Monday, July 27, 2020

Online headline: "President Trump says he won't be able to throw first pitch at Yankees-Red Sox game" -- Good grief.. It was a trap anyway... If he'd flown in to do so, as soon as he flew out, Gov Fredo Cuomo would be on CNN saying President Trump thought he was "above the law" for defying Cuomo's law about being quarantined for two weeks when you visit NY.
President Trump has extended the "Eviction Moratorium" hat's been in place for the past 4 months for renters in buildings hat have mortgages guaranteed by the federal government.. but there ought to be about 232 evictions from the House.. not one Socialist-Democrat has missed a paycheck for work they are not performing that they swore under oath to do..While Trump is at it, he could issue 48 eviction notices for US Senators as well.. the 45 Socialist-Democrats, the 2 Independents that caucus with the Socialist-Democrats, plus *itt Romney who has dementia since he can't remember what his constituents sent him to Washington to do..
Online story: "Top Trump administration and White House officials on Sunday said they want to replace the soon-expiring expanded unemployment benefits with a system that pays those out of work 70 percent of lost wages because they feel the current system gives people a reason not to return to the job." -- Well, to boot.. giving an unemployment check of $600.00 is equivalent to 70% of an $857.00 per week gross paycheck after "normal deductions" and a $43,000.00 annual salary.. It also enables those anarchists to burn and destroy the major cities they are rioting in..
From the "talk about hypocrisy " department - The "peaceful protests" have turned into armed assaults.. ..sometimes amongst themselves. Let me get this straight "peaceful" protesters are showing up with AR-15s in support of defeating Trump by electing Biden who's promised to take away their guns if he's elected....think about that.
So Jon Ossoff heads a company that sniffs out corruption... hmmmm.. wonder what he has on Comey, Biden, Obama, and Pelosi that he hasn't published?
John Lewis...physically beaten under the rule of a Democrat governor .. was honored.. celebrated... by the Republican Governor of Alabama..
Well, with at least 22 murders far..this year in Columbus...and possibly 2 more that should be considered as such, we are gonna probably set a new record. What we don't know is how many assaults with guns and knives have we had that are just ATTEMPTED killings.
The pendulum has swung so far left that the goals of "BLM" have become self-consuming.. perhaps some of Solomon's wisdom is in order. Our pastor at 1st Baptist wove his sermon together with these alternative thoughts...
1 Kings 3-11-14:
"3:11 So God said to him, "Since you have asked for this and not for long life or wealth for yourself, nor have asked for the death of your enemies but for discernment in administering justice,
3:12 I will do what you have asked. I will give you a wise and discerning heart, so that there will never have been anyone like you, nor will there ever be.
3:13 Moreover, I will give you what you have not asked for--both riches and honor--so that in your lifetime you will have no equal among kings.
3:14 And if you walk in my ways and obey my statutes and commands as David your father did, I will give you a long life."
Perhaps this approach would be received better amongst God's people than the violence and rioting ...
From the "how wrong liberal "feelings" are compared to Common Sense" and "thinking" department - Online headline/story: "Outdoor seating impossible for some eateries thanks to wild NYC streets * Mayor Bill de Blasio has been touting his restaurant reopening program as a “huge hit” — but that’s not the case on a Queens street overrun with druggies, drunks and vagrants thanks to the city’s surging lawlessness." -- Good grief! Mayor de Bl@sio "feels" his vision is "the answer" but when street thugs see how enabled their "disregard for common courtesy and civility" has become when the rights of law-abiding citizens have been compromised by local government disabling street safety, this... yes THIS... is the "actuality" of what liberals consider "good intentions" but without consequences to enforce them.
You know.. Governor Fredo Cuomo of NY feels he can stop the Covid-19 spread/deaths in his state by demanding visitors from other states be quarantined for two weeks when they get to NY.. Seems to me that the other 49 states would fare better if Governor Fredo would quarantine all New Yorkers two weeks BEFORE they were allowed to leave NY.
I am befuddled that a political party can attract voters by convincing them they are "victims" yet offer no plan for them to overcome their status...Name a Socialist-Democrat run country that offers it's citizens an exit route from poverty, and an opportunity to succeed on their own initiative and determination...
Hmmm... just thinking.. when the NFL does allow fans back into stadiums, do you think Washington fans will wear generic Washington Football Team apparel or their Redskins jerseys? You know.. Washington will have it's worst merchandising season EVER!
Online headline/story: "CHICAGO PASTOR FIRES AT TRUMP: ‘DON’T GET IN THE RING WITH PEOPLE FROM THE CHI’ _ Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III, senior pastor of Trinity United Church in Chicago — where 30 percent of the city's population is Black according to the United States Census Bureau — condemned Trump’s plan. * “Donald Trump’s threat to deploy federal officers to Chicago is a clear indication he is infected with COVID-1619, America’s oldest untreated disease, better known as racism,” Moss told Sojourners. “As a community, we will resist such unconstitutional action by any morally rooted means we deem necessary. We are a city of grit, grind and resistance, unafraid to speak truth to power; don’t get in the ring with people from the Chi if you don’t want to witness a community organized to fight.” -- Hmmm...Inner city voters should note carefully how the Socialist-Democrats will act if they regain power in November... As it is, they don't care now to help inner city neighbors to feel safe under the current Socialist-Democrat rule .. what makes the inner city voters feel the Socialist-Democrats will change once they become more empowered nationally?
Online headline: "Joe Biden has a long to-do list if he wins the White House" -- Hmmm.. probably because in 3 years, President Trump has repaired most of the damage the Obama-Biden team took 8 years to implement ... but... it ain't gonna happen! Trump 2020!
Am shocked at what I read up on last week.. after President Trump announced his new drug cost reducing Executive Orders, I looked up what my blood thinner medicine is through Canadian sites.. I pay $442.00 for a 30 day supply which makes the daily cost about $14.75.. I saw the same medicine available for as low as $100.00 in Canada ... that would reduce my daily costs down to $3.34 ... almost 80%! Most non-generic drugs have price structures like this..Lobbyist have kept politicians at bay from changing the "Status quo" and the "quid pro quo". ObamaCRAP "looked at it", but declined to do anything about it... and it could have..
Columbus L-E headline/story: "Justices deny church’s appeal of 50-person cap * In a 5-4 decision, the high court refused to grant the request from the Christian church east of Reno to be subjected to the same COVID-19 restrictions in Nevada that allow casinos, restaurants and other businesses to operate at 50% of capacity with proper social distancing. * Chief Justice John Roberts sided with the liberal majority in denying the request without explanation." -- Good grief.. casinos and rioting mobs have their own sets of laws that are contrary to church gatherings.. yeah,, the liberals really are for "no one being above the law" (wink wink).
Columbus L-E headline: "New owner plans to keep McClatchy intact" -- Good grief! Columbus sure could have used some good news... like the new owner was planning to improve.. even restore the Columbus L-E... think about it.. if you were buying a company out of bankruptcy.. wouldn't it be folly to feel... must less THINK.. that continuing what drove it into bankruptcy could also be a recovery solution?
Columbus L-E commentary headline: "If you actually care about John Lewis, support renewing the Voting Rights Act * by John Tures" --- Hmmm... sorta backasswards look at John Lewis' contribution.. The original Voter's Rights Bill was sunsetted because it established a "lean" past equality for all.. it also served it's purpose of making all citizens gain an equal voting voice.. but it also established the need for government identification to require proof of American citizenship to have this voice be the controlling voice for all citizens. Anything that changes this is a slap in the face of John Lewis's legacy.
Online story: "U.S. prosecutors on Friday unveiled charges against 18 Portland, Oregon protesters ranging from assaulting police to arson and trespassing, a day after the Trump administration expanded the deployment of tactical police to Seattle." -- 18? Well that is a START... a little too slow... but a start... but... there should already be one other arrest that should have been made.. the arrest of Portland Mayor on charges of AIDING and ABETTING the terrorists!
You know, when a Governor or Mayor allows violent rioting to happen without trying to squash it, and either does not ask for ..or allow... federal government help, then all federal financial aid/grants to ALL programs in those states/cities should be withheld and used to pay for the damages to federal properties caused by them allowing such violence to happen..
Now that another round of Stimulus Checks is the works, more steps need to be taken to identify the violent participants in our large city protests/riots...then those names should be removed from lists compiled for government checks of ALL KINDS!
I tell you what.. if I try to do business with a retail establishment of any kind, and they have a sign saying that they will not give me all my change back on a cash transaction, I will cancel the sale on the spot and go shop elsewhere.. My new policy is: "No cash back.. NO CASH IN!"
I was curious about the 1992 Presidential Bush41/Clinton/Perot election since it was the first election I've voted in that had a viable 3rd Party candidate in the mix.. Two particular things stood out:
1 - a president was elected with only 43.01% of the votes.. That means 56.99% of the voters did not want Clinton.... Libs should be very careful about wishing for a "Democracy" which requires a "majority".. not a "plurality".. of votes to win without a runoff.. if there had been a runoff, Bush 41 would most likely have been elected.
2 - Only one candidate.. Clinton in his home state of Arkansas...actually won a state with the majority of that state's popular vote.
In 1996, Ross Perot also ran as a 3rd Party candidate against Incumbent Clinton and Republican Bob Dole, but was not as big an influence, but his presence still allowed Clinton to get reelected with less than a majority of popular. Perot was not as effective in derailing Clinton as he was Bush41 because Dole was not a good choice.. (in truth.. a terrible choice )of the Republicans.
Baseball has cranked up... I think I'm gonna either buy stock in a case baseball manufacturing of the new rules is if a ball is touched, it gets removed from the game.. Hmmm ... that pretty much assures that when a ball is pitched, then it's toast unless it's a home run or if knocked out of play foul. How does a fielder throw a ball after he gloves it since the pitcher obviously touched the ball when he pitched it? ...and what will baseball be if batters can't spit, players can't chew on tobacco, gum, or sunflower seeds, and managers can't get in an umpire's face and argue a call.... BORING!
Today is Monday, and I still don't know who won either of Thursday night's opening games of MLB (same with Friday, Saturday, and Sunday's games as well) ..'' interestingly enough.. I do know that a Giants player wore a mask while playing 1st base, the first National League DH hit a home run and that ALL the Yankees knelt during the National Anthem.. Shows you what was really... and most... important to MSM-13. What I also knew was that there have been NL DH's in other games long before this.. MSM-13 is just as ignorant of baseball as it is knowing the pitfalls of Socialism...
A DNC press spokesman said Democrats were holding back on Police Reform until after the election because they want a majority in both houses plus the White House because the Republicans won't do enough if they start working now. Hmmm ..well, the Dems did "zip" during Obama first two years when they had a huge majority on the House plus a majority in the Senate. ....but there 's no reason Pelosi and Schumer cannot join Republicans in creating a good plan now.
Saw an article showing Congresswoman Maxine Waters, D-CA-razy, stopping her car near her home to "monitor" a Police officer's interaction with a Black driver he'd pulled over for a traffic violation. She didn't interfere , but I had a couple of questions... obviously, she was in CA-razy, but being near her home, she was not in her District because she doesn't live in it, but my real question is that since she's out-and-about, and was not wearing a mask, why wasn't she in Washington, DC helping our country
Went into Lowe's for a few items and saw a display of disposable face masks... I looked to find where they were manufactured but the boxes only mentioned that they were "distributed from North Carolina". I asked a couple of employees ..they looked...said they were made in North Carolina...I challenged that and one employee went and found the shipping carton they came in, and it was from China... she agreed with me that the boxes should have the Country of Origin..and reported it to the store manager. I think stores should not sell these N-95 masks if they are from's an outrage for China to benefit from selling protective products from the pandemic disease China created.
Online headline: "Robert E. Lee statue, eight Confederate busts removed from Virginia Capitol" -- Wow! The Virginia legislature finds its expedient to remove "ancient" statues and symbols of our nations dark history...yet have done nothing to remove the Executive Branch leaders for their "insensitive " racial and ethics indiscretions.
The DNC really is concerned... This past week they released a conversations with Obama and JoKKKe Biden ...not live but videoed with editing .. and were sending their heavy-weight spinmeisters to Fox News ... Brazile, Marsh, Tarlov and Harf... all in a 2 day period.
The one thing not even the worst leftist can refute about the Federal law enforcement officers is that are present to protect public property and another thing the worst leftist can't deny is that the "protesters" are there "weaponized" to cause physical damage and injuries.
China has retaliated by closing a US Consulate somewhere in China because the US closed one of theirs in Houston. What China didn't say is the one we ordered closed was for their employees involved in spying and election interference.
The one thing I hope we'll get to see this November is JoKKKe Biden actually voting in a booth.. I want to know who he votes for.. himself, JoKKKe Biden's brother in the presidential race, or will he vote for himself as Senator?
Now it's take a look at the weekly worldwide death figures of corona-virus vs abortions.
So far this year, 24,271,000 babies were killed in their mothers womb.. A week ago, the total was 23,443,000.. That means that another 828,000 babies got to see Jesus without breathing own their own. The total worldwide deaths for Covid-19 associated reasons today is 652,872 versus last weeks 609,279.. so 43,593 passed.. and most of them in latter stages of life . And most.. at least in this country.. have been "isolated " in nursing facilities without HOPE as their families aren't allowed to be with them.. hold than hands.. and encourage their recovery. It's like God reached down and said, "suffer no more... welcome home".
Other Covid-19 tidbits in America that MSM-13 and the Socialist-Democrats avoid talking about:
There may be 4,371,992 people in America diagnosed with Covid-19, and 149,852 are said to have died from it.. What is not said is that of the now 331,002,651 people in America, 326,480,807 people in America are not cases of... nor died from.. the coronavirus... While figures don't lie.. liars.. especially those half-truthers, figure a lot.. The truth is that 98.6 people in America are not carriers or victims of the Chinese Virus..
Let's look at GA.. Population 10,600,000.. 167,953 Covid-19 cases.. 3,498 Covid-19 associated deaths.. which means 10,428,549 are not or have not been Chinese coronavirus "victims".. which is 98.38% .. Somehow, I'm getting the vision that the Socialist-Democrats and MSM-13 are getting their numbers from "Chicken Little".. or the Peter who cried "wolf".
From the "what's new" department - Columbus L-E "This Date in Time feature:
Hmmm.. in 1919 38 deaths in Shicago.. that was real news in the day.. today.. MSM-13 yawns at the number of deaths in an ordinary week in Shicago.

Ask yourself... why would MSM-13 and the Socialist-Democrats be so determined to keep schools, business and sports closed ? If the "gloom & doom" would damage President Trump and get Biden elected.. why are the libs so concerned.. maybe it's because their rhetoric and lies would be revealed and Trump would be re-elected handily and the House would return to a conservative rule..I mean, if I were playing basketball, and my opponent was about to score a basket in my teams goal. I wouldn't stop him... would you?

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