Thursday, September 24, 2020

 From the "wrong question, wrong guy" department - Online YAHOO headline: "Trump refuses to commit to peaceful transfer of power if he loses" -- Good grief! Just the fact that he HASN"T CALLED for elimination of MSM-13's FIRST AMENDMENT makes President Trump the wrong person to be asked about his respect for our Constitution! The right question to ask is, "Will MSM-13 and the Democratic Party finally join President Trump in helping America the next 4 years?

HuffPOOPOO "poop"- Headline/story: Officers shot in Louisville amid protests for Breonna Taylor" -- You know, MSM-13 has abused it's "power" by supporting anarchy of the violent mobs that the DOJ should consider should bring charges against MSM-13 for "encouraging, aiding, and abetting felony acts".

I take with a grain of salt most things Dr Fauci says... as I do believe he believes his assessments, but he also gushes because his "15 minutes of fame" has stretched out to about 8 months so far, but I cannot accept his evaluation of Gov Fredo Cuomo's handling of the Covid-19 in the beginning.. Cuomo ran around like Chicken "The Sky is Falling" Little, flapping his lips that he had to have 40,000 ventilators immediately, and thousands of more ICU beds, yet when President Trump was able to get ventilators available, moved a Hospital Ship into NY Harbor, turned to Jacobs Center in a Covid-19 Emergency Center, NY did not need anywhere near what Frantic Fredo begged for.. In fact, Frantic Fredo might be charged with mass murder for all the known Covid-19 infected seniors he ordered into and back to Senior Nursing Homes..

Amidst the turmoil on the streets of many our major cities, and in the NFL stadiums across the country, I do hope Americans so inclined to act out in mob ways will stop a moment, and remember the the life of Gale Sayers...Gale Sayers... the Kansas Comet...poetry in motion on the field... passed yesterday... if you never saw him play, find his highlight clips... get a copy of his book, "I am Third".. He knelt for the Lord.. he lived his last years in dementia.. probably a blessing considering the NFL of today. Number 40... I can still see him running ...

Have you ever noticed.. even thought about... that when the subject of slavery in America.. which was ceased over 150 years ago.. is tossed out, media and BLM don't seem to be concerned where it started.. and still continues today?

More HuffPOOPOO "diarrhea " - Headline/story: "Poll: Americans say Trump should wait to nominate Ginsburg replacement * Americans say by a 13-point margin that President Donald Trump should allow the winner of the presidential election to nominate a replacement for the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a new HuffPost/YouGov poll finds." -- Once again, HuffPOOPOO makes my point about "polls".. 4 years ago, President Trump won 30 of 50 states.. and if you remove the 3,500,000 margin of popular votes for Hellary in California alone, President Trump won the other 49 states by 1,500,000 popular votes, so where was this poll taken?

Online headline/story" "LeBron James preaches nonviolence toward all, won't comment on sheriff's challenge * "I've never in my 35 years ever condoned violence. Never have. But I also know what's right is right, and what's wrong is wrong,” James said, via ESPN. " -- Whatta blowhard.. Just recently, he mouthed off with "vitriol" that a more deserving player won the NBA's "MVP" award even though the winners' "numbers" were superior, and only one-in-7 voters agreed James.

Online headline: "Nick Cordero's widow, Amanda Kloots, says America 'should have been prepared better' for COVID-19" -- Excuse me, but China "threw" the coronavirus into the world's atmosphere and knew there was no vaccine available.. America was initially handicapped by the lack of any pandemic supplies being on hand from the Obama-Biden era as well.. and Nancy Pelosi added to the onset by keeping her minions in the MSM-13 focused on her bogus impeachment trials.. Even the fact that she delayed carrying the House "charges" to the Senate added to the turmoil as the coronavirus ramped up.. Yes, America could have... should have been better prepared it the gitgo, but it's all on the back of the Democratic Party jackasses.

From the "hypocrisy center of the universe" department - Online headline: "California Gov. Newsom executive order bans gas, diesel cars by 2035 * 'Let us no longer be victims of geopolitical dictators that manipulate ... global markets,' he said" -- Good grief! Hmmm... an Executive Order than basically bans Japanese and Koreans cars from being unloaded in the ports of CA-razy.. it will also ban car collectors and manufacturers of not only fossil fuel based vehicles and combustion engine electricity in the forms of personal and utility company generators.. Hey, Governor Pelosi's Nephew Newsom.. it's you who is the manipulating "geopolitical dictator" you want the world to fear!
From the "suggestion of an example picture to add to dictionaries" department - Online headline: "AOC calls on Cuomo, de Blasio to raise NY taxes" -- Wow! And to think NY may re-elect this idiot, and she would be a contender to overthrow Pelosi for Democratic Party House leadership! The moving industry in NY has said, "that the exodus from New York City during the past few months has been “insane.”... People are already fed-up with the tax levels, and at their safety being compromised further by defunding (or as JoKKKe Biden defines it.. redistributing money) the Police Department, so how's JoKKKe Biden gonna keep his "promise" that those under $400.00 won't see a penny in tax raises?

Online story: "It has been well over a month since 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden selected Sen. Kamala Harris as his running mate and critics on both sides of the aisle are starting to wonder why she hasn’t been more accessible to the media." -- "why she hasn’t been more accessible to the media"? The simple answer: The DNC is more afraid of what she says the "Harris Administration" might "say" compared to what issues they know JoKKKe Biden's constant flow of gaffe's can be dismissed with a  "that's just Joe being JoKKKe again".

Wow! Nancy Pelosi may not even make it to the November Election date as "Speaker of the House! House Minority Whip Kevin McCarthy has said he feels a revolt coming and I'm pretty sure most.. if not ALL... current Republicans will support a challenge if the Democrats can find about 10% of it's members who are fed up with her also...

Have partial .. and reserved seeking more information...correction to a statement I made concerning questions the MCSB can ask to Superintendent Lewis.. members can ask direct questions IF the area of discussion was already scheduled ahead of the meeting. Otherwise, there is a policy that takes majority or maybe unanimous approval to add an item to the agenda during the actual meeting. So it sounds like asking a direct question on something that happens.. or is learned... between the agenda deadline and an ongoing meeting is not exactly "open".

Looks like Hunter Biden is back on the "front burner" ... there are a lot of unanswered questions about his Burisma Board appointment, but the main two I'm interested in are does Hunter speak Ukrainian, and how many Burisma Board meetings did he actually attend in person?
There's one other question I have asked many times but can't get an answer ... JoKKKe Biden told the President of Ukraine he would not get the $1 Billion plus "Loan Guarantee" unless he fired the then Solicitor General.. which he did do... Now, the question I want the answer to is: Has the Ukraine paid off that loan, or have we taxpayers had to pay it off?

Schumer says that if the Republicans bring up a Supreme Court nominee for vote, then they are against everything the American people value. Hmmm.. I value our Constitution... I value law and order... I value the sanctity of our borders... and I value the future of America.. somehow, what I value I find missing in Schumer's values, so Senator Schumer.. don't talk your values to me!

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