Tuesday, September 22, 2020

 Bless her heart, but it was not the late Justice Ginsburg's "wish" to demand... even request ... for someone other than President Trump to nominate her replacement. If anything, this taints her knowledge of the US Constitution for which was her responsibility. Perhaps it WAS someone else who made that statement.

Online headline/story: "U.S. household wealth hits record even as economy struggles *The Federal Reserve said Monday that American households' net worth jumped nearly 7% in the April-June quarter to $119 trillion. That figure had sunk to $111.3 trillion in the first quarter, when the coronavirus battered the economy and sent stock prices tumbling." -- Hmmm... What a perfect lead into a Trump ad... I can see it now... Bill Clinton as a football referee during a pregame coin flip with JoKKKe Biden and President Trump. Clinton says, "It's the economy".. then looks up at audience ans says, "Heads or Jackass... your call" as he flips the coin.

You know... I'm thinking about Juan William's on Fox...and I wonder if that when his agent negotiates his contract and talks about ratings number, does Fox laugh in his face, and inform him that Fox ratings would probably be stronger if Williams was fired?

From the "party Unity? What party Unity?" department - Online headline/story: "CNN's Jeffery Toobin: Democrats 'wimps,' might not have 'guts' to battle GOP over Supreme Court vacancy * “Democrats are great about talking big, but we’ll see if he has the... if he and the other Democrats have the guts to do anything,” Toobin said, indicating he’s skeptical Democrats would expand the court if needed. “If they retake control of the Senate, will they really add the two seats on the Supreme Court?” * CNN’s Alisyn Camerota chimed in, “Why wouldn’t they?” * Because they’re weak,” Tobin said. “And they’re wimps and they're afraid.”" -- You know.. this is how Pelosi & Schumer "work".. they get MSM-13 to "shame" Democrats who think about thinking for themselves... Separating Democrats and MSM-13 would be more productive for our country than "separating church and state".

From the "proof of why JoKKKe Biden was picked as Obama's VP" department - Online headline: "Michelle Obama reveals there were 'times she wanted to push Barack out of the window' as she opens up about their marriage ahead of 28th wedding anniversary" -- As I've oft stated... Biden was "protection" for something tragic happening to Obama... NOBODY wanted Biden to become President!

I watched CNN for the noon hour yesterday...and noted not one known genuine Republican "contributor" was included in any discussion. Why then, does Fox News have so many Democrats on all it's shows? There's nothing "fair & balanced" about just spewing "agenda sound bites and vitriol" during what could be an educational discussion.

Have you ever noticed how CNN anchors are quick to compliment their expert "contributors" when they say something bad about anything President Trump says or does , yet don't quote them at all when they say anything good about he says or does is "OK"?

On the 14th a limited number of MCSD schools/classes re-opened for in-class learning... Yesterday, the balance did the same... now, what the public needs to know is the average of how many students actually attend classes the first week, and how many were counted at schools yesterday.

Online headline/story: "Justice Dept. brands NYC an ‘anarchist jurisdiction,’ targets federal funds * Portland, Ore., and Seattle, Wash., were the other two cities on the list," -- And Atty Gen Bill Barr is spot on! If governors evoke the 10th Amendment and imperil not only the citizens of their states, but also all the citizens in America who might HAVE/WANT to travel there, then the federal government needs... NEEDS to deny those governors the full benefits of being an American state. Barr might even put those states Electoral College votes "on hold" as such insurgence they are aiding/abetting could intimidate a lot of citizens from voting.

You know, the Democrats are threatening Republicans about how proceeding with how nominating and confirming a new Supreme Court Justice will cost them at the polls. Hmmmm... you know, if the Democrats knew what they were talking about, they should just keep quiet and let the Republican actions work for them.

It's nice to hear that security cameras gave been installed at Oxbow Meadows.... unfortunately, they were not installed to observe and document recent cruel acts to the resident alligators... but with as much money as the MCSD has taken out of the classrooms to pay for their own Police Department, why weren't cameras installed to begin with?

Those SafeLight commercials.. you know..the windshield repair ads that "suggest " you just leave your car keys on the dash and they will fix it. Excuse me.... no way would I leave my keys on the dash... I doubt my car would be there when either they got there to fix it or I got there later to drive home. Besides, you'd have to leave your car unlocked anyway, so why would Safelight tell you to leave your keys in it?

After hearing JoKKKe Biden's economic plan, and seeing Kamala Harris in Timberland boots, it really looks like Kamala is "following in JoKKKe Biden's "footsteps"... JoKKKe Biden has plagiarized President Trump's economic plans, and Kamala Harris has plagiarized the First Ladies' wardrobe..

You know, before Senator Schumer sticks his foot any further down his throat, why hasn't the Senate addressed his terroristic threats from the steps of the Supreme Court Building against Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh if they make abortion decisions contrary to him?

From the "how'd this happen?" department - WTVM-9 headline/story: " COVID-19 numbers declining in Columbus following Labor Day * Two weeks after the Labor Day weekend health officials are seeing a decline." -- oooops..

From the "and when did his happen?" department - Online headline/story: "Secret documents show how North Korea launders money through U.S. banks * North Korea carried out an elaborate money laundering scheme for years using a string of shell companies and help from Chinese firms, moving money through prominent banks in New York, according to confidential bank documents reviewed by NBC News. * The documents cover a period mainly from 2008 to 2017, during which both the Obama and Trump administrations" -- From "2008 TO 2017" -- Wait a minute.. Trump didn't take office until January 20th of 2017.. on the other hand, Bush43 was President until January of 2009 when he handed the reins off to Obama.. How does Trump get included?

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