Wednesday, July 22, 2020

From the "are we about to see a "3-on-a-match" event come true?" department - Online story: " Ohio House Speaker Larry Householder and four others were arrested Tuesday in a $60 million federal bribery probe, a person briefed on the investigation confirmed." -- WOW!...Just last week, Illinois House Speaker and state Democratic Party chairman Michael Madigan was charged with the same charges.. who will the 3rd Speaker be... Justice would be that it be Congressional House Speaker Queen Pelosi...
From the "I've got a "cognitive test"question for Chris Wallace" department - Online story: " "President Donald Trump’s interview with Chris Wallace of Fox News quickly turned into fodder for the late-night hosts ― and one moment stood out to all of them. * Trump boasted of passing a “very hard” cognitive test, but Wallace said he took the test himself when Trump first announced that he had passed it. * “It’s not the hardest test,” Wallace said. “They have a picture and it says ‘what’s that’ and it’s an elephant.” -- Hey, Chris Wallace! Who taught you YOUR journalistic ethics... your dad?
Hmmm... JoKKKe Biden says he has lawyers vetting potential VP running mates for him.. JoKKKe also says, "“My administration, I promise you, will look like America," Biden said on MSNBC. "From vice president, to the Supreme Court, to Cabinet positions, to every major position in the White House: It’s going to look like America.” -- Nothing wrong with an administration that looks like America, but I do have a question I want to ask.. Does JoKKKe Biden feel his America will look like a version of Venezuela, Cuba, Iran, or North Korea?
Online headline: "Navy veteran says he beaten 'like a punching bag' in Portland" -- You know.. I watched that video..I wondered what the guy was doing there in the first place other than to distract law enforcement officers from doing their duty to defend public property and protect themselves from a group of terrorists.. In fact, I thought the guy should have been cuffed and hauled away and charged with "obstruction of an officer doing his duty", and "aiding and abetting an act of terrorism"..
Hellary is concerned Trump won't accept election results?... hmmm... what's it been.. nearly 4 years since she lost..and she hasn't accepted that she LOST and President Trump WON?
What's going to happen all day Wednesday? After listening to President Trump Tuesday, MSM-13 is either going to have to report the truth or report what Pelosi, Schumer, Schi**, or JoKKe say..
Online headline: "Trump campaign mocks Biden for vowing ‘shovel ready’ jobs: ‘Where have we heard this before?’" -- Two questions.. Why does JoKKKe Biden promise "shovel ready " menial jobs? and Where are those shovels going to be made...China?
Online headline: "CHRIS WALLACE TO PANDERING JOE BIDEN: COME OUT OF THE BASEMENT" -- Hmmm... in the interest of fair play.. will MSM-13 call for Fox to fire Chris Wallace? Hey... I didn't write the rules, but it seems that challenging anybody (President Trump the exception) to "come out" of anything is a fireable offense in the eyes of MSM-13 and the Socialist-Democrat Party.
Online CNN headlie: "Joe Biden: Trump has quit on you and this country"-- In a word.. "DESPERATION!" The only things Trump has "quit on" is political correctness and kowtowing to Socialist-Democrats, but on even those aspects, he won't quit trying to get them on board to keep America GREAT!
I believe the liberals' agenda of dumbing down our education system started with a couple of letters in our alphabet being copyrighted by Steven Spielberg. Spielberg took two letters .."ET".. and made a classic movie in 1982.. If the Democrats had access to those two letters.. they could have changed the Democrat mascot from a Jack-ASS to a Jack-ASSET.
Online headline: "Fact check: Harriet Tubman helped free slaves for the Underground Railroad, but not 300" -- Still working on confirming/denying Kanye West's statement about Harriet Tubman.. but a surge in researches has uncovered the truths vs the myths that have been put out since she was nominated/approved for replacing a US President on one of our "paper" money. No doubt Tubman was a heroine of the times, but some of her accredited exploits have been revealed as less than the truth... sorta like Davy Crockett being credited with 'killing him a bear when he was only three".
From the "straight from the Socialist-Democrats backroom agenda towards women" department - Online headline: "Playboy Magazine's Brian Karem shouts at McEnany: 'Hey, Kayleigh, put on a mask!' -- Wanna bet that if she was wearing one.. Brian Karem would have waved a dollar bill at her and said, "Take it off!"?
Sen John Kennedy of Louisiana nailed the Portland Mayor... he said when the Mayor's IQ gets to 75... he should SELL! Now, if the Portland Mayor's IQ DOES rise to 75, I;m selling in SHORT... there's no way it will rise anymore than that..
JoKKKe Biden is full of good intention "balloons/plans", but has no clue how to get them off the ground.
BUILD BACK know, JoKKKe Biden claims he has ideas but everything he comes up with has been stolen/plagiarized from others... including this BUILD BACK BETTER slogan.. In 2015, this was a program initiated by the United Nations..while he was the VP of this country!
JoKKKe Biden says we have a child care emergency...yet wants to keep schools closed so parents of school age children have to decide between working or watching over their children.
While there are many aspects that make mail-in voting susceptible to mass fraud, the scariest one is as the ballots are returned, they are received by political people who can compare the senders return address and tell whether they are on a Dem/Rep voting list, or even whether the zip code is weighted for conservative or liberal neighborhoods before storing them away safely until election day.
Lawyers tend to lean in favor of Democrats ..because, I think, that lawyers want liberal judges sitting on the bench for their legal cases. Well, looks like those liberal lawyers arrested in St Louis may be a wake up call for other lawyers..
Did you see the intentional and blatant distribution of objects for the "anarchists" to throw at Shicago police officers over the weekend? It seemed like Shicago Mayor Lightfoot also sent out her police officers with inadequate defensive gear so when the anarchist threw those projectiles, the police officers were not able to protect themselves... as a result, 49 police officers were injured. There is nothing "spontaneous" about mob mentality.. it's a planned military like invasion.
The Soc-Dems are panicked! Between JoKKKe Biden and the inner city rioters taking over downtown areas , Donna Brazile, Mary Ann Marsh, and Jessica Tarlov...the Socialist-Democrats' top female spinmeisters, were ALL on Fox to slam President Trump for protecting liberal bystanders/citizens, and public property and private taxpayer owned businesses .
Columbus L-E headline: "MCSD delays school opening, prepares for online classes" -- Good grief.. we already know that JoKKKe Biden will win the popular vote here REGARDLESS of what the MCSD decides, but what I want to know is that since revenues seem to be the bigger issue than our children's education in the public sector, have any discussions been held to use one of the advertised as free online K-12 sites? The MCSD already has the necessary equipment in place that would allow students to come to the school and be taught via internet streaming sources, while the Teacher's Unions get pandered to by allowing all the MCSD teachers who don't want to teach in classrooms to stay at home. I also see where the MCSD could also use a combination of TV streaming AND live teachers who know students need to be at schools.
Columbus L-E commentary headline: "No one wants his job right now * BY SHERYL GREEN" -- She;s talking about our School Superintendent.. and I imagine she's right.. especially if you realize that she talking about HIS definition of his job.. wonder if he got help from Bill Clinton in re-defining what most of us think his job should be?
I tell you what.. the MCSB should demand a forensic audit of the MCSD expenditures/expenses for the past 7 months.. There should be plenty of money on hand if there was any control of expenses..
Columbus L-E headline: "Supporters rally for Columbus police" -- My bride and I wanted to be there in person, but were in spirit.. but the "head's up alert" came way after we had committed to other demands.. I do wonder though if anybody from the Mayor's office was down there yelling that that the CPD should be arresting all the in-person attendees for being there on a "non-essential" basis...
From the "is there any lib who isn't writing a book on President Trump?" department - Columbus L-E headline: "Cohen claims he was jailed to stop Trump book" -- Good grief.. he was jailed for being convicted of lying as an officer of the court.. he was released to "home confinement" because of Covid-19 fears, and was returned in jail because he broke his "home confinement" restrictions.. This brings me to a question I haven't heard asked or mentioned.. If "safe distancing" and "wearing masks" are the best responses to Covid-19 being spread.. why were prisoners just confined to their cells and issued masks rather than putting them back in an environment where contact with the virus is more likely?


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