Wednesday, March 16, 2022

 Probably the most damaging bill passed by the GA House recently is the one suspending the GA state excise tax on gasoline. It may cause a temporary "blip" in lowering the cost per gallon, but it won't take long before the price per gallon goes back up to where is was, and then when the "suspension" is over, the price per gallon will jump even higher...The best bet for controlling the "price per gallon" is to leave that tax intact (which keeps our roads maintained) so that the public is not lulled into a false sense of lowered prices...

Think about this... if Zelenskyy hadn't beat Poroshenko (Ukraine's president that Biden bullied/bought off to not investigate Hunter Biden) Ukraine probably would have collapsed like Afghanistan did...

What guts (Hey, Messenger Boy Biden and you White House "handlers", take a lesson) ! The Prime Ministers of Slovenia, Poland, and the Czech Republic stood side-by-side with Ukraine President Zelenskyy in the middle of Kyiv as a show off solidarity....

Online story: "A district court in Moscow said in a statement that Marina Ovsyannikova, an editor at Channel One, had been found guilty of the "administrative offense" and had been fined 30,000 rubles ($280). * Taking a courageous stance against Russian President Vladimir Putin and his government, Ovsyannikova on Monday protested on air, standing behind a news anchor with a sign that said: "NO WAR." -- Hmmm.. What wasn't said was that Marina Ovsyannikova had been whisked of by Russian police, and that she disappeared for a while, was subjected to about 15 hours of "interrogation" and she's also could be sentenced to 10 or more years in jail. Hey.. American MSM "journalists"...(especially Joy Reid and Joy Behar... remember.. there is no "joy" in Mudville, Russia)... this is the type of government you are trying so hard to support within the Socialist-Democrat Party..

Wow! Russia has threatened to interfere with the Biden-Iran nuclear deal... Hmmm ..
What's Putin trying to do, get on patriotic America's good side?

From the "why not?" department - Online headline/story: "Russian lawmaker demands return of Alaska, California fort and reparations amid U.S.-led sanctions * Parliament member Oleg Matveychev listed his demands during a Sunday interview on a state-owned news program" -- Well... why not.. I'm pretty sure Russia could get a US District 9 Court of Appeals judge in california to agree with them... Hey... what's next.. a "Russian Lives Matter" movement?

Online headline/story: "New York comptroller audit concludes Cuomo admin undercounted COVID nursing home deaths * According to an audit released Tuesday by New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli, Cuomo’s Health Department failed to account for 4,100 nursing home deaths and undercounted the coronavirus death toll in nursing homes by as much as 50% from April 2020 to February 2021. * (Unfortunately) "The Manhattan District Attorney's office announced earlier this year it would not criminally charge Cuomo in connection with his handling of nursing home deaths which he was widely criticized for during his time in office." - Wow! The DA's office said it wouldn't criminally prosecute Cuomo for this.. that sorta sounds like the Shicago DA's office first assessment of Jussie Smollett's crimes.. You know, serial killer Ted Bundy's family might have an argument that he should have been forgiven rather than prosecuted for the over 30 deaths he was responsible for...

Online headline/story: "MSNBC anchor asks why Biden is not receiving a 'Zelenskyy bounce' for his 'popular policies' in the polls * MSNBC's "MTP Daily" guest host Garrett Haake discussed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s plan to address Congress virtually on Wednesday. While Zelenskyy received positive coverage and approval ratings across party lines for his response to Russia’s invasion, the same has not been true for Biden." -- Wait a minute... Resident Messenger Boy Biden did receive a Zelenskyy Bounce" in the polls.. only truthful journalists report that Biden's poll reflects a "Zelenskyy Kick-in-the-Butt".... as it should!

Online headline: "Sarah Bloom Raskin, President Biden's embattled pick for the Federal Reserve's top banking regulator, withdrew her nomination on Tuesday, according to a source familiar with the matter, after Republicans and one key Democrat opposed her nomination." -- Senator Joe Manchin, D-WV, did the US taxpayers a favor... but in reality, Manchin did a bigger one for JoKKKe Biden and the Socialist-Democrats... Raskin would have caused inflation to escalate even more leading into the mid=term elections and Biden's 2024 attempt for re-election..

From the "this is what Democrats stand for" department - Online headline/story: "SUNY Brockport set to honor convicted cop killer at event for 'Black resistance' and 'political prisoners' * A New York state college invited a convicted cop-killer to speak about race and justice while describing him as a former "political prisoner" and "loving human being" after his role in the ambush murders of two NYPD officers and another shootout with police in California. * Brockport, State University of New York, is hosting an event titled, "History of Black Resistance, U.S. Political Prisoners & Genocide: A Conversation with Jalil Muntaqim." * Muntaqim, formerly known as Anthony Bottom, was among a group of Black Liberation Army radicals who assassinated two New York City police officers in 1971, Waverly Jones and Joseph A. Piagentini. * The BLA was a violent far-left militia group that operated throughout the 1970s, linked to the murders of at least 10 police officers and dozens of other attacks." -- Hmmm... wonder if the families of murdered Police Officers Waverly Jones and Joseph A. Piagentini feel that Bottom/Muntagim was a "political prisoner". much less a "loving human being"... for that matter.. a human being at all!

Online story: "Russia has imposed "retaliatory sanctions" against President Biden, a number of his top administration officials, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Biden's son Hunter Biden amid its ongoing war with Ukraine. * According to Russian state-owned news agency Tass, the Russian Foreign Ministry on Tuesday imposed "personal sanctions against representatives of the U.S. leadership and persons associated with them." -- Hmmm.. now we know who Putin has "the goods" on....and it explains Resident Biden's and the "White House handlers" reluctance to help Zelenskyy...

Online WTVM-TV9 story: "Henderson added a breakdown of the 63 individuals murdered last year. * “The 63 murders we had last year, about 21 of those were for domestic violence and then we have about eight or nine that were drug-related and about 10 were gang related,” said Henderson." -- Is there collusion within the Mayor and the CPD to downplay the number of homicides in Columbus, GA last year? Officially, Columbus, GA had a record... a 54% increase in homicides in 2021 vs 2020 (71 vs 46), yet we are now being told that it was "only" 63... and we are now being told that 21 were "domestic Violence" and "only 18/19 were drug/gang related". Those number only account for 39/40 of the non-vehicular homicides we suffered from in 2021.. What about the other 23-to-31 "uncategorized" murder/homicides? Anker's right! We do need a lot more transparency in local government!

From the "nuthin but the poll truth" department - Online YAHOO "headLIE"/story: "Poll: Americans warm to Biden's approach on Russia and Ukraine * The percentage of respondents who now say Biden is doing “a better job leading his country” than Putin, for instance, climbed 7 points (from 33% to 40%)" -- Good grief! Anytime the "poll numbers" are hovering around 40-42%, it only means that the Socialist-Democrats voter base are still going to vote for whomever the Socialist-Democrats are on a ballot...

All of a sudden, Obama, Mr Chuckles, and Messenger Boy Biden have tested positive for Covid-19 at the same time... hmmm... wonder if Obama and Mr Chuckles are the "White House handlers"?

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