Thursday, January 26, 2023

 Americans just got upgraded warnings that, with the exception of the Yucatan Peninsula, we shouldn't travel/vacation in Mexico. Hmmm...sorta weird considering that Homeland Security and Biden are openly inviting those same dangerous Mexicans to sneak into our country so they can terrorize the same American citizens Mayorkas and Biden says shouldn't visit/be around in those Mexicans in their home country.

Resident Biden says it was his personal lawyers he sent to locate and recover those top secret documents. Hmmm... I'd like to see the billing hours of those lawyers and copies of Biden's personal checks paying for them. Oh... and his lawyers' security clearance papers...

Online headline: "Mexico law bans smoking on beaches, all public places with fines up to $550" -- Hey,, Brittney Griner.. this is your forewarning not to vacation in, too, Hunter Biden!

From the "in california, of course" department - Online headline/story: "Nonbinary teacher boasts on changing students' genders without parents knowing: 'They need protection' * 'My job, which is a public service, is to protect kids… Sometimes, they need protection from their own parents,' Olivia Garrison said" -- Hmmm... if anything, this shows a "need" to fire this teacher!

Online headline: "Stacey Abrams adviser said burning Atlanta police car, smashing windows isn't 'violence' after anti-cop chaos" -- Let's pray that Stacey Abrams is not... NEVER... hired by Webster's Dictionary to redefine what words mean...

Resident Biden made another gaffe yesterday... He said he was sending odd number at best... tanks to the Ukraine .. but he said 31 Abrams tanks... rumor has it though he meant 30 Abrams tanks and 1 Stacey Abrams.

Resident Biden just said he was going to send Abrams Tanks into Ukraine... Hmmm.. why were Abrams Tanks designed to use "jet fuel"? Seriously... do Biden the White House :handlers" and/or the Secretary of Defense feel that "jet fuel" will be plentiful in "war torn" or "Third World Countries" will have a surplus of "jet fuel" available after the US bombs the enemies' air fields and fuel storage tanks?

POP TEST: From the "name that Congressperson " department - Online headline: "I voted for the Inflation Reduction Act and it's already saving Americans money" -- Well... naming any 2020-2021 Democrat Congressperson gets you a passing grade, but if you said Rep. Abigail "I think $6.00 for a dozen eggs is reasonable" Spanberger, D-VA 7, you get an "A+".

Online headline/story: "Former Oscar nominee weighs in on Alec Baldwin's charges for 'Rust' shooting * 'George & Tammy' actor pinned the blame on 'cutting corners' during production * "This is what happens when you lowball and cut corners and hire people that may not be qualified, and pay them next to nothing, and make the movie on the cheap,", said actor Michael Shannon." -- BS! Being "cheap" had nothing to do with it! It was all about Baldwin's megalomania sized ego, and his personal arrogance

Online headline: "Missouri AG calls for school officials to be fired over 'adult-themed' drag breakfast: ‘Shameful behavior' * Attorney general Andrew Bailey also called for drag shows to be removed from public school curricula" -- Hope someone sends this article to Columbus, GA's DA office and Georgia's Atty General!

Online headline: ''Traumatized' tamale vendors told to go cashless by Lori Lightfoot, some paying gangs for protection" -- Hmmm... Mayor Lightfoot is also "light between the ears, too! "Tamale vendors"? Aside from being "stereotyping" street vendors, Lightfoot assumes street vendors can survive if cash transactions are eliminated...

Online headline: "Dozens of freshman Republicans ignore invite to party with Biden at the White House" -- Hmmm... maybe it was because Resident Biden's invitation requested "
Masks Only" after he already declared the pandemic "over".

Online headline: 'Supreme Court sees uptick in approval rating since overturning Roe v. Wade tanked national support: poll * SCOTUS saw a 3-point increase in national approval since November" -- Hmmm... my guess is that the "spike" is by Democrats who want the Supreme Court to uphold the 25th Amendment when the Dem's evoke the 25th Amendment on Resident Biden...

DemocRATS call a nominating convention for 2024:

DemocRATS Bumpersticker for 2024: "Abandon Brandon!"

Online headline: "Professor argues math education is White and cisheteropatriarchal space, 'limits' queer and students of color * Luis Leyva is an assistant professor of mathematics at Vanderbilt University" -- Hmmm.. I wonder if Asst-professor Leyva is actually saying that he believes "queers and people of color" have been forbidden to listen, think, and act for themselves! .. Hmmm,, maybe he has a point when you consider.. remember... that Resident JoKKKe Biden feels "Blacks aren't Black enough unless they voted for him...

Joke of the week?...Maybe the Century!: John Kirby said they were urging China to be transparent about it's Covid-19 deaths. ... ....ROFLMAO! ..and and I imagine Xi Jinping is on the floor laughing with me! Who would take Resident Biden's request for anyone else to be 'transparent'?

WRBL-TV3 story: "Columbus Water Works projects require $27.6 million loan; ‘No drastic changes to your water bills’ * A September 2021 court ruling required Columbus Water Works to overhaul the Combined Sewer System to meet new permit requirements, and it comes at a hefty cost. * The three loans combined total 27.6 million dollars. Of that, “7.5 billion (sic.. I assume the reporter mis-typed) is for a new loan to address some of the new requirements for our CSO permit,” Vic Burchfield, Vice President of Columbus Water Works tells WRBL." -- HMMM.... Let me guess... This is the suit that the Columbus GA Water Works has been fighting for the last 7 or so years, and the CWW has paid huge undisclosed legal fees to "fight".... This is probably the same law suit I've repeatedly asked .. unsuccessfully.. for Columbus Council to publicly disclose... Oh! And whether the CWW owns up to it or not, it affects our water bill rate!

WRBL (Wee ReBeL) -TV3 headline: "Kemp proposes tougher Georgia gang law in State of State; draws bipartisan approval from Columbus-area lawmakers" - Hmmm.. and which of the Democrats knew this, but now supports.. and WANTS to backwalk his/her vote in defunding he police

Online headline: "Plenty of evidence to charge Trump in Georgia election interference case, former Lt. Gov. Duncan says" -- Hmmm..There's always seems enough "evidence" for a disgruntled ex-Politician who has no impact on the actual results of a failing court action.

Online headline: 'VERIFY: Yes, Georgia average teacher salaries leads the Southeast region: -- Hmmmm... One more reason the Teacher's unions should have supported Republicans vs Democrats.

Online headline: "Deer collisions becoming a year-round problem in South Ga." -- Hmmm ...and Columbus, GA is about to see a "spike" in the number of deer/vehicle "meets" since 25+ acres of forest in River Road are being turned into apartments and parking lots!

WTVM-TV9 Online headline/story: "Work Source Georgia, Columbus-Muscogee Consolidated Government to host career fair next week * COLUMBUS, Ga. (WTVM) - On Tuesday January 31, from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m., there will be a career fair at the Columbus Civic Center. *
The career fair is sponsored by Work Source Georgia (Lower Chattahoochee) and the Columbus Consolidated Government. Amongst the expected employers are the Columbus Airport, Peachtree Mall, Job Corp, Georgia Power, Columbus-Muscogee Consolidated Government, IEC and Veterans Administration." -- I'm curious....American Airlines just shutdown it's operations in Columbus, GA, so why is the Columbus Airport participating in. "work fair"?

Online headline/story: 'Here’s how experts expect the economy to perform in Columbus and the state in 2023 * Economists say the nation is likely to experience a short recession in 2023, but expect the strong labor market in Columbus and Georgia overall to withstand the downturn." -- Hmmm...if the GDP in GA is expected to decline 2% this year, then how much more will Columbus' decline? Seems regardless of the economic category, Columbus, GA's numbers are always worse than the state's

From the same story: "As of mid-2022, Georgia’s existing home prices were 46% higher than prior to the COVID-19 recession, Ayers said. In the second quarter of 2022, single-family home prices in Columbus were 29% above the pre-pandemic levels, Mitchell said.
* “The home price gains in Columbus were smaller than those posted by the state, helping us to remain, generally, affordable,” he said. “That’s mainly due to the slower population growth.”" -- "home prices in Columbus were 29% above the pre-pandemic levels, Columbus, GA Chamber of Commerce President Jerald Mitchell said." yet, nearly 50% smaller gains than GA as a whole.. Just proves earlier points made that "Harris County is 'eating our lunch" at attracting new residents due to our taxes, crime rates, and Public education failure".

Online headline: "Georgia Public Defenders Council director admits she cannot find enough attorneys" -- Hmmmm... could finding enough Public Defenders be as simple as eliminating "low/no cash bail"? Seems criminals back in the streets within hours commit more crimes before their earlier ones have been handled by a court decision, and the Public Defenders are snowed under with the previous crime/arrest of the same clients...

Online headline: "How did you end up on the streets? Some of those counted in Columbus homeless count answer that question" -- Hmmmmm.. Didn't ex-mayor TT Tom-LYING-son extort our money and emotions and faith with her "End Homelessness in 10 Years" promise?

CNN online "headLIE": "Opinion: We're seeing the first major blow to Biden's 'regular guy' image" - by Julian Zeliger" -- WRONG! We are seeing the first major blow of Biden's "regular guy" image that CNN has ADMITTED PUBLICLY!

Online headline: "Meta says it won't punish Trump for attacking the 2020 election results. But the 2024 vote is a different story" -- Hmmm... most likely, Facebook (a.k.a. "Meta") hopes the trolls (Democrats and MSM reporters) who constantly bashed Trump on Facebook from 2015-2022 will come back in droves since Musk has re-opened Twitter...

Online "headLIE": "CNN fact-checks McCarthy's 'highly misleading' claims about Pelosi" -- Hmmm.. CNN should "fact-check" it's own previous stories about PeLOUSY... CNN will find that what McCarthy says was true then, too.

Online headline: "Pelosi slammed for selling Google stocks right before DOJ announced antitrust suit: 'Convenient timing' -- Hmmm... sounds like, looks like, smells like "insider trading"...

Online headline/story: "Biden rolls out 'Renters Bill of Rights' as lawmakers push for federal rent control laws * In the face of sky-high rents, President Joe Biden is rolling out a new set of principles the White House is calling a "Renters Bill of Rights" in an effort to improve rent affordability and protections for tenants." -- Good grief! The main causes of rent increases ARE Federal regulations amd Federal caused INFLATION! Maybe if Congress passes a law preventing Federal Government from not adhering to a balanced budget (other than under wartime conditions), renters would worry about increase!
Wow! Chuckles Harris can find the time... AS WELL AS THE LOCATION OF.. to visit the Dance Hall where 11 people were killed in California.. but she could do neither concerning the border situations while on her trip to Arizona..

Online headline: "Jane Fonda links the 'climate crisis' to racism: 'Everything's connected'"" -- Hmmm.. seems like anytime liberals can't "sell" their reasoning, the call everything "racism"... well, except when it's Blacks being the racists...

From the "true colors come shining through" department - Online headline: ""Liberals lose it after ACLU defends Trump being reinstated to Facebook and Instagram: ‘Absolute bollocks’ * 'This is the right call,' the ACLU said in response to the former president being allowed back on the social media platforms" -- Liberals just aren't happy that most people disagree with them...Hmmm... maybe if they were cut-of from publishing their opinions, they might have clue to the extent of their own Marxist leanings...

Online headline: "GA county election director praised for work" -- Yes! Nancy Boren is a true gem... but what will we do... get... when she retires?

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