Wednesday, April 26, 2023

 Online headline: "Blinken and wife emailed frequently with Hunter Biden, raising questions about role in laptop cover story" -- Hmmm ..Question: What is worse for America .. a Ukraine DA getting FIRED by Biden for STARTING an investigation on his son Hunter, or.. a US Secretary of State getting HIRED by Biden for THWARTING an investigation on his son Hunter? Personally, I think it's a tie... and should be settled by impeachment!

From the "Bias? What bias?" department - Online headline: "Arizona state lawmaker caught red-handed on camera hiding Bibles in members-only lounge * Arizona Rep. Stephanie Stahl-Hamilton was captured on video removing a Bible from a table in the House members-only lounge, and stashing it" -- Most stories touch pertinent information in the first..or first two paragraphs of a story .. this tidbit:
"The security camera captured Rep. Stephanie Stahl-Hamilton, a Democrat and ordained Presbyterian minister, according to her bio," wasn't mentioned until paragraph 10!
Of course, if she'd been a Republican, it would have been underlined in the HEADLINE!
Online headline: "Vermont school district removes 'male,' 'female' from reproductive system lessons * Females would be described as 'persons who produces eggs' in the puberty lessons for fifth graders" -- Hmmm ...then why not call the 5th grade girls "hens" and the 5th grade boys "roosters"?

In his video announcement for re-election, Resident Biden said, "When I ran for president four years ago, I said we're in a battle for the soul of America, and we still are," said Biden. "Let's finish this job." Of course, what he meant was "Let's finish America!"

Again and again, Resident Biden confirms his dementia... He keeps banning away at "Jim KKKrow 2.0" without realizing it was Democrats responsible for BOTH "Jim KKKrow" and "Jim KKKrow 2.0".

With all the scandals Jo-KKK-e Biden had during the Obama years, he was well titled... VICE President.. but now he's involved in even more.. and deeper.... scandals...and his current title doesn't "fit" as well... maybe President VICE seems more appropriate.

Online headline: "Senate GOP slams ‘perverse’ Biden rule forcing people with good credit to subsidize high-risk mortgages" -- Wow! Resident Biden just threw middle-America under the Big Banking Bus... and he raised "taxes" on every home owning family who makes $400,000.00 or less annually.

Sadly we watch as Col (RET) John House leaves Columbus, GA Council to tackle his hardest job ever... Columbus...and I personally, will miss him dearly... John has been a stalwart for Columbus' future. Let's also welcome Tyson Begley on board.. It's tradition that such an appointment be someone who doesn't plan to seek the elected spot later, but maybe he will change his mind... if not, I want to put the bug in Columbus' ear to encourage John Anker .. recent candidate for Mayor... to venture back into considering public service.

Looks like there's a "poll" going on to find the "best donuts" in Columbus, GA.. I use to have a definitive favorite... but the shop recently dropped my favorite.. and locally connected ... soft drink products and brought in an inferior offering... so... I now prefer "Little Debbie's" donuts..

Online headline: "Roberts declines Senate request to testify on court ethics" -- And he's RIGHT! The Big Question is why isn't MSM calling out the Democrats in the Senate Judiciary Committee for overstepping the Constitutional boundaries of the Three Branch system of government. In fact, Chief Justice Roberts should insist those Democrats come before the Supreme Court.. and.. under oath.. reveal who made that decision!

Online headline: "Biden campaign announcement makes no mention of any bills he signed" -- Good grief! here's no way Resident Biden's White House "handlers" want to remind America of the inflation causing bills he/they did sign!---

From the "half-truth headline" department - Online "headLIE": "No one needs an AR-15" - WELL... no criminal needs an AR-15.

Online headline: "Schumer sets up vote aimed at adding Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution" -- WHATTA JOKE...SCAM, EVEN! Wow... after raising all the hell about transgender 'females' being able to compete in women's sports, now Schumer and the Democrats want to give biological females the equal rights amendment that gives biological females equality with biological males. Think about that.. Schumer and the Socialist-Democrat Circus are trying to give transgender "females" more rights than biological men AND know since biological men and women will be "equal", and transgender 'females' will be 'more equal' than biological females, then transgender 'females' become 'more equal" than biological males, too.

hmmm. That Montana transgender state Representative , Zooey Zephyr, who's fighting the bill that outlaws transgender surgeries on minors asked other Montana state representatives to "notice the blood on their hands" when they pray..... HMMM.. I would think banning transgender surgery on minors would STOP such "bloody" situations.

Did you know 343,000 people migrated out of California in 2022... that's a half-a-US House District. Probably explains why Newsom welcomes illegal aliens... they count in the Census to give then=]m more Representatives than California deserves!

Online headline: "Suspects’ family in Dadeville shooting speaks out during first court appearance" -- Hmmm...Why are family members of the accused given unchallenged access to airing their biased? This isn't news... it's POT STIRRING!

GSP: Man speeding away from trooper crashes into car, killing woman in west Georgia" -- Good grief... getting behind the wheel of a vehicle while impaired makes the vehicle a "weapon", and killing someone with it is not a "misdemeanor homicide".. it's premeditated murder!

Online headline: "Construction for new road interchanges in Columbus GA to begin next week" -- Talked with a relative in Jacksonville, FL who travels such a DDI (Divulgent Diamond Interchange) route daily who applauds it now, but said it was a mess for 4 plus years of construction. Columbus, GA faces a similar time frame, but in addition, there are "other circumstances" the one in Jacksonville did not have to deal with...Here in Columbus, the exit off J.R. Allen to Bradley Park Dr (East side) feeds into a triple set of traffic lights leading to the entry of the Target anchored Shopping Center.. it will take a magical wand to make this problem behemoth traffic problem "disappear".

Online headline: "Warrants say ex-Columbus political candidate Zeph Baker dragged, beat, abducted woman" -- hmmm .. so Zeph Baker owns a business for "at home mental health care"... hmmm... guess he qualifies for a family/employee discount....also, keep him... and especially his family in your prayers...

---Online headline/story: "Nikki Haley, the only woman in the GOP field, lays out her abortion stance * Haley described herself as “unapologetically” anti-abortion. At the same time, she said she would not “address every single question or angle” and would instead “aim to start a constructive conversation.” -- Deep down.. most people are against abortions... but it's not really a legislative issue.. What is an issue for Congress is to make sure women who make this choice be assured that the procedure is medically safe and available.. The Republican Party .. and Christian family should keep this in the forefront of their minds and prayers.. Let God .. our merciful God.. work out the path women need to take.

Online headline: "U.S. long jumper Tara Davis-Woodhall stripped of national title after positive cannabis test" -- Wow! Who'd have guessed those slackers lolling around on beanbags listening to mood music had just taken a Performance Enhancing substance like weed?

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