Tuesday, August 18, 2020

 From the "ho-hum.. yawn" department - HuffPOOPOO "poop" headline: "Michelle Obama: Donald Trump 'in over his head,' is 'wrong president for this country': -- I didn't watch any of the DNC "Convention" but I could probably write out her message pretty much verbatim in three words: "I hate Trump!"! No, Mrs Obama, President Trump is exactly who America needed in 2016 and who we need for four more years. Let's face it.. President Obama had 8 years as president, and.. if he had been good for America, Donald Trump would never have run, and Hellary would have won..

BTW, looking a video clip of Mrs Obama's speech, I noticed two things.. there was nothing in the background that showed her love for America, but ironically, the only "vision" connected to JoKKKe Biden was a blurred campaign sign.. how appropriate...

Joke of the Day: Last night, John Kasich said, "I am a lifelong Republican".. Yeah ... right... You know, when Kasich ran in 2016, he didn't even get a majority of his own state's Republican voters...over 53% of Ohio Republicans preferred somebody... ANYBODY else.
Joke of the Day.. second place: "(Bernie) Sanders blamed Trump for inadequate supplies of protective gear that plagued the country at the start of the pandemic " -- Hmmm... and the truth is that Obama/Biden left the pandemic cupboard bare ...
You know... a college education can be a life changing venture.. it demonstrates that one has recognized the value of higher education, set goals, and worked hard in high school to EARN acceptance at a college or university.. making such "free for all" will basically destroy such value.. One only has to look at the Albany, GA's School System for proof.. When GA adopted "The Lottery" for scholarshipping all "B" and better high school graduates into a GA college/university, the Albany School System announced that all of it's high school students would graduate with a "B" or better GPA.. regardless of their real scores. Thus, was the beginning of "remedial classes" in GA colleges. Think about that.. an institution of "higher learning" having to teach students how to read, spell, and learn 2+2=4.... Liberalism has destroyed the value of a high school diploma, our nation cannot allow this to happen to the value of a College Education.
Not long ago, Cardi B complained about how much she was paying in taxes.. hmmm.. and now she supports JoKKKe Biden knowing she will pay a lot more in taxes than she does now.. not to mention her revenue stream will diminish because the Biden tax plan will take money out of her fans' pockets as well.
Let's see why Covid-19 deaths in the US seem out of sync with worldwide reports.. here is a video from the Democrat stronghold of Illinois with a "professional" answering how Covid-19 deaths are decided and reported

JoKKKe Biden says he had a better plan for Covid-19... he's also said he has "the cure for cancer". What I want to know is why he left office without leaving any supplies, protective gear, or disease defense equipment for an unexpected pandemic.
Hey, MSM-13... when you get JoKKKe Biden in an interview session, ask him about his business plans he was a part of with Obama.. specifically his NAFTA and China Trade agreements.. you know, the business plans Trump kicked out so American manufacturers brought their jobs back to America..
Juan Williams is a blithering idiot! He actually said Trump is the incumbent.. we've seen him and his ideas and, basically, he has nothing new to offer". Good grief! JoKKKe Biden has been a Washington politician for 43 years, and has never run a business. President Trump made himself a billionaire through commerce... President Trump has done more for America than Biden can even imagine!
Hmmm... MSM-13 is always citing unknown and unnamed sources as "experts, but in this case, MSM-13 has gotten even MORE desperate! Online headline/story: "The Postman author warns Donald Trump's attack on the mail service could take us back to the Middle Ages * In David Brin's 1985 novel The Postman a survivor in post-apocalyptic America pretends to be a mail carrier, initially as a way of acquiring food and shelter. Ultimately, his lie about representing a national government encourages fellow survivors to band together and defeat an army of militarized survivalists. Kevin Costner directed and starred in a 1997 big screen adaptation, which became a notorious box office bomb. But Brin believes that President Donald Trump's recent attacks on the mail service ahead of the election in November — one which will utilize the U.S. Postal Service like none before — represent a step towards a literal, real-life disaster and return to a feudal state." -- Hmmm .. citing a 1985 author of a book of pure fiction which became a "movie bomb" is a sure sign of desperation.. On the other hand, MSM-13 looks the other way when the mere thought ..or mention.. of classic fiction like "Lord of the Flies", "Animal Farm", and "1984" which have predicted the goals of the Socialist-Democrat Party so accurately.
From the "Twitter proves it's bias and hate group status" department - Online headline: "Social Media Giant Twitter Allows Attack On President After Passing Of His Brother Robert * Following the death of Robert though, critics of the president have been tweeting the hashtag #wrongtrump, boldly implying that it should have been the president to die instead of his brother. * As of the morning of August 16, the hashtag was the second highest trending on Twitter, with more than 77,600 tweets. Amongst those using the hashtag are a journalist and an NAACP leader." -- Seriously... Twitter feels this is not "hatred" ?  I guess the Big TWITS at Twitter feel everything they feel is fair...
From the "what a condemnation of the Socialist-Democrat agenda of hate" department - Online headline/story: "Poll: 58% of Biden voters say vote is more "against" Trump than "for" Biden" * 58% of registered voters who support Joe Biden in the 2020 election say their vote is more in opposition to President Trump than in support of Biden, according to a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll out Sunday. " -- To begin with, it's not about"registered voters" it's about registered DEMOCRAT voters! Sadly, there's a huge element of truth not being discussed .. the 58% who say there vote will be "against Trump" is quite revealing.. it shows that Biden's support within the Socialist-Democrat Party is but 42% ..Did I say "Sadly"? I probably should have said, "Dangerously!" This more than shows that the Pelosi plan has the strength needed to run roughshod over Biden if he wins.
I may actually watch the Democrat Convention tonight (Tuesday).. just to see how much vitriol AOC can cram into her 60 seconds the DNC has limited her to...Honestly.. and actually, I really want to see how she finishes her time.. will she use precious time to cordially sign off and "thank" Pelosi, or will she be yanked off in mid-sentence, kicking and screaming for more time?
Nancy Pelosi is..in a word... DANGEROUS! She's wielded her power in the Democrat Party to command Democrat Representatives support her ego and politics rather than the constituents in the districts that elected them.
The violence in Portland, Seattle, Shicago, Minneapolis, New York City .. and even Washington, DC really must be showing up in the polls.. Marie Harf (Barf). a chief Democrat spinmeister was on Fox yesterday and said that the Democrats don't support the violent protests and looting. Huh? You could have fooled me... By not condemning it, or speaking out against it IS supporting it..
Marie Harf(Barf) also told another lie on Fox yesterday.. She said that bu not giving the Post Office all the money Pelosi wants to give it, that Trump was delaying everybodies "Social Security Checks.. for the first time in months, I was proud of Brett Baier who was also on the panel.. he "fact checked Harf and brought out that in 2010, President Obama converted the Social Security payout system to an electric one.. where nearly.. if not ALL Social Security checks were automatically deposited in recipients bank accounts in order to eliminate the widely spread mail-box thefts of mailed SS checks. Wow.. did she ever give Baier her "look of death".
Liberal biased Judge Napalitano on Fox said Pelosi's Post Office bill bill will create a political hot-potato if the Senate doesn't agree with her. The judge says Congress is in charge of running the PO efficiently. Well, why didn't Congress overhaul the inefficiencies under Bush 41/34, Clinton or Obama? The PO has been over budget by billions over the years, and nothing was done because the Democrats did not want to offend the Postal Union.
No matter what excuse Pelosi, Schumer, and the DNC agree on to say, the real reason they canceled the Milwaukee Convention is that they expected another Convention like the one they had in Shicago in 1968, but this time, the police officers hands were already handcuffed.
You know, President Trump was in Wisconsin yesterday campaigning. If I was Trump, I think I'd have start my speeches with, "Hey, isn't the Democrat Convention starting today? I'm here ..where are JoKKKe Biden and Queen Pelosi?"
From the "riddle" department - Hmmm... So JoKKKe Biden wants "uniform " standards for Covid-19 testing. But then again, he wants LESS "uniforms" to con-TEST criminals on our cities' streets.
Talk about greed and hypocrisy... NYC mayor de Bl@sio won't request Trump's help to fight crime, yet begs for federal funds to cover up NYC's financial slime.
Columbus Ledger-Enquirer headline: "Democrats hope nation likes what it sees during unusual convention" -- How sick! Why would even Democrats want the nation to "like' hatred for our country?
Seriously, do the Democrats really expect college age voters to tune in to watch another
"Zoom" class during "Happy Hour"?
I'm real curious after seeing the local private schools' enrollment explode this year, as to how many students attended the MCSD virtual classes on the first day...
While I'm not through parsing the 2020-2021 MCSD budget, I do see confirmation of my assumptions about WHY the MCSD is serving take-out school meals.. it IS to keep Federal money for the program coming in.. the Federal money for "nutrition" alone for this year is nearly $20 MILLION!

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