Tuesday, July 21, 2020

From the "welcome to Socialist politics" department - Online headline/story: "Florida's largest teachers' union files suit against state over school reopenings * The Florida Education Association (FEA) accused DeSantis and other state officials of violating a state constitutional mandate to keep public schools "safe and secure." -- Good grief... This has nothing to do with keeping children safe and the parents in control of their families health and welfare. It's an orchestrated to unseat the president by people who wouldn't vote for Trump anyway... besides.. it's almost weird to hear Socialists demanding a state's Constitution mandate being valid for their use.
From the "will someone destroy the "Bill Clinton New Definition Dictionary"?... PLEASE" department - Online story: St. Louis’ top prosecutor on Monday charged a white husband and wife with felony unlawful use of a weapon for displaying guns during a racial injustice protest outside their mansion. * Mark and Patricia McCloskey are both personal injury attorneys in their 60s. Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner told The Associated Press that their actions risked creating a violent situation during an otherwise nonviolent protest last month." -- "risked CREATING a violent situation during an otherwise non-violent protest"? Good grief.. 100s of ranting people break through.. and destroy a gate...in a private community and a judge feels two liberal senior homeowners "were CREATING a violent situation"?
I have not found any confirmation to confirm or deny claims Kanye West West made concerning Harriet Tubman.. but will keep looking . I did note he was wearing a security vest.. and I don't blame him for that.. not while he was mingling among JoKKKe Biden believers..
From the "and eventually the pendulum swings back" department - Online story: "Hockey analyst Jeremy Roenick is suing NBC for wrongful termination, alleging in one of his lawsuit’s 12 claims that he was discriminated against as a straight man. " -- Hmmm... interesting... we're about to see if "equal rights" means "equal rights FOR ALL"! Oh.. it's important he files now, for if he did it after the election and JoKKKe Biden won, the Constitution would take on a new aspect.. "all animals are equal.. BUT SOME animals are MORE EQUAL than others"... like in Cuba, Venezuela, or in a concept our younger voters equate to, "Panem" in Hunger Games.
From the "There's no satisfying "THEM" department - Online story: "SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Responding to calls for Trader Joe's to stop labeling its international food products with ethnic-sounding names, the grocery store chain said it has been in a years long process of repackaging those products and will soon complete the work. * In the latest call to re-name racially-charged brands and logos, nearly 1,000 people have signed an online petition urging the retail giant to rename products labeled “Trader Ming's," “Trader José,” or “Trader Giotto's” to refer to Chinese, Mexican or Italian food, respectively" -- Hmmm..."stop labeling its international food products with ethnic-sounding name"? Why would anyone feel that an attempt to bring "comfort and identity" to a product that people with a foreign upbringing/ancestry to a natural or naturalized American citizen is offensive.. What's next rename Cinco de Mayo "May 5th".. or French Toast" toast... how about Italian Sausage as just "sausage"... pretty soon, we'll be dropping 'Georgia" from describing a peach, or rename specialty New York or Shicago style pizzas.. just "pizza"...of course.. when the pendulum regains it's balance point.. we could all just become "Americans" rather than hyphenated-Americans.. Hmmm..Maybe some good CAN come out of insanity!
HuffPOOPOO "poop" - Online headline: "Disney World bans eating, drinking while walking to close coronavirus mask loophole" -- Good grief... looks like Disney has decided to discourage parents of children altogether.. Has Disney even thought about how difficult it is to get small children to keep a mask on under ideal circumstances, much less when they suddenly get thirty/snacky while walking between rides... and especially when having to wait patiently in one of Disney's especially long "lines" to get on a ride? Disney would have a better chance at muzzling alligators cruising for "snacks" in the wading areas of Disney lakes.. Besides.. is Disney going to arrest or kick families out after all the money they've spent just to get INTO a Disney facility?
Interesting... we hear daily about the number of Covid-19 associated deaths .. about 614,000 worldwide so far.. but nothing about deaths caused by the flu or aids or malaria. Well, so far this year, according to Worldmeter (https://www.worldometers.info/ , worldwide there have been 270,304 deaths by "flu"; 931,619 deaths by "HIV/AIDS"; and 543,591 deaths by "malaria". What I can't grasp is why all the focus is on this China originated disease And why the focus on "protection" is centered ONLY on the coronavirus.. think how many deaths would/could be averted if all LGBTQ people and all "non-married, or even not wanting a family married" people were mandated to wear a "genitalia Mask" or abstain by safe-distancing.. maybe even mandated twin beds 6' apart in bedrooms?
Already on the ballot in Oklahoma, now it appears that Kanye has gotten on the November ballot in Illinois, too.. Pelosi must need to change her "depends".
Why does the Mayor of Portland feel he controls our federal law enforcement. They wouldn't be there at all if the Mayor of Portland was doing his job at protect the federal buildings, parks, and memorials.
Those Socialist-Democrat governors and mayors are unreal...not only are they anti-Trump, anti-law & order, they are also Pro-criminal.
Is there anyone who thinks or feels what's going on in Seattle, Portland, Shicago, St Louis, Baltimore or New York will improve with a president with less gumption of the mayors of those cities?
While I mentioned that it seems strange that Council did not promote from within to replace our CFD Chief, during some research into the background of Council's "choice
" of an outsider has my eyebrows raised to new heights.. seems the Shawnees, Kansas Fire Chief recently retired and the guy our Council has chosen was replaced by someone from Colorado, and also learned the Shawnee, Kansas budget is about 1/6th the size of Columbus'.. looks like some more time should be spent by our Council before final approvals at given.
A Fox anchor asked if it's really necessary for Durham's probe into the DOJ, FBI, and CIA scandals be finished before the November election... well, if you agree with any of the polls, it's very important, because if the Socialist-Democrats regain control of these agencies, the whole dastardly abuse of and by these agencies will be swept under the carpet.
Every body in Columbus, be it known that $50,000.00 just left our coffers that could have been used to fix potholes, or improving our jail. Yes, Elaine Gillespie's ego to compete in a runoff for a 5 month month stint on Council... that she really didn't qualify to be eligible to run.. just got committed as day one of the early period started yesterday...in other words, there's no turning back. If you are in Columbus Council District 4, please go vote for Toyia Tucker and give her a warm welcome to get a running start on the job she starts in January regardless of Gillespie's ego.
You know...just thinking about voting by mail just reeks of potential fraud! You have to request a ballot from a political entity who has to pick out the correct ballot you need, then hand if off to the US Postal Service who delivers it to mostly unsecured mail boxes and you have no idea when to check your mail to get it. Then, and only then, hopefully, you will get it, and will fill it out, put it back in that mail box in hope the Postal Service won't lose it, and will get it back there in time for some other political entity to record your votes properly. If you are healthy, make sure you go in person and make your vote count for sure!
Polls say JoKKKe Biden is leading Trump on how each is handling the coronavirus...heck, Biden's not handling coronavirus..he's in his basement "Panic Room" hiding from it.
I was taken somewhat aback to see Congressman Sanford Bishop addressing the House honoring the late Congressman John Lewis. Sure, they were both long time Representatives from Georgia, but recently the House Ethics Committee brought up charges against Bishop which have not been resolved.
Juan Williams is an idiot.. and reproves it daily.....He feels that the violent people in Portland should be handled by local law enforcement officers rather than federal ones. Guess what Juan, so does President Trump..but the Mayor isn't doing the job. .
From the "you gotta be kidding me!" department - Online headline: "New York Gov. Cuomo, Mayor Van Johnson announce partnership to fight COVID-19 spread in Savannah" -- Good grief.. Gov Fredo Cuomo's state has the worst record of dealing with the coronavirus, and Savannah's mayor WANTS to "partner" with him? I wonder if there is "voter's remorse" sweeping through Savannah at this time?
From the "The DNC is straining at it's pantie seams" department - Online headline: "Illinois political powerhouse implicated in corruption probe" -- Hmmm... Queen Pelosi has already fired a shot across Congressman Bishop's(D-GA2) bow to keep him on her leash (see today's mention), and now she's fired one across the bow of longtime Illinois House Speaker and state Democratic Party chairman Michael Madigan..

FedEx... talk about cowardice.. well.. more like "Chicken Schiff"... FedEx knew what the nickname of the Washington team was when it eagerly jumped into paying to have it's name spread across the stadium, and it could have opted out on it's own schedule anytime, yet it waited until now .. when the horse was dead before deciding to start kicking it.

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