Friday, August 14, 2020

 From the "Dems say dumb things" department - Kamala Harris says President Trump cares more about himself than the people who elected him. No, President Trump cares deeply for the people who elected him. On the other hand, it's the Socialist-Democrat who don't care for either President Trump or the American people who elected him wanting a greater America again.

Online story: "After receiving complaints from Asian American students, the Justice Department two years ago launched an investigation of Yale's admissions process. The investigation concluded that Asian American and white applicants are only one-tenth to one-fourth as likely to be admitted as African American applications with comparable academic records." -- Was reading his about DOJ claims that Yale's admissions program discriminates against Asians and White Americans, and the US Supreme Court pretty much allows such. You know.. discrimination hurts everyone.. including those who seem to benefit by it. They are cheated out of KNOWING they were "good enough" on their own to achieve. You know.. this highlights an awful truth... affirmative action is about an unearned privilege.. and a form of reparation.. and in this case... hmmm.. do I dare say, "Black Privilege". Hey, it is what it is.
Online headline: "AMC Theatres charging 15 cents a ticket on opening day" -- Hmmm.. but that is not the question we are looking for an answer. Hey, AMC... will we have to eat popcorn while wearing masks?
From the "now, who's the REAL tyrant?" department - Online headline/story: "Biden calls for mask mandates in all 50 states: 'It's about saving Americans' lives' -- Hmmm ... No, JoKKKe Biden.. this is not about "saving American lives".. it's ALL about pushing the Socialist-Democrat agenda to dismantle the Constitutional Amendments.. one at a time.. this goes after both the 9th and 10th and follows the pattern they've used on going after the 1st, 2nd, and the Constitutional voting requirements
From the "HuffPOOPOO figures DO lie" department - HuffPOOPOO "headline": "73% of Democratic voters say Kamala Harris was a good choice for vice presidential nominee" -- Good grief! How can HuffPOOPOO say this while posting these figures: About half of voters, 52%, currently say they’re satisfied with or enthusiastic about the selection of Harris, with 36% calling themselves dissatisfied or upset. Just 35% of all voters say Harris was Democrats’ best option for a vice presidential nominee, with 42% saying she was not." -- Hmm... mind you.. theses are polls of Democrats, and only about 1-in-3 feel Harris is their best option...
Of course mail in voting will create more fraud opportunities than "walk in" and absentee balloting. Stacey Abrams just ecstatically reported a record 7.4 Million registered voters yet we don't have that many legal Georgians of voting age.. and LA County, in CA-razy has 117 percent of it's total population registered to vote.. Oh,, and have you seen any "rioter or looters" complaining about standing in line to do what they believe in?
From the "another one bites the dust" department - Online headline: "Austin City Council just voted to cut $150 million from its police department * Austin joins Seattle, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and other cities in defunding police" -- Wow! Another major city with rampant inner city crime increases feels that cutting funding to public safety will change things.. Hmmm... it's funny, that if this was a concern about a deteriorating education system, these same same cities would be all about throwing A LOT MORE MONEY into it..
From the "put lipstick on a CNN anchor, and you've still got a dead weight" department - Online headline/story: "Dr. Scott Atlas responds to CNN anchor after Trump taps him as new coronavirus adviser * CNN anchor Brianna Keilar claimed that Atlas, whose White House hiring was announced by Trump on Monday, "clearly wouldn't know science if it kicked him in the Atlas."" -- I guess she figures CNN's ratings are so low, no one else saw/heard what she said. Why is this woman... for that matter, this network... still on the air?
Online "headLIE": "Hillary Clinton suggests she's willing to serve in Biden administration: 'I'm ready to help any way I can'" -- "Help? Hellary sincerely wants to "help"... Hey, Hellary.. go home... that's about all the "help" America needs from you...
From the "Gary Coleman: "what you talking about!" department - Online headline/story: " Seattle BLM protesters to strangers: ‘Give up your house. Give black people back their homes.’ * Last night a group of anti-gentrification protesters in Seattle marched through a section of town for a couple hours to complain that white people were living on stolen land. Well, not stolen exactly. They aren’t claiming the black people who used to live in this neighborhood pushed anyone out at gunpoint. But they are claiming that an injustice has taken place because white people are now living in new homes in this formerly black neighborhood." -- Good grief! Even today.. after the Microsoft BOOM.. Seattle's Black population is LESS than 7%.. but if "white people".. of which constitute "only" 68% of Seattle's population, are living in "new homes" in formerly Black neighborhoods, obviously there were transactions in which properties were sold.. bought.. and developed and available for anyone to buy..
Online headline/story: "Kemp says Bottoms will not agree to settlement; promises new executive order * Kemp says that his office has negotiated in good faith with the mayor, resulting in her agreement to "abandon the city's Phase One roll-back plan, which included business closures and a shelter in place order." * However, Kemp said, he is not happy that the mayor would not agree to a settlement "that safeguards the rights of private property owners in Georgia." * "Given this stalemate in negotiations, we will address this very issue in the next Executive Order," Kemp said. "We will continue to protect the lives and livelihoods of all Georgians." -- Hmmm.. and should Bottoms be striving to "protect the lives and livelihoods of all Georgians" as well?
Online headline: "Trump plans to accept Republican nomination from White House lawn" -- And why not? President Trump was elected "by the people", and the White House is owned
"by the people" and designated as the people's Presidential Residence.
McDonald's needs to do some soul searching.. they hire people who refuse to serve law enforcement officers...even "soil" the food when they do serve them , and yet McDonald's remains silent when looters and thugs break into a Ronald McDonald House in Shicago and terrorize and rob families staying there close to the hospitals where their very sick children are being treated.
Home schooling may backfire on the public school systems. With students at home, they can fact check what their curriculum says, they have a parent present who will challenge in inaccuracies that have crept into the lesson agenda.
CBS TV has hired Police-Reform Advisors to rework it's "cop/legal drama shows" ...good grief, how can CBS feel anybody will watch those shows when the scripts are being rewritten to coddle criminals and victimize the actual victims of the criminals. In other words, CBS is going to emulate on dramas how it reports riots and looting as " peaceful protests" on it's news shows.
From the "who'da thunk it" department - Online headline: "AOC posts poem after told she’ll get 1 minute to speak at Dem convention" -- Good grief.. actually, it sounds like the DNC truly knows what AOC limits of helpfulness are... it really surprises me.. Now, who wants to bet against AOC exceeding her time?
Hmmm... Kamala Harris says President Trump cares more about himself than the people who elected him. No... President Trump cares deeply for the people who elected him. On the other hand, it's the Socialist-Democrats who don't care for either President Trump or the American people who elected him wanting a greater America again.
I find it demeaning to ALL women that more "to-do" is being made about VP-candidate Kamala Harris' skin color than was made about the actual accomplishments of the first and second women VP candidates.
Looks like the GA Democrats have neutered Matt Lieberman in the US Senate "jungle" election for November making Raphael Warnock a shoo in for an obvious runoff situation. While Warnock is a fine person, electing a Democrat Senator strips Georgians of real representation in our future. He will face either incumbent Kelly Loeffler or Doug Collins .. I like both Republican choices, but at this time am planning on voting for Loeffler, and I'm just not sure Collins is electable state wide, while Loeffler will have more state-wide appeal.
You know.. with all MSM-13 focus on Covid-19, MSM-13 has not been concerned with an illegal aliens who was captured after crossing our border who was diagnosed with "Black Plague".. "Black Plague" almost wipe humanity out in medieval times but it's nothing but a "yawn" to MSM-13 and Socialist-Democrats because they do not want better border safety protocols to happen.
Hmmm... so the MCSD will allow sports but with safe/social distancing procedures in effect..So, students cannot go to classrooms.. but they can "huddle" before a football play.. Fan attendance will be limited to 40& of stadium capacity.. I know it's different for different schools, when my daughters attended Columbus High, the games my bride and I attended had no where close to 40% attendance.. I guess it will be different though since football games may be the only way students get to see each other in person...though I doubt many will social distance on their own..
Hmmm.. and buried over on page 4B of the Columbus Ledger-Enquirer, we see.. if you look hard enough on the left hand page.. that new US jobless claims fell below the million person line.. Hmmm.. I guess the L-E doesn't want to interfere with it's negative news agenda to give good news any attention.

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