Monday, July 13, 2020

All if a sudden, the DNC Presidential nomination could be in doubt as to whether Bernie has been completely eliminated. JoKKKe Biden just announced that he's JoKKKe Biden's "husband", so how do the delegates know whether to vote for him or his "husband"?
BUILD BACK BETTER? b-b-b-b-biden's new "s-s-s-slogan"?.... I'll bet if we look closely at that "slogan" there'll be small words between the BOLD ones....BUILD debt on the BACK of BETTER patriots.
From the "huh?" department - Online MSM-13 headline: "White House seeks to discredit Fauci amid coronavirus surge" -- Good grief.. How can the White House be blamed...Dr Fauci has done a very good job discrediting himself....
Good grief... The Washington Redskins will be no more... The owner has kowtowed to Political Correctness and "the turning point (according to a YAHOO) appeared to come on July 2, when it was revealed that a group of investment firms in multibillion dollar corporations such as FedEx, Nike, PepsiCo and others had joined together to ask the companies to cut their business ties with Washington unless the franchise changed its nickname." Hmmm.... As the owner, the first things I would do would be to strip all ad signs of the corps that signed the coercive "petition", next would be burning all the Nike uniforms and equipment, and signing a lifetime contract with another athletic manufacturer for uniforms, and shoes, third would be to add a "No Nike contract clause" into every player's contract, then replace all vendors who signed on for the change with their competitors, and then then I would rename the team the "Washington Thin-Skins (with Forked -Tongues)" to emphasize the true political atmosphere of a Socialist-Democrat run government..
In an interview, Economist and author Thomas Sowell was asked about his opinion of the bandied around term of the moment, "Systemic Racism".. "It really has no meaning that can be specified and tested in the way that one tests hypotheses," answered Sowell, who added that the currency of the phrase reminds him of the "propaganda tactics" of Nazi Germany, where Sowell claimed that if a lie was "repeated long enough and loud enough" it would be widely believed." -- Hmmm .. I guess JoKKKe Biden will now delegate Thomas Sowell into his "you ain't Black" discard pile...
Online headline: "AOC suggests NYC crime surge due to unemployment, residents who need to 'shoplift some bread' -- Good grief... that explains it!..Maybe that's why people are getting shot on the streets of NYC ...the shooters were too late getting to the bread department so they steal it from the shoplifters .... AOC is not Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez.. it's Absence Of Comprehension!
Question of the day?: Who wrote Mueller's OP-ed? After he previously testified about his impeachment purge, it was obvious Mueller didn't have clue as to what went either someone else wrote this piece ..or....or he should be charged with lying under oath to Congress and additionally charged with obstruction of justice and Congress.
We have too many people who concentrate on racial differences rather than the things that could bring us together......together. How great could we become if we did not elect politicians who divide this nation by appealing to racial differences rather than promoting how we all would benefit with the same goals.. I think I'm safe feeling we all want lower taxes, less crime-safer streets, and better education for our children.. we all want our individual freedom, and to be protected from foreign aggression... we all want hunger to be eliminated.. so, when you go to the ballot boxes this year and subsequent for leaders based on their love of the future of our country and families.. not those that promise... even PROMOTE division.. if we all do this, we will not only send a message to them... and we will all be closer to our dreams.
--- Sports Illustrated has a transgender "woman" wearing a bathing suit on the cover of its last Swimsuit issue.. .. my question is since a transgender "woman" is actually a biological male, why the bikini top?

From the "DOH! Will someone turn the light on above MSM-13's head.... PLEASE?" department - Online headline story: "Trump wears mask in public for first time during pandemic * President Donald Trump wore a mask during a visit to a military hospital on Saturday, the first time the president has been seen in public with the type of facial covering recommended by health officials as a precaution against spreading or becoming infected by the novel coronavirus. * he left the White House, he told reporters: “When you're in a hospital, especially ... I think it's expected to wear a mask.”" -- Good grief.. MSM-13 has contracted the mutation version of Covid-19... Co-Democrat-2020! President Trump was in a hospital...Of course President Trump wore a mask! He was visiting and cheering on sick soldiers, and followed the protocol ALL hospitals have in place!
Online headline/story: "NFL players DeAndre Baker, Quinton Dunbar accused of paying robbery victims to change testimony * Evidence gathered in the case against Baker, who plays for the New York Giants, and Dunbar of the Seattle Seahawks allegedly shows Dominic Johnson, a friend of the players, overseeing a monetary exchange with the victims at Dunbar’s attorney’s office, the New York Daily News reported Friday, citing a police warrant." -- Good grief.. Now I want to see the protesters out protesting this with their "We Want Justice!" signs..
From the "Stupidly Bias? How stupidly bias?" department - Online headline: "These fast-food chains have all donated to President Trump's reelection * AOL.COM EDITORS" -- Good grief! Of course major businesses support the President.. they'd be stupid NOT TO DO SO! President Trump's policies have given them Hope & Change from the Obama/JoKKKe Biden era.. Hey... MSM-13.. You might want to "try" President Trump.. You'll like it!
From the "JoKKKe Biden joKKKe of the day" department - HuffPOOPOO "deep dodo" headline: "Joe Biden credits Elizabeth Warren with helping craft his new economic plan" -- Good grief! Only in a desperate situation would one Leftist turn to a further Leftist looking for an economic plan...
I tell you what.. after seeing that for every 45 people moving to Massachusetts, 55 are leaving.. maybe JoKKKe Biden should look to a state who's economic plan is working...
From the "maybe real Black people should rethink blind BLM support" department - Prior to a video showing a young Black man shooting at a Detroit Police officer from 3 feet ... and missing... BLM was out protesting in rage and calling to "DEFUND Police". Last weekend, 5 children were shot and killed, and no BLM protests were seen in those neighborhoods protesting Black-on-Black crime.. maybe the BLM message is really "TMMM" (The Money Matters MOST).
From the "see what a Socialist-Democrat government will do to Constitutional law abiding American citizens?" department - Online headline: Missouri couple who defended home have rifle seized during police search" -- Remember the couple who protected their j=home when protesters violated private property in St Louis? Well, the police were sent in and confiscated their rifle... to boot, MSM-13 was notified to be there and they, in turn, broadcast it it so the protesters now know that home is now gun free.... Hmmm maybe the McCloskeys will be voting for Trump and Republicans in November.
Shooting in the parking areas of Peachtree Mall in Columbus were bad enough, but now, one has moved INSIDE. I think I'm going into the Door Security Metal Detecting business.. just the protecting the number of door in/out of Peachtree Mall will be a bonanza!
Counting yesterday, the official murder count through July 11, 2020 is 22 per the Columbus, GA PD figures,, even higher if we use the Coroner's number... but either one indicates a growing problem for our City. Even sadder is that neither number reflects the total number of people shot that are saved by our local hospital ER rooms.,, nor the number of potential new businesses that write us off for expansion.
I hate hearing our MCSD moaning and whimpering about how tough it is today.. perhaps all MCSD officials and MCSB members should read "The History of Public Education in Muscogee County and the City of Columbus Georgia 1928-1976" by Katherine Hines Mahan, Ph.D. .. I find it interesting that in 1954, Muscogee County Schools had "33,293 pupils, 795 Professional Employees, and 782 Rooms".. Hmmm... more students in 1954 than 2020, and far fewer professional employees than 2020. Comparative "professional" employee numbers wee 2,000 in 1990 (Note: 200 of those were not paid for by the State.. the State deemed them "unnecessary"), and what I heard last was 3,800 a couple of years ago... surely, the MCSB can look "inward" and find cost savings rather than raise taxes more..
When you get down to facts, problems withing the MCSD escalated when we were forced.. by state law.. to have an "elected" School Board versus an appointed one of concerned citizens..1992-93...
The Socialist-Democrats really try to claim ownership of the 1964 Civil Rights Act... yet even though the Dems had a substantial majority in the House and Senate, it would not have passed without the overwhelming support of the Republicans..
Click on this URL and explore for yourself:
From the "all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others" department - Online headline: "Joe Biden’s family racks up arrests for drugs, drunk driving — but no jail time" -- Hmmm... shoots holes in the Pelosi argument about no one being "above the law.. not to mention that her add-on pork to the Covid-relief aid allowed her husband's company to get money...
From the "Bias? Obvious bias." department - Online headline: "FBI monitored Seattle's George Floyd protests to find violent agitators in crowds" -- And thank God they did, and that the FBI is still not under the Obama/Biden influences!
I'm a long time respecter of Bill Bennett, but he moved well up my list this past week.. He was talking about Fall's College football situation... and after pooh-poohing the Ivy League and his Minnesota's Big 10 Conference's relevance an, he more or less said if the SEC took out Vandy and Kentucky and replaced them with Clemson and Texas, not only would the nation's football addiction be well served, the SEC would have the Final $ teams anyway...
AJC headline: "National Spotlight Follows Bottoms".. Hmmm... Aside from what appears to be a set-up line for a prurient joke, I'm tickled to see any big city Democrat Mayor have a spotlight on them... it removes most of the shadows they hide in normally..
Online headline: "Detroit police release video of man firing at cops before officers fatally shoot him * “It’s simply a miracle he wasn’t struck in the head,” the Detroit police chief said of the officer, who was unharmed. " -- Good grief.. Detroit police did shoot a man after the man shot at.. and fortunately missed... a police officer from behind. Sadly, there were "BLM" protests about it which basically REQUIRED the DPD to release the disturbing video to deflate.. defuse.. the lies being spread...
From the "Once again, Br'er Trump laughs best!" department - Online headline/story: "Trump says executive order will include DACA recipients * Trump told Telemundo’s José Díaz-Balart that he would be signing a “big immigration bill” that would involve the so-called Dreamers, immigrants brought to the United States when they were children. * When pressed on how it would get done, Trump said he would be signing an executive order. * “One of aspects of the bill … is going to be DACA, we are going to have a road to citizenship,” Trump said." -- Hmmm... once again, Br'er Obama, Br'er Biden, and Br'er Pelosi will have some major "splainin" to do..President Trump is going to clean up their mess with a stroke of his pen. And they have to grin and bare it, and hope Fox (they know MSM-13 won't) doesn't ask them why they didn't do this at the time?
Why is JoKKKe Biden talking about Trump's handling of the Covid-19 pandemic and getting no challenge from MSM-13? JoKKKe Biden needs to explain why he and Obama left the country ill-prepared for any health pandemic!
From the "BIAS! WHAT BIAS!" department - HuffPOOPOO "POOP!" - Headline/story: "Goya Foods CEO doubles down on Trump support as boycott grows * The CEO of Goya Foods doubled down on his support for President Donald Trump following calls for a boycott against his company and added that the outrage at his praise for the president is sowing dangerous divisions. * “We are with the president. We’re with this country, you know, right, left, center, up and down,” CEO Robert Unanue said Friday on Fox Business Network. * Unanue heaped praise on the president after Trump — who has a long history of racism toward Latinx people — announced a White House Hispanic prosperity initiative. " -- "Trump..who has a long history of racism toward Latinx people"? It's not Trump who is racist toward Latinx people.. he just wants all in our country to be here legally (rather than criminally) so they can fully pursue the all that America has to offer in achieving their dreams! On the other hand, it's the Socialist-Democrats.. led Queen Pelosi of CA-razy, that promote Latinx success suppression! The Soc-Dems WANT illegal alien status because it provides them cheap sources of labor for their states. It's the Soc-Dems that want to suppress Goya success! Trump-Pence 2020! and Buy Goya!
I hope I can be there when writer Black activist Shaun King tries to explain his view of Jesus when he is judged by God...King advocates for tearing down "white" Jesus statues because they don't depict his concept of a Mid-Eastern Jesus. Well, mr. King obviously you are not a follower or believer in Jesus.. basically a false prophet.. All of us.. Black, White, Red and Yellow men and women.. are/were created in His image
Online story "(Gretchen) Carlson tells Yahoo Entertainment about the news that broke on July 1 that (Ed) Henry, co-anchor of America’s Newsroom, was fired as a result of a complaint made the week before about “willful sexual misconduct in the workplace years ago,” according to an internal memo from the network." -- Hmmm.. "years ago"? Maybe when Ed Henry was at CNN, and CNN didn't do something then?
Was reading a recap of states with the worst ingress/egress numbers.. the worst 4 were CT (37/63), NY (37/63), IL (33/67), and NJ (31/69).. Personally, I also expected CA-razy to be in that group bu it was only the 7th worse.. (guess CA-razy counts the illegal ingressees which offsets the true egressees). What I was most surprised is that most of the reasons "checked off" were moves because of jobs/retirement.. there was no mention about crime or tax rates.. which I firmly believe motivate MOST moves as people look for jobs elsewhere and retire elsewhere to escape from. I just hope that the Voter registration lists are updated daily!
I'm not sure why "scientists" are surprised by anything on Mars.. I find it logical that life may HAVE been on Mars millions of years ago.. and that as the sun cooled down, Earth became inhabitable as we know it, and Mars cooled down to become uninhabitable for life as we know it. Regardless.. it's a God thing..
I'm curious.. we seem get minute-by-minute updates on Covid-19 cases, but what about the usual flu cases? I haven't seem or heard of any so fat and awe know the "flu" kills 60-to-70,000 annually in the US.
From the "makes sense ONLY in the Soc-Dem world" department - Online story: "California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) (and Queen Pelosi's nephew) is set to announce the release of some 8,000 people from prisons across the state as several prisons face deadly coronavirus outbreaks." -- Hmmm and this makes sense HOW? If you already have an outbreak contained.. why....other than for dastardly political reasons... do you send possibly infected people out to mingle in public?
That comment of Pelosi about Baltimore statue vandalizers... "it's "what people do" is so sick coming from a person.. any person... but even sicker when the Speaker of the House says it. It's been mentioned that Pelosi's father was a former mayor of Baltimore, and as mayor led the dedication of a statue of Lee and Jackson there in 1948... seeing as Pelosi was 8 at the time, I'd like to know if she were present at the dedication.. Pelosi has been "mum" on the subject so far.. which pretty much indicates she probably WAS at the dedication.. she was was 8 and her father was the star!
From the "hmmm... and what's the difference" department - Online headline: "Biden says some funding should 'absolutely' be redirected from police" -- JoKKKe Biden says he's NOT for "defunding" the police... but he is for "redirecting" funds from the police". What's the difference!
Online headline: "Headline: "Mark Cuban doesn't believe Mavericks' jerseys with a social message will be a distraction" - "doesn't believe it will be a distraction?" Good grief.. an egotist like Cuban Is COUNTING on it being one.. he feels it will attract fan back.. but it won't...
From the "you are the SUM of your actions" department - Online headline/story: "Vandals cut down 9/11 Memorial flagpole in New York village * Police in New York have launched an investigation after a flagpole at a memorial honoring five firefighters who died in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks was cut down by vandals. * The damage at the patriotic display in Washingtonville, north of New York City, was discovered early Wednesday" -- This proves that the rant against statues is not one of protest, but of ignorance of history!
Malcontents who blame their own lack of success on "white privilege" are damaging themselves more with their resentment.. Instead of anger.. for example.. that Donald Trump was a success only because he inherited $400,000.00.. they need to be looking at President Trump as an example of hard work leading to success. One only has to look at "lottery winners" and sports and entertainment people who are now penniless because they did not use the money to grow business and jobs.. Resentment of the successful is really a condemnation of one-self's lack of initiative.
When you do the math, Donald Trump, the businessman, turned $400,000.00 into $3 (or higher BILLION! That's increasing his wealth by 7,500. TIMES Thinks about that.. if you ever had $1,000.00 and frivolously spent it on yourself versus using it to build your legacy with, that $1,000.00 times 7,500 could have been $7,500,000.00 over a lifetime. President Trump should be everyone's hero... and Pelosi or JoKKKe Biden should be everyone's ZERO!
Online headline: "EXCLUSIVE: Chinese virologist accuses Beijing of coronavirus cover-up, flees Hong Kong: 'I know how they treat whistleblowers'" -- Yep.. it's an EASY EXCLUSIVE for Fox News... MSM-13 doesn't want to touch anything that ruins their Covid-19 statistics model, nor shows Trump is RIGHT!
Online headline: "Barr: FBI has made 150 arrests, launched more than 500 investigations related to rioting" -- 150 arrests? 500 investigations? That's not near enough.... unless of course.. it's those 500 or so that are the paid instigators that move from big inner city to big inner city to agitate locals..
From the "it's a whole 'nother ball game now" department - Online headline: "Jamie Foxx Slams Kanye West's Presidential Run: 'Ain't Got Time for the Bullsh--!!!' -- It was bad enough.. actually HORRIBLE.. that JoKKKe Biden said Blacks than didn't vote for him ain't really Black, but when Jamie Foxx says Kanye West ain't Black enough, then the Socialist-Dem-Party is about to implode!
OK.. it's time for a recap of the past weeks worldwide death count due to Covid-19 and Abortions> As of this Monday morning, there have been 22,639,000 babies killed... since last week, when the total was 21, 828,000, an additional 811,000 more babies have been killed. This week as of this morning, the worldwide Covid-19 associated death toll is 572,271.. up 34, 655 from last Monday. Hmmm... where is the world's priority!
One obvious omission in the "trial balloon" MCSD tax increase desire is whether it would be only for 1 year.. Without stating irrevocably that it would be for only 1 year, then this should be an absolute "no go".
Columbus L-E headline/story: "Poland holds runoff in tight presidential race * resident Andrzej Duda, who is backed by the ruling right-wing Law and Justice party and the government, has campaigned on traditional values and social spending in this mostly Catholic nation as he seeks a second 5-year term. * Mayor Rafal Trzaskowski, a former European Parliament lawmaker, jumped into the race relatively late to oppose Duda’s denigration of urban liberals, the LGBT community and other minorities and to counter an erosion of democratic rights under the ruling party. He is representing the main opposition Civic Platform party that was in power in from 2007 to 2015." -- Hmmm will someone put a GPS tracker on Obama and JoKKKe Biden to make sure they are trying to influence the Ukraine election... you KNOW they want the old regime back in to cover up the "quid pro Joe" over the Billion US tax dollar "loan guarantee". I still want to know if the loan was paid off by Ukraine, or have we taxpayers been stuck with it...
From the "talk about hitting the nail on the head!" department -


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