Wednesday, May 13, 2020

From the "Bias? What bias?" department - Online headline/story: "FBI inadvertently reveals secret in 9/11 attacks * The disclosure came in a new declaration filed in federal court by a senior FBI official in response to a lawsuit brought by families of 9/11 victims that accuses the Saudi government of complicity in the terrorist attacks. * The declaration was filed last month but unsealed late last week. * According to a spokesman for the 9/11 victims’ families, it represents a major breakthrough in the long-running case, providing for the first time an apparent confirmation that FBI agents investigating the attacks believed they had uncovered a link between the hijackers and the Saudi Embassy in Washington. * It’s unclear just how strong the evidence is against the former Saudi Embassy official — it’s been a subject of sharp dispute within the FBI for years. But the disclosure, which a senior U.S. government official confirmed was made in error, seems likely to revive questions about potential Saudi links to the 9/11 plot. * It also shines a light on the extraordinary efforts by top Trump administration officials in recent months to prevent internal documents about the issue from ever becoming public." -- "FBI inadvertently reveals secret in 9/11 attacks"? Good grief.. "INADVERTENTLY REVEALED"? What happened to the MSM-13 usual claim it was a "leak from an unnamed source/official? Of course the key question here is: Saudi's 911 connection started under Clinton, erupted under Bush43, and was ABETTED under Obama/Biden ... but not one mention of those administrations. Of course, too, was it really "inadvertent".. President Trump will get no credit for helping American families devastated by the 9-11-01 attack.. and draining the Washington SWAMP!
Another from the "Bias? What bias?" department - Online headline: "U.S. House Democrats float $3 trillion coronavirus bill, Republicans reject it" -- "Democrats float $3 trillion coronavirus bill"? More accurately, the Democrats released a lead balloon and it sank to the bottom of the Potomac...The correct headline should have read: "U.S. House Democrats float $3 trillion PORK bill, Republicans shot it down and saved America!"

It's now 6:00 AM Wednesday, 5-13-20. Since yesterday morning at this time, the worldwide death totals for abortions and Covid-19 are:

Covid-19........ 293,226
That means that another 115,000 more babies died from abortions and 22,226 people died died from some aspect of the coronavirus...
Other than it's collusion with the Democrats to get rid of Trump, I'm to why does MSM-13 try to blame President Trump for this China virus? The true culprits causing this were Democrat politicians who created such laborious tax and regulation laws that American companies moved manufacturing to other countries, or contracted manufacturing to other counties... China in particular. Trump has reduced corporate tax rates, (the facts is that you really cannot tax a corporation,, taxes come out of people's pockets), and eliminated cumbersome regulations, so American companies are moving back and creating jobs here again.
Online headline/story: "Countering Trump, Romney says U.S. coronavirus testing record 'nothing to celebrate'" -- Hmmmm... so **tt Romney continues his alignment with Pelosi..
**tt Romney joins MSM-13 in wringing his hands over the Covid-19 "associated" US deaths as they top the 80,000 number. Now, if the Democrats were in charge, and followed all the opinions of the CDC, WHO, the National Institute of Health and Pelosi, **tt Romney, too, would be ecstatic that if less than 2.4 million Americans will die, and our economy would be completely in the tank.
Online headline/story: "Biden denies he's 'hiding,' defends staying off in-person campaign trail * The apparent Democratic presidential nominee was asked on ABC's "Good Morning America" when he expects to get back out on the campaign trail. * "We're on the campaign trail now," Biden said. "Everybody says, you know, 'Biden's hiding.' Well, let me tell you something, we're doing very well. We're following the guidelines of the medical profession. We're following the guidelines of the experts."" -- Good grief.. the only advice he's following is the DNC's that he not expose himself to the press and voters in his condition.. an addle-minded, predator male.
From the "BRILLIANT!... NOT!" department - Online headline: "Fauci warns U.S. Senate that coronavirus vaccine will take time to develop" -- Good grief... of course it will.. unless he has a "magic wand". In perspective, even though FDR was elected for 4 terms as President, he suffered from polio for the last 23 years of his life. It wasn't until March 26, 1953, that American medical researcher Dr. Jonas Salk announced on a national radio show that he had successfully tested a vaccine against poliomyelitis, the virus that caused the crippling disease of polio. * Since the virus was easily transmitted, epidemics were commonplace in the first decades of the 20th century. The first major polio epidemic in the United States occurred in Vermont in the summer of 1894, and by the 20th century thousands were affected every year. In the first decades of the 20th century, treatments were limited to quarantines and the infamous “iron lung,” a metal coffin-like contraption that aided respiration. Hey Fauci.. you too MSM-13, vaccines have never been developed with a snap of one's fingers.
Something to consider here in Columbus, GA - Online story: "Daniel Joseph Silva was arrested on a murder charge in the Sunday night crash of a 2020 McLaren 600LT, which was speeding before it crashed into a stop sign and tree, the Los Angeles Police Department said Monday. * The LAPD statement characterized the crash as a DUI fatal traffic collision" -- While not all traffic fatalities are "murders", a death involving the driver's use of "substances" is a whole different situation..
Hmmm... most of the players in the NBA want their season to resume with only the top 8 teams of each division meeting via a playoff system.. hmmm how about this...instead... let only the teams who had a WINNING record when play was suspended in March play.. that boils it down to only 13 teams... the playoffs would be quicker and would give fans relief from seeing a few more mediocre teams resume playing.
Has anybody seen Covid-19 aid come from either the Clintons or Obamas Foundations? Me, neither.. and you KNOW there would have been saturation coverage by MSM-13 if they had...
From the "repertoire of liberal ambiguously descriptive words" department - So Dr Fauci is warning us that "serious consequences" could happen if the US "opens to early". Good grief..."could"? What else did you expect him to say.. Fauci has been bitten by the "limelight" and does not want to lose his relevance to MSM-13...
WTVM-9 headline/story: "Hotel under construction in Uptown Columbus to eliminate some parking spots * request submitted by The Pezold Companies is asking the Columbus City Council to reserve the eight parking spots on 12th Street specifically for hotel use. * We have asked the city council to allow us to have an entrance canopy over the sidewalk on 12th Street," Sayers said. “As part of that entrance and handicap access, we have asked them to allow us to take out eight of the sixteen parking spaces there. As part of that, we are also turning around and adding 90 or so parking spaces in a parking deck directly adjacent to 12th Street.” -- Hmmm.. two things for sure.. the City's taxpayers own the streets and the sidewalk Pezold wants to use without compensation to the tax coffers, and I did not see where the hotel parking deck was being touted as "free Parking". I "could be" wrong, but my guess is that the Hotel will add a daily parking charge to their guests tickets..
Columbus L-E e-mail Opinion "headLIE": "The newspaper business has changed, but Ledger-Enquirer’s mission to serve the public has not" -- Good grief... At one time the L-E did serve the public.. it use to Little League scores, it reported the facts of Council and MCSB meetings versus that Council and/or the MCSB WANTS then=m to run, it use to have a public forum column. it use to provide a lot more jobs in Columbus, it use to have a desirable subscription base that attracted local advertising, it use to have reporters out on the streets finding stories, it use to care.. yes, the Ledger-Enquirer has changed, but ... and that's a mighty BIG but, it's a stretch to claim it still serves the public in a positive and uniting way.
More and more Columbus taxpayers are asking who the delinquent taxpayer I'm talking about is.. I can say this at this time.. it will be revealed.. because of the Sheriff's Sale coming up for other delinquent property taxpayers Council is acting on, that may be my target date. Until then I'm ALLOWING Council the opportunity to do the right thing.
Oh! Because of a recent potential exposure to a Covid-19 confirmed person my bride talked with, and concerns for our children and grandchildren.. present and "on the way"... we went to the Columbus Health Department and "got tested". We were impressed at the efficiency and up beat atmosphere all the nurses/technicians provided.. It was easy .. not unpleasant at all.. neither of us have any "symptoms", but thought it was beneficial for us to be proactive due to multiple circumstances. Not sure when we will get the results, but pleased we will know...
I can understand Council spending money to repair the Bridge at Cooper Creek, but with revenue deficiencies glaring at the Councilors, how can they consider pouring tax dollars into the Liberty Theater, and moving the Health Department to the old Virginia College facility?
Online headline: "Ga. Lawmakers Push For Stalled Hate Crimes Bill To Pass, Be Renamed For Ahmaud Arbery" -- This may well be an appropriate matter the future.. but it would be MORE APPROPRIATE if the GA Legislature would wait until AFTER a court establishes the conditions and CONVICTS the accused.
From the "whatta condemnation of the lottery" department - Online headline/story: "
Georgia Lottery doesn’t miss a beat despite coronavirus * Sales for the month of April were up $7.4 million, or 1.8%, over April of last year, Bohannon said. * Bohannon attributed the strong numbers despite the COVID-19 outbreak to lottery customers adapting well to online sales and to most lottery retailers remaining open while adhering to the new social distancing requirements." -- "lottery customers adapting well to online sales and to most lottery retailers remaining open while adhering to the new social distancing requirements"? Good grief.. lottery sales are considered "essential". yet we could be ticketed for getting in our cars and riding around to get a break from cabin fever? Even sadder is figuring government checks to tide people over while unemployed are probably being used to pay for many lottery tickets...

Rushing to conclusions is costly... witness the story about refurbishing unused rooms at Columbus' old Dr's Hospital at Piedmont MidTown. I seem to remember a generous local donation to buy beds for it, and now, it's disclosed not one has been been used.. nor are likely to be..

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