seeing some Islamic men on his flight? Remember when the left abandoned William's and he was fired by NPR for expressing that personal opinion? Remember when Fox hired William's full time? Now, can you remember anything William's has said since that sounds the least bit "fair and balanced"? Me neither....
Excuse me, but two situations are brewing in the US Supreme Court concerning President Trump.. one about whether Congress ..or any political entity other than IRS, demand he turn over his tax declarations, and whether he violated the law being involved with Russian meddling of our elections. First.. revealing one;s tax forms to run for.. or while in office.. is NOT a requirement in our Constitution.. case closed... secondly, the Russian election meddling has been ruled out by the House's Mueller purge.. in addition.. the trumped up House charges for impeachment have been thrown out by the Senate.. Seriously..what is there for the Supreme Court to rule further on?
From the " Bias? What bias?" department - Online headline: "A new internal GOP poll suggests tight prez, Senate races in Georgia" -- Hmm maybe.. maybe not... but the Republican Party is not going to sleep like the Democrat Party did in 2016.
From deep in the protective bowels oh his home, Creepy Joe claims he left a 69 page (*) "playbook" on handling a Pandemic when he left office. Hmmm..of course what he didn't say was "where" he left it, or what and where he left protective gear and immediate response equipment. I know.. let's ASK JOE where he left them!
(*) - 69 page playbook?.. no government "playbook" ..including one on which way toilet paper is suppose to face, would explain it satisfactorily.
A well known community leader and TV personality I've known and respected for many years just showed me a different side yesterday. I wrote about **it Romney's turn-tail political change, and all of a sudden, she's defending him as an honest man and a man of integrity even though she wouldn't say that about him in 2008 or 2012. On the other hand, when I mention facts that have surfaced showing...proving President Obama was knowledgeable of the FBI's collusive and determined effort to destroy General Flynn, she has been MUM on Obama being a honest man and man of integrity. I'm not even concerned about any other aspect that be uncovered, but I am distraught that any person can overlook that Obama knew his FBI was corruptly targetting an American citizen in an attempt to bring down a duly elected President of the US. Even without detail, no honest man of integrity.. and certainly NO PRESIDENT should have allowed the FBI to do this.
Word is out that the Boy Scouts are fighting to hold on to a tradition. Too late....once the Boy Scouts dropped "Boy" from its name, there have no traditions left.
Online headline/story: "House Democrats move to remove National Anthem from Sporting Events * Ilhan Omar says the move was inspired by professional kneeler (at least she didn't say Quarterback) Colin Kaepernick. She says he spoke to her recently and inspired her to act: "We had a meeting with Colin Kaepernick a few weeks ago and he talked to us about criminal justice reform and ways we can help. He suggested that we should ban the National Anthem before football games since it offends so many people. We are taking his advice because we respect the wishes of the people with other beliefs. We will have the National Anthem banned. It's not representative of America". * the bill is expected to easily pass as all professional sports have been suspended indefinitely." -- Hmm.. yeah.. it can pass easily in the Democrat majority House but that's as far as it will get..but I have to counter Omar's suggestion... declaration...that it offends and it's not representative of America... First.. our National Anthem embodies the the American Dream for the world.. well the freedoms so many people from other countries dream of.. secondly, what other athletes is she implying agree with her or KaeperPRICK? Hey, Ilhan Omar.. keep on doing what you're doing...the spirit of National Anthem gives you this opportunity.. just don't ask me, or the majority of pro athletes, or sports fans or non-Democrats to endorse you in anything.
Online headline: "Lightfoot Warns ‘Defiant Churches’ She Will Take Action Against Them" -- Hmmm.. yet she didn't take action against a 'defiant hair salon". You know, the only real defiance I've seen in Shicago has been Mayor Lightfoot herself..
Let's check on the death totals from yesterday morning.. now the worldwide abortion deaths are at 15, 640,000.. and Covid-19 "associated" deaths are at 299,740.. the last 24 hours, another 125,000 babies were killed, and 6,514 mostly old people (hey I resemble that remark!) have died. You know.. I honestly believe Democrats and MSM-13 will somehow justify abortions by claiming they were saving babies from having to deal with Covid-19...
Columbus Ledger-Enquirer headline/story: "Columbus officials planning on budget shortfalls due to COVID-19. Here’s a breakdown * Parts of the budget the city knows will be hit hard include sales tax and hotel-motel tax. But as the crisis is ongoing, there is a lot left to be determined. * The proposed 2021 fund balance rests at $37 million, enough money to fund all government operations for 72.52 days. The city projects to end fiscal year 2020 at 75.93 days of fund balance reserves, though that could change if the city sees a sharp decline in revenue. * The goal of the city is to keep the reserve at 90 days, but no less than 60 days" -- So, City daily expense run at $510,204 per day so there's only $6,122,448 dollars before breaking the 60 day level.. Wonder if Council is even considering what private sector businesses do.. reduce salaries of executives until revenues stream return to the levels used to justify their salaries?
Columbus L-E headline: "WHO official: Virus ‘may never go away’" -- Hmmm.. as a betting man, I'll bet the virus goes away before the WHO does.. and the WHO is a worse plague than the virus..
From the "What's in a name?" department - Columbus L-E headline/story: "GOP group urges senators to fund voting by mail * A Republican group pushing for expanded voting options amid the coronavirus pandemic launched a $750,000 advertising campaign on Wednesday urging GOP senators in ten states to pass legislation funding stronger election safety measures. * Republicans for the Rule of Law, a project of the anti-Trump group Defending Democracy Together, has purchased three weeks of ads on national news networks and Facebook that call on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to provide states with additional election assistance money in the next coronavirus relief bill." -- It's easy to name your group as "Republican" as it's not a copyrighted item.. but you know, if I started a group and named it the "True Democrat for exposing the Truth about Hellary, Obama, Biden, Pelosi, and Schi**".. MSM-13 wouldn't publish my "findings", and would probably run stories about me not being a Democrat in any capacity..
Columbus L-E headline/story: "Incoming Auburn professor won’t say ‘War Eagle’ because it contains the word ‘war’ * In a Wednesday tweet, Goldberg said, “I know it’s just a mascot but I’m never gonna be able to call myself a ‘war eagle’ or say ‘go war eagles. Sorry.” -- Hmmm.. Hey Professor Betcha-you-won't -ever-get-tenure - for someone who vows he won't say "war", you just did.. TWICE!

Columbus L-E headline/story: "If judge signs off, agency will assume McClatchy pension plan * The government agency responsible for assuming the pension obligations of distressed companies said this week that it will take on McClatchy Co.’s plan if a bankruptcy judge determines that the local news company won’t survive otherwise." -- Wait a damn minute! Why do we have a federal agency to bail out pension plans of poorly run companies! Besides, it was companies who set-up the plans for it's own benefit.. so the public cannot.. should not be held responsible for people who ruined their own livelihood's retirement plans. This just encourages companies to establish a plan of their own choice, then run their own companies out of business.

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