Tuesday, September 1, 2020

 If you have access to Hulu, all 45 seasons of Saturday Night Live are available. Forget the current seasons..he back to Season 1 Episode 1 and retrace time.. George Carlin was the first host. What's so neat is the everyday issues facing us today were ever present then too..... plus great music of the times!

After listening to JoKKKe Biden read his Teleprompter yesterday , I honestly believe he had no clue to what he was repeating.
Seriously? JoKKKE Biden speechified yesterday that if people wanted their kids to be able to play safely in their home's front yard, then vote for him.....Huh? Has anyone asked the families in South Shicago if they remember seeing Obama or Biden ever come into their neighborhood from 2008 to 2016?
You know the tell-tale sign of JoKKKe Biden's troubles is not just that it's obvious he leaves the podium after speaking without answering any questions, but when MSM-13 reporters don't mention it at all on their shows, it reeks of collusion between MSM-13 and the DNC.
JoKKKe Biden made this comment: "“Ask yourself: Do I look like a radical socialist with a soft spot for rioting? Really?” Biden asked." -- Hey, JoKKKe Biden.. it's not about "looking like a radical socialist", it's about "sounding like a radical socialist."
Wow! When their polling numbers started dropping, Democrats decided they needed to speak out.. of course, the Democrats new rhetoric was then aimed at trying to blame Trump for the rots and lootings versus taking responsibility for their own supporter base.
How come the House Intelligence Committee is chaired by the least intelligent member of Congress... A Dam Schi** , D of CA-razy. He's having a hussy fit about the National Security "briefs" going from oral to written...in an attempt to hopefully circumvent leaks by House members.. Sure, the leaks would continue to happen, but Leaking Congresspersons could not say they repeated what they thought they heard, as the source would be checkable.
What MSM-13 has an issue about for President Trump going to Wisconsin is so law & order Citizens KNOW that their governor is not the only person they can look to for help.
Online story: "National Public Radio (NPR) recently provided a platform to an author who has written a book, In Defense of Looting, in which the author, Vicky Osterweil, argues that looting is morally justified, because “without police and without state oppression, we can have things for free.” -- Wow! Does NPR even have a clue? A clue that it's existence depends on private donors and taxpayers which would pretty much disappear with a Socialist government? NPR.. the entity that fired Juan Williams for saying Muslims in traditional "garb" on the same plane as him, made him nervous...
Online headline/story: "CNN's Cillizza criticized over tweet calling out Trump's use of the word 'riots' * “Trump’s efforts to label what is happening in major cities as “riots” speaks at least somewhat to his desperation, politically speaking, at the moment,” Cillizza tweeted." -- Seriously?... Liberals need to look to Webster's for word definitions rather than Bill Clinton.
Online headline: "Kenosha sees 175 arrested during civil unrest so far; 102 had addresses listed outside city, police say * Kenosha Police said in a media release that the arrests were from people located in 44 cities" -- You know.. these anarchists.. especially the ones who aren't from the immediate area, need to be charged with felonies , and their Social Security Numbers tagged for tax audits and removal of eligibility for other government services. Oh!, and any similar charges in another "traveled to" area designates them as habitual felony criminals.
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler proclaims that President Trump is responsible for the 3+ months of violent protests. Good grief... will someone show videos that, unlike Mayor Wheeler, President Trump is not in any of them..
I'm curious... went to the Columbus Council website page
and it appears that Toyia Tucker has not been recognized for her winning the Council 4 seat..
On a local Columbus, GA voting issue:
In the June Primaries and Local Election Race, some 31,859 total votes were cast in the Presidential Primaries.. 4,067 by Early Voting, 15,263 by absentee (mail-in) voting, and 12,439 on Election Day.. In other words, 19,330 votes were cast BEFORE election day and "only" 12,439 voted on the actual Election day (I was one). In other words, less than 13% of the votes cast were "Early" votes.. I do not understand why we need to triple the costs of "Early Voting" by opening up 2 more Early Precincts at the Trade Center and Civic Center. Besides, that would put 3 such Early Voting Centers in mid & south Columbus, and zero centers in the north and eastern parts of the county.
Donna Brazile..Whatta dunce! In her eagerness to promote JoKKKe Biden's tendency to hide out in his basement, and to chastise Trump, Brazile actually said, "Leadership comes from the top and bottom." Huh? There's only one "lead dog" in a situation.. the rest either follow of drag down the leaders..Bet Brazile believes in Dr. Benjamin SPOCK's theory of not spanking children under any circumstances.

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