Monday, January 16, 2023

 Today is the Dr, Martin Luther King, Jr Federal holiday.. It's especially ironic that Resident Biden is leading the celebration since Dr King was a REPUBLICAN, and Resident Biden... as well as Pastor Warnock and the CBC... are on record that Black Republicans are not "Black Enough"!

Online "headLIE": "Biden welcomed back to Georgia after lying low in midterms" --
Welcomed back?? "after laying low"? Hey.. more like "allowed back".. ...remember, Pastor Warnock FORBID Resident Biden from coming to GA during of the General and Runoff Elections!

Online headline: "Biden's 'irresponsible' handling of classified docs bigger 'leakage' risk than Trump's, experts say * 'There were absolutely no additional measures to safeguard and protect the information,' says one expert of Biden's storage of classified materials" -- What it boils down to is it was no surprise... NEVER A SURPRISE... to Biden... He got called about where were the classified documents he had not returned, and he knew where to send a team of his lawyers to retrieve them, and is now trying to cover his arse.

Of note is a THIRD batch of classified documents has been reported as found at Resident Biden's Wilmington home..
The classified documents then VP Biden absconded with when he left the White House in 2017 were part of his cover-up of his "pro quid Joe" deal with the Ukraine President to fire his Atty General because he was investigating Hunter's credentials to serve on Burisma's board, and concerning the Irani "nuclear development" Accord that Trump dismissed and was reinstated when Biden won the White House, and dealing with China..... and these details may be devastating.. These documents must be scoured by the appropriate House Committees. Also, the National Archives needs to be scrutinized for details as to whether EVERY classified document VP Biden 'requested" has been returned to the files.

From the "where do we start?" department - Of all things that have " hit the fan" last week was the declaration of Hunter Biden saying he lived in his parents Wilmington home, and paid them $50,000.00 per month in rent... hmmm... that's $600,000.00 annually .. Now, did anyone notice if JoKKKe Biden declared it as income on the tax forms he ceremoniously released?

Hmmm... did you know that Resident Biden had a Corvette? Now... who takes care of it... Does JoKKKe Biden hand wash/wax it? How is often does he take it to out for a spin? I've never seen pictures of him driving it until last Thursday, and I imagine anybody seeing him driving it would be taking pictures or videos to upload on their Social Media pages.

Pictures of him in it show a back door entrance to his house... I know we don't lock my garage access door from my kitchen during the day, and I assume neither do the Biden's, so how can he..they .. say the files boxes wee in a safe secure locked garage.. heck .. any household employee, visitor or Secret Service agent had access to those files.

Looks like Resident Biden is trying to land a Netflix contract like Obama... It's a potential series about a politician who plants secret files in odd places to divert attention away from a politician/son/dictator cabal.. the working title is "The Biden Gambit".

Hmmm... did you know that Resident Biden had a Corvette? Now... who takes care of it... Does JoKKKe Biden hand wash/wax it? How often does he take it to out for a spin? I've never seen pictures of him driving it until last Thursday, and I imagine anybody seeing him driving it would be taking pictures or videos to upload on their Social Media pages.

Online story: "Donald Trump’s company was fined $1.6 million Friday as punishment for a scheme in which the former president’s top executives dodged personal income taxes on lavish job perks — a symbolic, hardly crippling blow for an enterprise boasting billions of dollars in assets. * The amount imposed by Judge Juan Manuel Merchan was the maximum allowed by law, an amount equal to double the taxes a small group of executives avoided on benefits including rent-free apartments in Trump buildings, luxury cars and private school tuition. * Trump himself was not on trial and denied any knowledge of his executives evading taxes illegally." -- Hmmm... A fine that makes the news simply because it allows MSM to beat up on Trump, but it's so small that it's not economically realistic to appeal is really nothing more than weaponizing the IRS Court system.

Pictures of Resident Biden in the Corvette show a back door garage entrance to his house... I know we don't lock my garage access door from my kitchen during the day, and I assume neither do the Biden's, so how can he..they .. say the files boxes wee in a safe secure locked garage.. heck .. any household employee, visitor or Secret Service agent had access to those files.

While looking online for pictures of Resident Biden in the Corvette, I found one that showed Hunter Biden riding in it with Big Guy....hmmm... how can Resident Biden's lawyers begin to say the files in the garage... or even in his home office, were "locked up and secure"?

Two questions... since Hunter Biden has stated he paid monthly rent of $50,000.00 to live in his parents home, doesn't that mean he had easy access to the classified documents in "the garage", and shouldn't his business relationship with the China Communist Party bring heightened concern about him profiting by being able to disclose those classified documents to the CCP?

Looking online for pictures of Resident Biden basically showed him in it on pictures taken Wednesday or Thursday last week... but there was one that showed Hunter Biden riding in it with Big Guy....hmmm... how can Resident Biden's lawyers begin to say the files in the garage... even in his home office were "locked up and secure"?

After the airline fiasco over the holidays, Transportation Secretary Buttigieg has earned a new name.. Mayor Pete will now be known as "Mayhem Pete", and should be a good option for a new version of All-State's car insurance ads.

I have a real serious question for Columbus GA's Council and School Board. Have you noticed on most non-fast-food restaurant's bills that suggested "tips" are based on the product purchases ... PLUS THE STATE and LOCAL 9% SALES TAXES! The restaurants are asking for..and getting... tips on your taxes! Now, what needs to be examined is whether the restaurants should be reporting/paying the "tips" received on sales taxes to the state and local tax offices.... it's obvious the restaurants are using the 9% tax amount to increase the "tip funding" to their revenue stream.

Online headline: " Biden welcomed back to Georgia after lying low in midterms" -- Welcomed back??..."after lying low"? Hey.. more like "allowed back".. ...remember, Pastor Warnock FORBID Resident Biden from coming to GA areas of the General and Runoff Elections!

There are a lot of questions about Biden's classified documents issues. First, is his "surprise" they exist... especially since he had to order them to get them.. second, I know lawyers are "sworn" to not disclose their clients private issues, but since when does even the president's lawyers have clearance to seek, handle, and determine documents are classified or not.. third, all the documents seem to be concerning personal issues he created himself while VP, and appear to protect his interests by not being available to the House Judiciary Committee during the Trump years... Fourth, if his lawyers went looking for classified documents in his Penn Biden office and his Wilmington home, they would have HAD to be ordered to do so my someone who knew where they were, and under the circumstances, Resident Biden is the obvious person to have known... so why is he feigning to be "surprised"?

Online headline: "Florida man arrested for child pornography receives nearly 1,200 additional charges" -- Hmmm... and an unanswered question is whether this pervert is an American citizen or not....

Online headline: "Maryland school employee 'inadvertently' emailed sexually explicit photos to entire student body. * Dr. Henry A. Wise Jr., High School Principal Taryn Washington said many people saw and shared the pictures before the email could be retracted" -- Obviously the "employee" had to be "administrative" to have access to the student bodies e-mail list.. but why would a school have the all the student's e-mail addresses... they usually text/call? My experience with my children.. especially during their teen years.. is that they might go days.. even weeks ... without checking their e-mail for messages...

From the "I'm gonna play GOD!" department - Online story: "A Pittsburgh children's hospital is under fire after its Gender Program Navigator advocated for helping minor transgender females get pregnant by giving reproductive organs to them from live donors.
* The Community Navigator for a youth gender program at the University of Pittsburgh Children's Hospital discussed the criteria the medical community uses for gender transition in adolescents, * (Alicyn) Simpson said that trans men "assigned female at birth" would discuss the possibility of giving their reproductive organs to trans females." -- Good grief! Why in the world does a hospital pediatric center have a "gender program navigator" on STAFF... and "enabled" to play GOD! sound more like the she-it sold out to Satan...

This is an old story .. Ft Benning is no Moore (as in Col. Hal), and American Airlines flipped Columbus a "bird"..

Allowing any criminals.. especially violent ones...out on "home arrest bail" with an ankle monitor needs to be looked at hard! Not at the actually practice, but to lessen abuse of the privilege... Any of those monitors can be physically removed without specialized tools, so another process needs to installed... Perhaps an injection device that could trigger a quick acting sedative/sleep causing medicine that would render the criminal immediate unconsciousness, or even an explosive device for the violent wearers that would blow the criminals leg off. Hey... something needs to be done.. one "BLUE" state is considering a new law that won't let law enforcement check on a disabled monitor for 48 hours.

Online headline: "LAPD bans Thin Blue Line flag over complaint it represents 'racist, bigoted views' * An LAPD police union fired back at the news calling it 'political pandering' to 'anti-police activists'" -- Hmmm.. then I'm guessing that Democrats in california do not feel Black Law Enforcement officers are "Black Enough" either....

Online headline": "The U.S. government will reach its statutory debt limit next Thursday, according to a letter from Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen notifying Congress." -- Hmmm.... and where was her advice when the "Blunderbuss Bill" was on PeLOUSY's, Schumer's, and Resident Biden's desks in December?

Online headline: 'DHS helps ‘noncitizen workers’ avoid deportation when they report US labor violations" -- Good grief.. Sounds like Mayorkas isn't just allowing criminals in, he's also encouraging criminals to be "snitches". Putting snitches out on every street corner is what a certain WWII German war criminal did...

Online headline: 'New low for Hunter Biden: Fighting to prevent daughter with ex-lover from using his last name" -- Hmmm... who knew? Who knew that Hunter Biden was such a heel.... Hmmm .... actually, WE ALL DID! But when you think about this move , Hunter has actually done the child a favor..... she won't be saddled with the Biden name...

From the "where do we start?" department - Of all things that have " hit the fan" last week was the declaration of Hunter Biden saying he lived in his parents Wilmington home, and paid them $50,000.00 per month in rent... hmmm... that's $600,000.00 annually .. Now, did anyone notice if JoKKKe Biden declared it as income on the tax forms he ceremoniously released?

Two questions... since Hunter Biden has stated he paid rent to live in his parents home, doesn't that mean he had easy access to the classified documents in "the garage", and shouldn't his business relationship with the China Communist Party bring heightened concern about him profiting by being able to disclose those classified documents to the CCP?

Online headline: "Florida man arrested for child pornography receives nearly 1,200 additional charges" -- My question is whether this pervert is an American citizen or not.

After the airline fiasco over the holidays, Transportation Secretary Buttigeg has earned a new name.. Mayor Pete will now be known as "Mayhem Pete", and should be a good option for a new version of All-State's car insurance ads.

Allowing any criminals.. especially violent ones...out on "home arrest" with an ankle monitor needs to be looked at hard! Not at the actually practice, but to lessen abuse if the privilege... Any of those monitors can be physically removed without specialized tools, so another process needs to installed... Perhaps an injection device that could trigger a quick acting sedative/sleep causing medicine that would render the criminal immediate unconsciousness, or even an explosive device for the violent wearers that would blow the criminals leg off. Hey... something needs to be done.. one state is considering a new law that won't let law enforcement check on a disabled monitor for 48 hours.

Online story: "Democrats wasted no time defending President Biden after classified documents dating back to the Obama administration were found in his home garage and an office, pointing out "differences" from former President Trump's handling of classified materials * Rep. Hank Johnson of Georgia said there are 'big differences' with how Biden and Trump handled documents" -- You know, Congressman Hank "Guam could tip over if all our military equipment was in the same place" Johnson is somewhat right in his assessment... this time... Yes, as President, Trump was entitled to declassify documents ... while Bleep Veep Biden was never entitled to do the same.. Therefore, Biden stole classified documents, but Trump did not steal any.

Online "headLIE": "Georgia Prosecutor Has 'What It Takes' to Indict Trump" -- Hmmm.. To "indict Trump? Maybe... since Trump will not have any chance to refute anything at the Grand Jury presentation.... but while "implication" presented by a DA may/can get an indictment, it takes actual EVIDENCE to convict a person...

Online "headLIE": "Analysis: Why Black voters are more important in Georgia than in any other state" -- Good grief! Whatta racist comment.. I bet the writer also feels "Black Lives Matter" more than Asian, White or Native American Live do! Fortunately, our Constitution protects us all equally...

Online Columbus Ledger-Enquirer headline: "One dead after being found shot in vacant lot on Third Avenue Sunday Morning" -- The bodies just keep piling up here in Columbus, GA.. and right now.. it seems on pace with the record homicide 2021 year.. One suggestion for the L-E writer... j[how about adding the cross street name.. Columbus citizens should know this is ANOTHER homicide in the proximity of the Wilson Apartments...

From the "up Sch**'s Creek without a prattle" department - Online headline: "Democrat Schiff says national security may have been jeopardized by Biden’s mishandling of classified docs" -- Wow! Adam Schi** actually has told the truth... after all the lies he said about President Trump, I didn't think he had it in him! Guess the Democrats are anxious to make sure Biden does NOT announce his 2024 candidacy ...

Online headline: "Columbus GA private sector businesses fund operational assessment of Columbus Police Department" -- Hmmm...wouldn't the street coverage and street safety be better if Council made sure the 100 more law enforcement officers were hired as the 2008 1% Public Safety LOST sales tax promised?

Online headline: "Columbus Consolidated Government to send emergency alerts by phone" -- Hmmm...surely this is an off-date "April Fool's Day" prank.. Guess we'll all have to mark the Columbus Government Warning number as "spam" and "block" the number..

Online headline: "Georgia DOT Completes First Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvement Grant Project" -- Excuse me.. but why is the taxpayer funded GA-DOT fixing railbeds of privately owned railroad companies?

Online headline: "Columbus, GA 2025 Goal: A Stronger City" -- hmmmm.... before thinking about being a "stronger" City, Council needs to concentrate on being a SAFER only has to look at the accelerated housing construction just off Exit 19 off I-185 into Harris County offering an alternative to existing and new-to-the-area families.

Online headline: "Georgia ranked one of the worst places to raise a family" -- Wow!.. and Columbus, GA is an anchor on GA's statistics.. Columbus has one of the highest "homicides per 100,000 in population", and some of the worst standard test results of all GA school systems...

Online headline/story: "Trump Organization fined $1.6 million for tax fraud * The amount imposed by Judge Juan Manuel Merchan was the maximum allowed by law, an amount equal to double the taxes a small group of executives avoided on benefits including rent-free apartments in Trump buildings, luxury cars and private school tuition. * Trump himself was not on trial and denied any knowledge of his executives evading taxes illegally.
" -- Hmmm... A fine that makes the news simply because it allows MSM to beat up on Trump, but it's so small that it's not economically realistic to appeal is really nothing more than weaponizing the IRS Court system.

Wouldn't you know it Hank Johnson would defend Biden... Rep. Hank Johnson of Georgia said there are 'big differences' with how Biden and Trump handled documents" -- You know, Congressman Hank "Guam could tip over if all our military equipment was in the same place" Johnson is somewhat right in his assessment... this time... Yes, as President, Trump was entitled to declassify documents ... while Bleep Veep Biden was never entitled to do the same.. Therefore, Biden stole classified documents, but Trump did not steal any.

Online headline: "PETA demands Georgia retire UGA mascot; school responds" -- Obviously, PETA is not a UGA fan or it would already know about Hairy Dawg.... and if PETA doesn't feel UGA X is cherished and protected at Georgia, then PETA needs to try and get through the UGA defensive line and grab him.. I have a feeling PETA will face "DE-FETA"

Online headline: "Georgia's Kirby Smart on deaths of 2 football team members: 'We are all heartbroken and devastated'" -- Wow! All GA fans are stunned.. and our prayers go out en masse to their families...

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