Thursday, September 10, 2020

 From the "hmmm... the plot thickens" department - Online headline/story: "Staffer for top Oregon state lawmaker arrested during Portland riot * The legislative director for the speaker of the House in Portland's state legislature was arrested during a protest that evolved into a riot Saturday night. * Kristina Narayan, who has worked for Democratic state Rep. Katie Kotek since September 2016, was arrested for Interfering with a Police Officer after the event became a riot and the crowd was given multiple orders to disperse, which she did not do," * 58 other people also were arrested on charges ranging from rioting to attempted assault of a public safety officer. * "Multiple fire bombs, mortars, rocks, and other items were thrown at law enforcement during a riot Saturday night in Southeast Portland" -- We knew the Mayor of Portland had participated in earlier protests, but now we find a staff member of State Representative Katie Kotek participating in a violent riot.. Hmmm.. sounds like a typical Socialist-Democrat game plan.. when one of the 

more equals" volunteers someone else to do the dirty work...
Online headline: "Washington Post report praises Kamala Harris for 'shoe choice,' gets slammed on Twitter" -- Hey...they were perfect for Kamala Harris..well for any Washington Swamp Democrat. She was wearing "Cons"!
Repeat item: Online headline/story: "Biden gaffes ignored by MSNBC's primetime shows for 3 straight * nights * The new round of controversial gaffes from presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden -- including his comparison of the nation's African-American and Latino communities -- went completely unmentioned by MSNBC's primetime hosts for three nights in a row. * None of the collective nine hours worth of programming -- from hosts Rachel Maddow, Chris Hayes and Ali Velshi, who was filling in this week for Lawrence O'Donnell -- addressed the former VP's rhetorical flubs." -- Hmmm.. This ran about a month ago, but it's more pertinent now that JoKKKe Biden is finally out of the basement and flying to campaign sites.... now we can officially give a name to his aircraft: The "Gaffe Spree".
From the "further adventures of the Gaffe Spree" department - Online headline/story: "Biden botches military coronavirus death count, campaign says he accidentally cited Michigan number * Speaking in Warren, Mich., Biden cited the number of confirmed cases and deaths from COVID-19 in Michigan as being the numbers for the military, saying the armed forces had seen 118,984 cases and 6,114 deaths. * Shortly after the event, Biden’s campaign quickly clarified that Biden had mixed up the numbers for Michigan with those from military. As of Wednesday, only seven members of the military had died from COVID-19." --Interesting.. "the STAFF" made the correction... guess "the STAFF" did not want JoKKKe Biden back in front of live reporters explaining himself...
Another interesting aspect revealed is that "only 7 members of our military have died from Covid-19.. and they live and work in close proximity to each other.. which DEFIES the reports hammered out by MSM-13.
Bob Woodward is a selfish @-hole., and everybody knows this. You know.. if President Trump had really said something that could hurt America, then why didn't he bring it out last Spring rather than wait until 6-7 moths later to sell his book.
Charles Payne, economics guru on Fox, pretty much defined the differences between Trump's economic plans and JoKKKe Biden's. Under The Obama/Biden 8 years, nearly 500,000 American Manufacturing jobs went overseas, and in the first 3 years of Trump's economy, he brought nearly 500,000 jobs back to America. JoKKKe Biden has no clue on how to do what President Trump has already done!
Hmmm... so "taking a knee" has caused Nike to "take a hit" on it's bottom line... maybe Nike will tell KaeperPRICK to "take a hike".
From the "it's how you look at getting your hand caught in the cookie jar" department - Online headline/story: "Georgia official claims 1,000 people -- out of at least 2.2 million -- voted twice in primaries * Annie Grayer and Marshall Cohen - CNN * Washington DC (CNN)Georgia's top election official claimed Tuesday that 1,000 people voted twice in the state's summer primaries -- a miniscule number out of millions of ballots cast -- and called for criminal prosecutions for potential absentee ballot fraud." -- "a miniscule number out of millions of ballots cast"?Hmmmm.. remember when Queen Pelosi said the "$1,000.00 bonuses that businesses gave their employees following the Trump R-Tax Cut were merely "crumbs" What a scary position for media to take... Guess CNN's team of Annie Grayer and Marshall Cohen feel like Nancy Pelosi... that a 1,000 fraudulent double-voting cases are merely "crumbs" overall..
Online headline: "Norwegian lawmaker nominates Trump for Nobel Peace Prize" -- Whoa! a Scandinavian recognizes the humanity and value of President Trump.. this oughta tie Queen Pelosi's and A Dam Schi**'s non-gendered panties in a wad!
Hmmm... NY Governor Fred0 Cu0m0 must have checked his poll numbers as well as the number of NY business people who were moving out of the state! Now he's going to "allow" restaurants to open up.. pretty much crippled... at the end of September. Of course, his dinner guests at the Governor's mansion aren't under the same rules... he's one of the "more equals".
From the "this pretty much explains it" department - Online headline: "Amy Schumer announces she has Lyme disease, ‘maybe had it for years’" -- Hmmm yep.. pretty much explains the vitriol and venom she's spewed against Trump... and judging form her Uncle Chuck's similar vitriol and venom aimed at President Trump. either he caught it from.... or possibly gave it.. to his niece... though Sen Schumer is more of a leech than a tick.. but both are bloodsucking parasites.
From the "talk about really bad ideas.. Now there's talk about letting "clerks" prepare mailed in ballots to be basically opened and sorted before election day.. From one aspect , it does make it seem a way to speed up mail-in ballot counting... but... and a VERY BIG BUT... by doing so, there's no way to control the integrity of the ballots when they are opened early and there can be NO authentication that the ballots are genuine because it would be too easy for ballot fraud.

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