Thursday, July 23, 2020

I feel pretty sure"Black Lives Matter" was created with good intentions... for valid... and important reasons, but it's lost control of its public perception.. That started when it teamed up with "ActBlue" and "BLM" support donations flooded into political donations for true leftist politicians. Now, "BLM" cannot separate itself from the violence of the anarchist element and isn't equipped to police itself. Combined with MSM-13, which only views the violent chaos as another opportunity to go after Trump, BLM would benefit from a new image... even a new name... something like "Black LIFE Matters", and a separation from its political party association..
Online headline/story: "Sheriff: Arrests made in ‘massacre’ of 3 fishing buddies in Polk County * One of the suspects, Tony “TJ” Wiggins, 26, had previously been charged with 230 felonies, and had been consistently arrested since he was 12 * (Polk County Sheriff Grady) Judd ..called the crime scene “horrific,” describing the deaths as a “massacre.” He said the men were beaten and “shot up.” * “I’ve been to a lot of murder scenes in my life, and this ranks among the worst,” Judd said during a Saturday news conference. -- These men are... at BEST.. EVIL PERSONIFIED! Anyone know what their education curriculum was down in Polk County, FL....
I heard a MSM-13 reporter ask President Trump that he'd heard Democrats say Trump was sending in federal law enforcement officers into cities run by Democrats for political reasons. You know, if some hack journalist had said that to me., I think I'd have just asked that reporter if he could name a city with trouble like this that's run by a Republican.....
MSM-13 should apologize to America for not leading the fight against inner city street violence! The personal ..tragic... stories of families gathered with President Trump at White House should haunt journalists who have ignored these stories because of their misplaced hatred for President Trump. . It's time . actually way past time.. that MSM-13 starts to relating to American families rather than to the political agenda of the Socialist-Democrats.
Seriously... who really wants to cut funding for our police...criminals. As attested to by the recent St Louis incidence, even defense lawyers want... need.. police protection .
Had to laugh at the ignorance of the so called "peace" protesters in Portland...those "peace signs " they were carrying...they were actually Mercedes symbols, not "peace symbols ".
I had someone actually question why I refer to Joe Biden as "JoKKKe Biden" (I think he actually "got" the "Max Headroom" alternate moniker I've assigned to him).. I told him one reason was that he labels Blacks by whether they vote for him or not.. I think the guy is too young to remember how Biden followed Senator Byrd around like a yellow-puppy-dog.
So the Houston, TX China Consulate has been ordered to be "shut down" as evidence that China is intentionally feeding racial division on our country, and also providing materials to aid such protests of division.. guess this is the Chinese strategy to help replace Trump with JoKKKe Biden.

You know.. why isn't MSM-13 or the Queen Pelosi Pa-troll talking about the Chinese trying to interfere with our elections?
You know, what decision would the MCSB made about "home vs school building instructions" for this Fall if they had been told.. or remembered.. students will have access to Bibles at home, and no restrictions on parental influences?
Since all our MCSD school children will be taught at home.. does this mean we;ll have to remove weapons and prescription medicines from our homes so they comply with the "Drug and Gun Free Zone" policies? Does this mean we will also be banned from "Texting" from our driveways? Oh, and do we have to install blinking yellow warning signals that run doing the drop-off/pick-up hours?
Online headline/story: "Mayor of Portland, Oregon, tear gassed by federal agents *
Mayor Ted Wheeler, a Democrat, said it was the first time he’d been tear gassed and appeared slightly dazed and coughed as he put on a pair of goggles someone handed him and drank water. He didn't leave his spot at the front, however, and continued to take gas." -- "take gas"? Guess he needed to refill himself to replace all he's passed...
Online headline: "Hurricane Douglas, 1st hurricane of 2020, has Hawaii on alert" -- Hmmm... well, maybe if an evacuation alert is sounded, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will fully reveal her plans for bus and train routes to the US mainland since she doesn't approve of air flights.
Speaking of political rhetoric.. since JoKKKe Biden.. according to "the polls" is a shoe-in.. maybe he should NOW reveal his promise (if elected) to give us his "CURE for Cancer"... maybe even his solution for Covid-19.. of course, like Clinton with his "promise" of a "tax cut for the middle class", JoKKKe Biden will announce.. sorrowfully .. that he tried his best but couldn't do it.. and blame Trump for it...
Hmmm... it's already happening... the DNC/MSM-13 are all over Kanye ... guess it's a message to show what JoKKKe Biden meant when he said Blacks ain't Black if they don't vote for him....
Online headline: "Could 'Sentinels' be Washington's new nickname? Would fans be happy with it?" -- How ironic... that's the name used for the Washington team in "The Replacements" Wonder if the ThinSkins owners will replace FedEX stadium name with "Warner Brothers" in order to get the use of "the Sentinels" for merchandising?
Whoa! Washington may have bigger troubles using the name "Sentinels" when George Lucas' "Star Wars" empire hers about it...Sentinels functioned primarily as bodyguards for Dark Side Adepts. Whenever Palpatine sent an Adept or Executor Sedriss on a high-priority mission for the Empire, one or more of these titans would escort them off-world.
From the "is this the only number JoKKKe Biden knows?" department - Online headline: "Joe Biden calls Trump the country's 'first' racist president" -- Good grief...JoKKKe Biden called Washington, Jefferson, Jackson "racists" before this.. and I'm pretty sure he's probably tagged Lincoln as well,. Sounds to me that JoKKKe Biden is really full of "Number 2".
Columbus L-E headline: "Local businesses create their own face mask mandates" -- And that's good.. the way way it should be... of course, if sore owners/managers of restaurants feel I need to wear a mask while dining (or a theater owner says I have to wear one when eating popcorn, my bride and I will just go elsewhere..


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