Thursday, September 3, 2020

 Online "headLIE"/story: "Trump encourages North Carolina residents to vote twice to test mail-in system: "Trump encourages North Carolina residents to vote twice to test mail-in system * President Donald Trump suggested that people in North Carolina should vote twice in the November election, once by mail and once in-person, escalating his attempts to cast confusion and doubt on the validity of the results. * Trump said when asked whether he has confidence in the mail-in system in the battleground state. * "If it's as good as they say it is then obviously they won't be able to vote. If it isn't tabulated, they'll be able to vote. So that's the way it is. And that's what they should do," he said. * It is illegal to vote more than once in an election." -- MSM-13 goes ballistic when President Trump pokes holes in what MSM-13 feels is a way to get rid of Trump.. Yes, it is illegal to vote twice.. it is NOT "illegal" to send in your vote by mail, then on election day go to your precinct and validate that your mail-in vote was received..

Now Queen Pelosi claims she "was SET-UP!" for going into the hair salon Monday, * "It was clearly a setup. I take responsibility for falling for a setup by a neighborhood salon that I've gone to for years. And that's, that's really what it is," Pelosi told reporters at an event in San Francisco. * "I think that they owe, that this salon, owes me an apology for setting me up," -- Good grief! Hey, Queen.. you always claim that President Trump can not be "above the law", .. but neither are you...and even claiming that "not knowing the law" does not absolve you of YOUR CRIME! Oh! next time, maybe you should TRY READING THE LAW BEFORE BREAK IT!'
Let's stop the "alarmist" aspect of Covid-10 death reporting! Here is an excerpt from an article of the American Council On Science And Health:
"There are two fundamental points often ignored when referring to “the death toll from COVID-19.” * There is no evidence or proof offered by any scientist, pathologist, or virologist that confirms COVID-19 as the “cause” of death in the certification process.
An expanded definition of a “COVID-19 death” was enacted by the CDC on March 24th, to include probable cases. This conflates and clusters test results creating a source of both under and overestimation.
“COVID-19 deaths are identified using a new ICD-10 code. When COVID-19 is reported as a cause of death or when it is listed as a ‘probable’ or ‘presumed’ cause, it is coded as UO7.1
This can include cases with or without laboratory confirmation.” [emphasis added]
Today, deaths from coronary disease, diabetes, morbid obesity, or pneumonia may be linked or connected to a COVID-19 positive test result. The operative words “linked” or “connected” provide little explanation of how they’re related or indicate what the presumed link entails. As the Wall Street Journal noted, “tabulating deaths is tricky. Some states count probable deaths for cases where there weren’t test results available, but where the deceased had symptoms of the disease.”
All deaths of patients with a linkage to COVID-19 are now classified as “COVID-19 deaths regardless of cause or underlying health issues that could have contributed to loss of life.” - Dr. Deborah Birx "
Hey, in a nutshell once you get to 65 years of age, your probability of death rises rapidly each year.. you... WE ... KNEW this BEFORE Covid-19 was inflicted on us...
You know, if President Trump was as bad... even half as bad... as MSM-13 and the Socialist-Democrats constantly claim, MSM-13 and the Socialist-Democrats wouldn't have to constantly make such claims.
Online story: "An internal Census Bureau document sent to members of Congress and obtained by NBC News warned that the new truncated deadline set by the agency's director last month has the potential to undermine the integrity of the count and lead to "serious errors."" -- Hmmm.. hey, isn't the Census basically conducted by MAIL? How come these facts about the POSSIBLE failures of getting people to respond to the Census calculated into the PROBABLE "serious" voting errors?
HuffPOOPOO "poop" headline: "Attorney General William Barr spreads mail-in voting conspiracies" -- Hmm ,,, considering that there are serious issues withe the "Census by mail" , I'd say Atty General Barr is spot on with his concerns.
A whole new can of worms is being split wide open... Student loans are being discharged under bankruptcy proceedings... Maybe it's time for rethinking "student loans" for all degrees.. let's face, most degrees won;t offer a career salary path to affording the payback until 10-20 years into the "loanee's" post college life.. I recommend that unless a degree falls into the category of a "certified specialty profession", that student loans only be issued for actual classroom tuition, and other expenses.. such as room and board and "student fees" be the financial responsibility of the student. This would sure make colleges/universities be more conscious of their expenses.
With the confirmations (car tags and arrests) that many of the protesters/rioters (peaceful and violent) are not citizens of the cities they are destroying, Local politicians should support their police officers even more substantially than they are.. those out-of-towners will leave and then the politicians will have to contend with their neighbors anger when the election comes around..
I know we've talked about what happens if the presidential race isn't decided by January 20... that the siting Speaker of the House becomes the temporary president until it is settled... but I may have been wrong in thinking Pelosi becoming that
temp".. results in Democrat primaries are showing major cracks in her power to determine what the Dems are going to do.. and since the House will meet on January 3rd, and one of the first orders of that day is to vote on who sits in the Speakers chair.. and regardless of the outcome, I do not think Pelosi will finish that day as Speaker so we need to be even more conscious of an even more radical Dem being in that seat at noon on January 20th.
Has JoKKKe Biden ever read our Constitution? According to JoKKe Biden, you'd think that the Federal Government is totally responsible for public education. Does he even realize that the 50 states each are responsible for their own children's education?
Did there seem to be something fishy about JoKKKe Biden answering questions after his "speech" yesterday? When he finished, he said his staff would be in charge of it and unlike any other press session I've ever seen. There was no "jockeying " by reporters to get called on by Biden.
Whatta JoKKKe! Biden saying free speech is a right of all, yet not once when he was Vice President did we hear him demand Colleges and Universities allow...even defend... conservative voices to speak on campuses.
I was concerned about JoKKKe Biden not addressing election issues, but after yesterday, I'm even more concerned about the election issues he did address.
JoKKKe Biden did mention one truthful aspect of a major problem but amended his words before he finished his statement... He said Congress was a do-nothing body.. then he backtracked and called the Republicans the problem.. Hmmm ..I do think Pelosi has a majority of Democrats, plus she's recessed Congress rather than giving President Trump any help.
JoKKKe he claims he said he told President Trump he needed to get more Protective Gear & Equipment out immediately ... wait a minute, why wasn't Biden asked why he and Obama left office without leaving ANY masks and ventilators on hand for such emergencies?
Online headline/story: "DREAM ACRES Black Lives Matter supporters buy 100 acres to ‘build a new city safe for black people’ and free of ‘systematic racism’ * The Freedom Georgia Initiative’s website states the group’s “vision is to develop our vast resource-rich 96.71 acres of land in Toomsboro.” * “Our aim is to be a premier recreational, educational, and cultural destination for Black families across the African diaspora." -- Hmmm... "free of systemic racism"? Well, looks like BLM is trying to CREATE systemic racism... , normally, I would say let them do it...usually, when you give a whiny person or group exactly what they want, they end up screwing up then try to blame it on the folks that gave it to them. On the other hand, how is building a segregated commune enhance "the Black experience", end racism, promote diversity and understanding or provide the citizens inside with multicultural growth?
Online story: "The University of California system can no longer use ACT and SAT tests as a determinant for admissions, a superior court judge has ruled, handing a victory to students with disabilities. * The news comes months after the university system waived the standardized testing requirements until 2024, after its Board of Regents voted unanimously. * A news release from May stated that if a new test hadn't emerged by 2025, the system would eliminate the standardized testing requirement for California students. * But the judge's ruling Monday went even further, prohibiting the consideration of scores from students who still chose to submit them." * According to a 2015 analysis by Inside Higher Ed, the lowest average scores for each part of the SAT came from students with less than $20,000 in family income. The highest scores came from those with more than $200,000 in family income.-- Good grief.. what the 2015 "analysis" actually shows is the woefully inadequate public education problem that had been developing under liberalism for decades coming to fruition.. standardized tests are not really the measuring device of a students capabilities, but rather a primary revealer of an inadequate public education curriculum that has failed in preparing students for adulthood and life. In fact, our local MCSD has done away with not only graduation tests, but currently has stopped standardized tests.... for the SAME REASON.
From the "then why is this being reported as FACT?" department - Online headline/story: "Chicago-area police reportedly warned by FBI of gang pact to 'shoot on-sight any cop' * The Chicago Police Department has confirmed to Fox News the existence of an intelligence alert reportedly sent out by the FBI warning area law enforcement of a pact among street gangs “to 'shoot on-sight any cop that has a weapon drawn on any subject in public'." * “The purpose of which is to catch on film an officer drawing his/her weapon on any subject and the subsequent 'shoot on-site' of said officer, in order to garner national media attention,” it added, * But ABC7 also said the information is coming from "a contact whose reporting is limited and whose reliability cannot be determined."" -- "coming from a contact whose reporting is limited and whose reliability cannot be determined"? Good grief.. this takes unconfirmed MSM-13 alarmism to new depths! Their mission to flood the news with speculative.. and mostly wrongful.. tripe about President Trump has now infiltrated ALL of he MSM-13's credibility. Now, what if this is true? MSM-13 is crying "wolf" and who knows whether to believe them or not?
Question: Why is what JoKKe Biden's plans to do about current issues treated like "news"? If he should win, today's issues will be resolved before he would take office at Noon on January 20, 2021. Now, if JoKKKe Biden does have ideas, why doesn't he tell them to Pelosi, and get her to work with President Trump rather than fighting him on every issue?
Portland Mayor Wheeler has announced he's moving from his condo in order to protect his neighbors. Whatta wimp out! His "move" should have been to support the Portland police officers 3 months ago. Now, who wants the Mayor to be their neighbor? Wanna bet he moves into a GATED and SECURITY manned community.

Moving is not the only headache of the moment for Portland Mayor Wheeler... now, his opponent in November is advertising "I AM ANTIFA!" Whatta choice the citizens, especially the small business owners and home owners, will have to make..both candidates are campaigning to get the anarchists vote. Hopefully, there's either a Law & Order candidate on the ballot as well... or at least a "neither of the above" box voters can check...
From the "I wish Fox hadn't seen this" department - Online headline: "Trump: MSNBC's Joy Reid should be fired over 'xenophobia and racism' after remark about Muslims" -- Good grief! Juan Williams was the last liberal "journalist" to get fired over making a remark about Muslims, and Fox HIRED HIM! Let's pray Joy Reid isn't fired....
From the "Hope Trump's re-election committee sees this" department - Trump's committee should cut this short ad blurb and run 24/7 through election day over cable and radio programming in every major city in every BLUE state: "President Trump.. in your heart... and wallet.. and your dreams for your children's future... you KNOW he's right."
From the "how embarrassing... even for Comey" department - Online story: "Joseph Mifsud, the mysterious Maltese professor who ex-FBI Director James Comey referred to as a “Russian agent” in an op-ed, denied any advance knowledge that Russia had dirt on Hillary Clinton and told investigators he never made any offers to George Papadopoulos, the former Trump campaign strategist, according to newly released FBI documents." -- Wow! Amazing.. it's amazing when an upset in an election invalidates the promises made by Democrat appointed agency heads.. if Hellary had won, we'd never have found this out...and we'd never know how crooked some judges are..
Columbus L-E headline/story: "Muscogee County School District approves furloughs * The Ledger-Enquirer reported in July that MCSD superintendent David Lewis recommended the furloughs because the school district faced a shortfall of $16.7 million from state funding cuts in Georgia after the COVID-19 pandemic crashed the economy.
No furlough days for employees who work less than 190 days.
Five furlough days for employees who work 190-195 days.
Six furlough days for employees who work 200-220 days.
Seven furlough days for employees who work 240-249 days.
Nine furlough days for the superintendent.
Before the board approved the $433 million spending plan, including $284 million in general fund expenses, vice chairwoman and District 5 representative Laurie McRae told her fellow members she would vote against the proposal. * “We need more tightening of the belt before we furlough our staff,” she said. --
Good grief! I seriously doubt that the $16.7 funding "shortage" from the state can be blamed entirely on Covid-19... the MCSD decision to not open the classrooms obviously has made many parents decide to send their children to private schools or take responsibility for "Home Schooling" rather than =have their children glued to a computer screen most of the day.. To boot, that $16.7 Million is probably gonna get higher when the state finds out exactly how many student LESS than last year are enrolled this year.
I tell you what though, I wish the other eight MCSB members has as much vision as McRae shows!
From the "and what's new?" department - L-E headline: "Dems contemplate nightmare of a scenario for Nov. 3" -- Hmmm.. yeah.. a November 3rd Nightmare is actually what the Socialist-Democrats are orchestrating since fair play has never been a part of their playbook...

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