Tuesday, January 17, 2023

 Online story: "China said Tuesday that its population declined last year for the first time in six decades, a historic shift with profound implications for the world’s second-largest economy. * Officials from the National Bureau of Statistics said mainland China had 1.41175 billion people at the end of 2022, compared with 1.41260 billion a year earlier, a decrease of 850,000. There were 9.56 million births — a record low birth rate of 6.77 per thousand — and 10.41 million deaths." -- Could it simply be the truth about the effect of Covid-19 deaths finally coming to light? It sure sounds more realistic than the 5,200 China previously admitted to .....

One thing about the classified documents illegally attached to Biden is that they were missing long before the concern about any legal documents in Trump's care, yet the National Archives didn't express any concern or interest in them.

Online headline: "Jonathan Turley: Biden's lawyers 'likely witnesses in a criminal investigation'" -- Hmmmm... Yes... those lawyers will be "likely witnesses", but even more damaging will be the officials at the National Archives who obviously had to trigger the search for these documents ... especially due to the fact that the National Archives had to have knowledge of them when the DOJ/FBI raided Trump's personal home in Florida..

Online story: "Using data from the Tax Foundation, GOBankingRates ranked the states with the highest property taxes in America, including the percentage rate, the average dollar amount paid and the average home value. * Iowa and Pennsylvania tied for the 10th highest percentage property tax rate of 1.43% of property value... That got me checking on ours here in Columbus, GA.. Even with a Homestead Exemption and out blessed TAX FREEZE, our property tax rate is 1.499%... Hmmm... that puts our rate higher than the 10th highest rated states... Remember this the next time the School Board, Council or Mayor complains we don't pay enough, or want to add to or extend the 5% Local Option Sales Taxes!


Online "headLIE": "New York Mayor says "no room" in his city for migrants" -- Hmmm.. then maybe we should move the Statue of Liberty elsewhere... now. if he meant no room for more illegal aliens.. well that's a lie, too.. NYC has a lot mopre room for a busload of 50 illegal aliens than any border city in Texas does...

Online headline/story: "Biden knocks ‘fiscally demented’ Republicans in MLK Day speech *
“Like many Americans, I was disappointed to see the very first bill that House Republicans … are bringing to the floor. It would help the wealthy people and big corporations cheat on their taxes at the expense of ordinary middle-class taxpayers" -- Biden said the Republicans first bill was to aid the wealthy by cutting back IRS funding. First , Biden lies..... but we're kinda use to that, but more importantly, the House Republicans passed a bill, but the Senate won't, and even if the Senate did, Resident Biden wouldn't have to sign it.

Judging from the lack of enthusiastic applause to Resident Biden's MLK Jr Holiday speech in Washington at the Al Sharlatan shindig, it was apparent that the audience has come to realize via Biden's claimed "surprise" at the classified documents existing at his non-White House offices was bogus... and that Biden has no problem lying about everything he says.

From the "Archie had it right" department - Online headline: "While he may or may not be the origin of this descriptive "jewel", the first place I saw it was on Jesse Watters' Show on Fox... Watters referred to Biden's Wilmington, DE home as "Car-A-Lago".. an iconic comparison to Trump's Florida home that got raised by the same groups that haven't stormed Biden's home ....

You know, if reports came out that Trump didn't keep a "visitors' log book" at his homes, MSM would be blistering him!

WTVM-TV9 - Columbus, GA headline: "Major auto supplier to invest over $25M in new location in Auburn" -- Hmmm... would someone please run a copy of this over to Council and the Greater Columbus, GA Chamber of Commerce... guess America has found the path to the Chambers new Atlanta-priced office complex at the Old YMCA in Downtown Columbus... Hey... who could be "UP" after losing another plum?

I'm beginning to realize that Resident Biden has NO CLUE as to how Karine Jean-Pierre answers questions about what the White House is doing .....

Hmmm.. so Biden's lawyers are claiming that there are no "visitor log books" at Biden's home in Wilmington, DE.. but it's also his "personal home" therefore a private home not subject to public scrutiny.... Hmmm... Wasn't Mar-A-Lago President Trump's "personal home" when the DOJ/FBI raided it?

While he may or may not be the origin of this descriptive "jewel", the first place I saw it was on Jesse Watters' Show on Fox... Watters referred to Biden's Wilmington, DE home as "Car-A-Lago".. an iconic comparison to Trump's Florida home that got raised by the same groups that haven't stormed Biden's home ....

From the "Archie Bunker had it right" department - Online headline: "Rob Reiner grilled for praising Biden as a 'decent law abiding person': 'Poster boy for cognitive dissonance' * Critics lambasted Reiner as 'brainwashed' and 'irrelevant'" -- Yep... "Meathead" was spot on for Rob Reiner......

From the "I guess it depends on what you consider "longtime" as a condition of residency" -- Online headJOKE: "San Fran's reparations committee proposes $5 million to each Black longtime resident, total debt forgiveness" -- Hmmm well in the 2020 Census, , San Francisco's total population was about 873,965...with a Black population of 5.2%,,, but looking at "longtime" figures,, in 1940, San Francisco had a population total of 634.536.. and a Black population of 4,046.. less that 1% of San Francisco's population...and in 1900, African based San Francisco population was notated as "59"... you know... there's actually a possibility that there were no Blacks living in San Francisco in 1860 out of a population of 56,802. Looks like San Francisco is playing a game with their figures...
(*) - https://stacker.com/california/san-francisco/what-san-franciscos-immigrant-population-looked-1900

You know... it's gotten even quieter in the last couple of week about the Paul Pelosi "incident" .... sorta makes you wonder more what the real story is.....

Just when you thought it couldn't get worse...it has.. now 4 more VA high schools have been outed for holding back SAT/National Merit Scholarship Award notifications until after the winners sent in early college applications.. every parent should be filing financial damage suits against the school/school officials because of lost scholarship funds their kids would have been eligible for if the awards were list on the college apps. Oh! And how many Black students who won awards were left hanging?

Online headline: "CNET: Here's the New Most Expensive Fast Food Chain." -- Hmmm... while Wendy's was "crowned" as the most expensive, I didn't see any mention of Zaxby's.. but as a reaction to the Zaxby's closest to me, I've pretty much stop using it due to it's price increases.

If you don't think inflation is real.. check the prices of eggs on your next grocery run...I usually don't even check the rack prices, but after seeing national stories about them, I actually did look at the price of a dozen Publix XL eggs (yellow carton) this weekend and was shocked they were $5.79.. it wasn't long ago I was getting them for $2.50...

People Magazine headline: "Chelsea Handler Says She 'Didn't Know Until I Was 40' That the Sun and Moon Are Not the Same." -- Good grief! I can surmise Chelsea Handler was a victim of a public education...

Online headline: 'New Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King sculpture called 'hideous': 'Fire whoever designed that' * The sculpture is a depiction of the Kings embracing after finding out the reverend won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964'" -- It's named "The Embrace"...Wow! Since it's in Boston... wonder if Pocahontas Warren had anything to do with it?

Online headline: "Jane Fonda Says Chemo 'Hit Me Hard,' Made Her 'Think About Death a Lot" -- Hmmm... It's about time... millions of patriotic Americans have thought about Hanoi Jane's "death" since her 1972 trip to a North Viet Nam POW camp full of betrayed American soldiers...

From the "some 'elephant in the room' things just need to be said by governments" department - Online headline/story: "California city council decides it won't declare heritage months because they 'exclude people' * In the Temecula council's meeting on Tuesday, Council members Jessica Alexander, James Stewart and Brenden Kalfus voted against declaring citywide proclamations that celebrate cultural diversity, arguing that the “inclusionary” decrees actually “exclude people,” reported The Press-Enterprise. * The declarations of commemorative months, including Black History Month, Women’s History Month, Pride Month, Hispanic Heritage Month and Native American Heritage Month, will now be determined by Temecula’s diversity commission. * “When we bring one group up above the entire city, we basically exclude everyone else,” Stewart said, according to The Press-Enterprise. “I have a problem with that. I don’t have a problem with any of those proclamations that are inclusionary. I do have a problem at this level of government using this platform to promote another group over another.” -- Bet the Temecula City Council is glad california is a "sanctuary state"...

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