Wednesday, September 23, 2020

 Didn't see it first hand .. or even on video later, but did read about the way the Atlanta Falcons handed the Dallas Cowboys he winning opportunity. Don't even know what the "line" was , but what happened shows WHY the NFL does not need to promote legalized betting. Many betters saw a "change of fortune" flash beg=fore them on what may have been a "fluke"... or could just as well have been a "fix".

From the "will someone pin a "red flag" on him!" - Online headline/story: "Bloomberg raises millions to help Florida felons vote * Bloomberg is part of an effort that raised more than $20 million dollars to help felons who have completed their prison sentences vote in the presidential election. That's in addition to the $100 million he has pledged to help Joe Biden win Florida," -- Good grief! Talk about REAL "election interference"! Bloomberg doesn't WANT JoKKKe Biden; he's just jealous that Trump can win and he flopped royally. Hope the Republicans offer all those felons jobs and a bus ticket to NYC and start build a low-income "city" next door to Bloomberg's home.

Seriously.. how does the Democrat-base still want Democrat government in the major cities where it's not safe to sleep in your own bed at night? Do they seriously feel that a Socialist-Democrat in the White House will make changes in their lives?

From the "Hey, Lori Loughlin.. maybe you'll be able to pick your new cellmate, too!" department - Online headline/story: "State auditor: UC wrongly admitted well-connected students * The University of California “inappropriately admitted" at least 64 wealthy, mostly white students over the past six years as “favors to donors, family, and friends," according to an audit released Tuesday that found hundreds more questionable cases of students accepted to the top UC schools. * Among them were a student whose family was friends with a member of the Board of Regents" -- Hmm.. Now, what's really needed is an audit of Athletic Scholarships! Look how many under-par admissions are accepted because of the money the school and athletic program expects to financially benefit from!

How sick is the LEFT... they blame 200,000 Covid-19 related deaths of mainly older citizens on Trump rather than on the Chinese coronavirus.. and don't even acknowledge that early "modeling" predicted a possible 2 MILLION possible death toll and how Trump's hard work has avoided that..

From the "pot-head tries to call a kettle blah" department - Online headline: "New York Times columnist unloads on CNN, says network boss' passion 'has never been hard news' -- Hmmm... sounds like the result of not having enough "bad" to trash Trump, yet not any "good" to promote JoKKKe Biden with kinda day....

While it's nice...and good.. that our local MCSD has reopened most of Columbus public schools, but why are we paying the full local school taxes on our 2020 tax bill?

From the "you gotta be kidding me!" department - Online headline/story: "Deficient North Carolina absentee ballots have new fix: State Board of Elections * North Carolina mail-in absentee ballots returned without all needed information can be amended without forcing the voter to fill out a new blank ballot, election officials agreed Tuesday, according to a report. * The new guidance means that a ballot with deficient information won’t be considered “spoiled,” and the voter will be sent an affidavit to sign to rectify the problem." -- Good grief! An absolute path.. no... "Super Highway" to FRAUD! What stops an "election official" from altering the ballot as well, or not contacting the voter for "a fix" if the "election official" doesn't like the voter's pick?

From the "are you sure you heard this this way?" department - Online headline: "Joe Biden blasts Bernie in pitch to Wisconsin voters: 'I beat the socialist'" -- Hmmm.. with JoKKKe Biden's penchant for babbling, slurring, or just mundane "gaffe-ing", there's more probability that Biden said, "I BE the Socialist!". Either way, Bernie would not be promoting JoKKKe Biden if concessions weren't made to him..

Correction..Made an error yesterday..Oxbow Meadows...where an alligator was abused is not the responsibility of the operates under the Columbus State Banner... of course, this doesn't change the oversight of not having a proper camera security system there BEFORE now.....

While I think the "smart" choice for President Trump's Supreme Court pick is Barbara Lagoa ...but what may be a SMARTER first choice might be...are you ready for this.. Hellary! Just think... Hellary could be grilled under oath over anything she's ever done or said... and we would be guaranteed that the Senate wouldn't confirm her, and then President Trump can nominate whomever else he really wants..!

When Queen Pelosi offers "help" to Republicans so they won't get massacred at the polls,.. such as voting in a new Supreme Court Justice before the next election.... then you know she's scared to death at Democrat hopes to maintain her House.

SCHUMER is such a cement blockhead! He complained about McConnell negotiating with Pelosi's "Pork Bill", yet did nothing to help McConnell get a basic Covid Relief Bill package passed that would get Pelosi in more of a negotiating mood.

It was almost funny to hear UpChuck Schumer chastising McConnell over something said years ago as I think about the many times Schumer talked about the need for a Southern Border Wall that he denounces today.

From the "nailing himself" department - Online headline/story: "Jimmy Kimmel returns to late-night show after hiatus, pokes fun at hosting the lowest-rated Emmys * the virtual gimmick didn’t seem to land with audiences. Deadline reports that the show only brought in 6.1 million viewers and a 1.2 rating among adults ages 18-49 in time-adjusted results." -- Maybe I was prophetic yesterday when I referred to him as "Gimmee Kibbles... and Bites".. looks like he was "dog food"... chewed up and spit out...

From the "talk about dodging the issue" department - Online headline/story: "Biden refuses to say whether he would add seats to Supreme Court * “It’s a legitimate question. But let me tell you why I'm not going to answer that question: Because it will shift all the focus. That’s what he wants,” Biden told WBAY, a local TV station in Green Bay, Wis., referring to President Trump. “He never wants to talk about the issue at hand. He always tries to change the subject.” -- "I'm not going to answer." Hmmm not going to, or just can't because the puppet-master hasn't told him which string Harris or the DNC will pull?

You know, the simple fact that JoKKKe Biden will not name a list of possible Justice nominees he would consider basically shows either he has no input or that the list DNC has provided and approved contains uber-Liberal Judges that turnoff all the "undecided" voters.

Trump has to be the smartest US President since 1948 (for sure). Perhaps it's simply because he isn't a career politician ... Trump has reversed the process of initiating peace in the Middle-East. Until Trump, all have sat around hoping for peace to make relationships possible... Trump recognizes that without a relationship already established, there's no foundation to build peace upon.

Has anyone ever heard of a "protest" held at a Senator's home about a Supreme Court issue anytime in the past history of America? Don't even try to justify it as a spontaneous act.

Before the last local elections, I asked a pertinent question of the MCSB.. Would they change the policy that keeps individual District Representatives from directly asking Superintendent Lewis a "direct question". (Seems the existing policy required getting a majority approval to ask before asking). Well, how about it MCSB?

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