Tuesday, August 11, 2020

 From the "Disney isn't the only "Fantasy Land" department - Online headline: "Dems say Trump's payroll tax break weakens Social Security" -- Hmmm... "Dems say"? Just one more dumb thing Dems Say... Dems Say Algore's Social Security LOCKBOX was smart... Dems Say that the Portland, Shicago, and NYC riots and lootings are PEACEFUL PROTESTS.. Dems Say that street criminals are the victims, and their victims don't matter... Dems Say JoKKKe Biden is fit to run America better than Donald Trump... Dems sat LOTSA dumb things... damaging ones, too!

Online story: "(Ilhan) Omar, the first Somali American and one of the first two Muslim women elected to Congress, is facing a surprisingly well-funded challenger in Minnesota's Democratic primaries on Tuesday." -- Good grief! It's an absolute shame that someone has to be well-funded in order to unseat Ilhan Omar in that district Socialist-Democrat Primary. Let's pray that the challenger is running on helping his districts constituents versus being a Pelosi Lapdog.
Boy did President Trump show up and tick-off Queen Pelosi... now she can't hide her personal agenda pork in a bill that should be about hard working Americans instead of Democrat Party politicians mismanaging and abusing tax dollars for their own benefit.
Now the Left is complaining that President Trump's DIRECT RELIEF to the American People doesn't include another "Relief Check".. Well, that's because President Trump actually CANNOT "spend money" Congress has not actually authorized, and Queen Pelosi isn't going to do that unless she gets her TRILLION tax dollars to bail out Democrat controlled fiscal mismanagement/chaos in her state of CA, Schumer's state of NY, Obama's state of Illinois among others.
There was a report that some idiot took a couple of pot shots at the White House yesterday.. when I heard this, my first thought was "Hmmm...wonder which CNN/MSNBC anchor was bad mouthing President Trump?"
Wow! Jessica Tarlov, Socialist-Democrat Senior Spinmeister, said she was upset at President Trump for issuing Executive Orders to take care of the American taxpayers' urgent needs and not cooperating with Congress... "He works for us!, she said.. Hmmm..so do Pelosi and Schumer, yet they don't seem interested in helping anybody but their political buddies. Oh! Hey, Jessica...do Pelosi and/or Schumer donate their full salaries to government programs like President Trump does?
So Hellary is offering JoKKKe Biden advice... maybe she's got some more titles to share hat he can use for his next loser book .
From the "No hock, Sherlock! department - Online headline: "Cuomo rejects independent investigation of nursing home coronavirus deaths as political * 'I think you’d have to be blind to realize it’s not political,' he said" -- Good grief.. even the NYTIMES reported that * At issue is a directive that Mr. Cuomo’s administration delivered in late March, effectively ordering nursing homes to accept coronavirus patients from hospitals * The death toll inside New York’s nursing homes is perhaps one of the most tragic facets of the coronavirus pandemic: More than 6,400 residents have died in the state’s nursing homes and long-term care facilities, representing more than one-tenth of the reported deaths in such facilities across the country.
Online headline: "Robin Williams' daughter fires back at Eric Trump for sharing video of her late dad mocking Joe Biden" -- Wow! A deceased comedian's daughter just dissed her dad's legacy...and her trust fund... how pathetic..
From the " Preview of America under Socialist-Democrat government" department - Online headline: "Hong Kong media tycoon Jimmy Lai arrested, newsroom raided under China’s new security law * Lai's arrest marks the city's highest-profile effort to enforce Beijing's policies against pro-democracy supporters" -- Hmmm and the "powers that be" at Facebook and Twitter jumped for joy! Too bad they haven't skipped to the end of the story when the Socialist-Democrats "nationalize" their business and jail them...
I saw a story that asked whether the DNC naming Castro-sympathizer Congressperson Karen Bass, D- CA-razy, to the JoKKKe Biden ticket would be good... or not .... for JoKKKe Biden.. The real question is how bad would it be to replace Trump with Biden to begin with.
Shicago Mayor LightHEAD says the street killing issue is so bad because people in the affected communities aren't stepping up and helping the police. Huh? Isn't the mayor the same one that doesn't allow law-abiding citizens to own guns (legally) and has handcuffed her police officers so that law abiding citizens know that her police department CAN'T protect them from the street gang warfare?
JoKKKe Biden wants to "Rebuild the bench".. in other words, he wants to re-pad the District and Supreme Courts with appointees that rule by agenda rather than by the Constitution...The Socialist-Democrats know they cannot survive long-term unless their assault on individual Constitutional rights is upheld by an agenda prejudiced court system. Thank heaven President Trump has appointed Consitutionalist judges rather than Institutionalist ones.

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