Thursday, May 21, 2020

From the "big reveal" department - Online headline/story: "CDC quietly releases detailed plan for reopening U.S. * It also comes amid reports of strife between the CDC and the White House: While the White House released a plan called Opening Up America Again in April that incorporated some CDC suggestions, it largely left reopening decisions up to governors and local officials." -- Hmmm... "CDC quietly releases detailed plan"? Yeah,, because it's not as good as the one President Trump suggested .. and initiated a month ago.. Trump's plan left reopening decisions up to the states.. not embracing this aspect means MSM-13 has succumbed to the "myway/highway" Socialist-Democrat agenda.
From the "Democrat voter base.. be prepared to bend over and grab your ankles" department - Online story: "The U.S. Supreme Court Wednesday blocked a House committee from receiving grand jury material gathered by Robert Mueller's special counsel investigators, issuing a stay while a legal dispute over the records is on appeal. * The House Judiciary Committee said it needed the material now because it has been investigating President Donald Trump and its work "did not cease with the conclusion of the impeachment trial." -- The House Judiciary Committee ( Headed by Pelosi puppet Lord Faarquad Nadler with background puppet-string puller A Dam Schi**) just said, its work "did not cease with the conclusion of the impeachment trial." .. Good grief... in other words, the Socialist-Democrats just spelled out that if they agree with a trial result, then they will keep on persecuting anyone... everyone .. who tries to get in their way!
You know, something all LGBTQ Americans should ponder deeply.. as your support is targeted by the Socialist-Democratic Party in it's attempt to gain control of our country, have you thought about how LGBTQ people in other Socialist run countries like China, Russia, Cuba, North Korea, Iran, Turkey, Iraq, Saudi, Somalia et al are treated since Socialist regimes have attained full power?
Think about this.. should the Socialist-Democratic Party ever gain full control of the US, what will become the "DREAM" of immigrants the world over use to want to come to America because it use to be the world's "Land of Opportunity"? Before you yawn... how many Americans.. particularly Americans who have drunk the Socialist-Democrat Kool-Aid offering... dream to immigrate to China, Cuba, or North Korea.....etc...
Online story: "“Breaking: Michigan sends absentee ballots to 7.7 million people ahead of Primaries and the General Election,” Trump tweeted. “This was done illegally and without authorization by a rogue Secretary of State. I will ask to hold up funding to Michigan if they want to go down this Voter Fraud path!” * “By mailing applications, we have ensured that no Michigander has to choose between their health and their right to vote,” Benson said in a statement." -- Hmmm... "no Michigander has to choose between their health and their right to vote"? Well... maybe not in this election, but future ones may see voters not having a choice about their health or Constitutional rights....since the Socialist Michigan government will determine their rights..
Online "story": "The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee on Wednesday voted 8-6 to subpoena Blue Star Strategies, a lobbying firm that was a consultant to Burisma, a gas company in Ukraine that paid Hunter Biden to serve as a board member. * There is no evidence of wrongdoing by the Bidens, and Hunter Biden has denied using his influence with his father to aid Burisma." -- "no evidence"? Not 100% accurate.. while there has been "no evidence" presented to a court or jury, there is plenty of evidence that just HASN'T been presented.. a key piece is a video confession by Creepy Joe that he used $1.1 Billion American tax dollars in "loan guarantees" to coerce the former Ukraine governor to dismiss a Ukraine DA that was investigating the Biden/Burisma connection... speaking of that $1.1 Billion for a "loan Guarantee".. who was loaning Ukraine $1.1 Billion, and did Ukraine pay it back or did we American taxpayers get stuck again?
Online headline: "Some have tested positive for COVID-19 after recovering. What does that mean?" -- Good grief! Back in 1950, my mother had tuberculosis.. in fact, she spent 2 years in a TB Asylum in Saranac, NY following a partial lobectomy.. my 3 siblings and I always tested positive whenever a TB test was taken during our school years (in fact, having myself tested for it at age 58 showed me positive, yet none of us ever developed tuberculosis itself.. I'm sure everyone who has contracted the coronavirus will always show a positive test result as the body remembers how to defend itself from invasive germs..
You know... one Socialist-Democrat's name sums up his Party's agenda/manifesto... US Senator Tom CARPer of Delaware.. and if you look at it in a dyslexic way, even then his name sums up the Socialist-Democratic Party agenda/manifesto.. "CRAPer".
Online headline: "U.S. says California order discriminates against churches" -- Good grief! Isn't it apparent... actually TRANSPARENT.. that the only "sanctuaries" recognized as "sacred" in CA-razy are its cities!
Listening to Creepy Joe give "orders" from the confines of his home basement "Panic Room" reminds me of general scrunched over in a foxhole yelling for his men to rush the enemy...
Online headline: "'Bachelor' alum Amanda Stanton faces backlash for driving from L.A. to Arizona to get her hair done" -- Hmmm... well. under the Socialist-Democrat rule, she could be arrested for treason.. Of course what will happen is CA-razy will sue Arizona for its share of the sales tax the woman would have paid in CA-razy.
Online headline: ""Count of GA virus tests too high * Latest Data problem combines 2 types of tests, inflating number" -- Hmmm... this even makes the declining number of the rolling 7-day total of new case be higher as well..
Online headline: "Christopher Steele Testifies Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice Knew About Anti-Trump Research" -- Wait a minute.. wasn't it Steele's Dossier that Hellary, Rice, and Comey used to start up the Mueller Inquisition and secure the FISA warrants? Seems to me, those three should be sneaking out of the country while they can...
Yesterday, from his home basement "Panic Room" Creepy Joe spoke to a graduation ceremony . He told them they have to have faith in Self Government... Wait a minute.. isn't this the same guy that represents the Party that doesn't believe individual Americans should have any choice in their lives...well, unless it's to kill a baby or not..
From the Bias? No, just a Socialist-Democrat LIE" department" - Online headline: "Senate Democrat: Mail-in ballots needed because GOP trying to stop 'people of color from voting'" -- Good grief.. boy do we need responsible journalism to return to America! Just another ruse of Socialist-Democrats to control votes at lower costs to their Party.. harvesting ballots, and separation of mail-in votes by Zip Code are a great way to control the ballots that make it to the Boards of Election, and it cuts down on the costs of transporting Party-partial voters to the polls...
Online headline: "Comey mum on email suggesting move to freeze out Flynn, as Rice says she ignored advice" -- Hmmm.. you better believe he's "mum" on the subject.. primarily because of how deep he's stuffed his foot into his mouth...
Have you noticed that when accusations or charges are discussed on News Shows concerning any Democrats, the Democrat Spinmeisters go right for the messengers neck with accusations that the charges are nothing but political attacks rather than trying to defend or refute the facts, and they aren't really interested in whether the Democrat candidate in innocent or not.
Online headline: "Pelosi tees off at Trump during scorching press conference, says he leaves associates with 'doggy doo' on their shoes" -- "doggy-doo"? Seriously.. the 2nd person in line to ascend to the presidency used the term "doggy doo"? I think she's just trying to divert attention from the sight .. and smell... of all the San Francisco homeless POOP on her own...
You know.. it's a minimum.. to hear every Democrat spinmeister and MSM-13 journalists attribute so many quotes to Creepy Joe Biden all day long while he's actually locked away in his basement under guard by the DNC to keep him FROM saying anything quotable.
From the "no doubt from which side of their mouths they speak" department - Online headline: "As Biden gives commencement address, Columbia Law faculty who opposed Kavanaugh downplay Tara Reade accusations" -- Hmmm guess the Columbia Law faculty has left the "#MeToo! party to join the "#NotME! party...

Good grief.. I just read an opinion that President Trump is responsible for the Michigan dams collapsing.. Seriously? Those dams weren't built by Trump and didn't start deteriorating in 2017 when he took office.. and the Michigan infrastructure... like the rest of the county... was not a focus of the Obama/Biden reign, and Queen PIG Pelosi would rather fund the JFK Center than Michigan's infrastructure needs.

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