Friday, April 21, 2023

 From the "Bias? What bias?" department - Online headline/story: "Journalist Matt Taibbi threatened with prison time for perjury by top Democrat over Twitter Files testimony *

Stacey Plaskett told Taibbi he faces 'up to five years' imprisonment' while accusing him of perjury * Independent journalist Matt Taibbi is being threatened with jail time by a top Democrat on Capitol Hill over testimony he gave about his reporting on the Twitter Files. * Del. Stacey Plaskett, D-V.I., the ranking member of the House Judiciary Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government" -- "Del. Stacey Plaskett, D-V.I., the ranking member of the House Judiciary Select Subcommittee"? Wait a minute.. how does a non-voting figurehead member of Congress get on any committee.. subcommittee in this case..and be allowed to speak! Hey! Plaskett's campaign accounts need to be scrutinized for any donations from the late Jeffrey Epstein!

Noticing a section named "Mahogany" in the "Card Department" of a national chain store, my curiosity was tweaked... the outside of the cards didn't appear any different than I would expect to find in a card department , but when I read the inside comment, it referenced "Black Joy"... excuse me but who defines "JOY" with a color.. in fact, when you think about it, "Black Joy" is an oxymoron (Like "Jumbo Shrimp" and "Military Intelligence"). At that moment, my thoughts went to what appears to be a trend back to "segregation" by Blacks.. I thought of what Dr Martin Luther King. Jr would think about this.. and whether Rosa Parks would feel her sacrifice was worth it.. Please God, do not let that "White Line" reappear on our buses! I hated that line growing it would be even less tolerable..

Hmmm... Voting in the House along party lines approved a bill that requires females to be biological females to compete in female athletic competitions. Resident Biden already said he was going to veto it if it got to his desk...and there is enough doubt that the Democrat Senate may not send it to the White House. How can Democrats claim they are the party females should identify with?

Online headline: "White House insists no 'political interference' in Hunter Biden probe after IRS whistleblower comes forward" -- Seriously? When has Resident Biden ever uttered the truth?.... Well, at least in public... I do seem to remember him "fessing up" on a video to his badgering the previous Ukraine President to fire his Attorney General who was investigating Hunter Biden's connections with Burisma or lose support of a BILLION DOLLAR loan.

Did you see where Walmart is closing all it's stores in Portland, Oregon I feel sorry for the local businesses that depended on Walmart's "pull" to get people out shopping. It's a shame that any merchant closes up shop, but for one of the most successful retail businesses in the world to lose confidence in a city government's ability to protect its citizens is almost unbelievable!

Online headline: "Michelle Obama scolds Americans over gun rights: 'Unfettered access to firearms' is 'not a good thing'" -- Good grief.... without our forefathers having their guns, we may all be speaking with a British accent today.

Online headline: "Fetterman raises eyebrows with choppy opening statement in Senate return: 'Frightening'" -- Good grief... This man is not fit to serve... much less vote!

That "massacre" shooting at a 16th birthday party in Dadeville, AL keeps getting worse.. now a 4th and 5th shooter have been arrested! Let's pray there are not more that just haven't been ID'd, and arrested!

Got a "Newsletter" from Congressman Sanford Bishop, D2-GA, talking about his getting $21,000,000.00 in "grants" (a.k.a. tax expenditures without accountability) for Enrichment Services Program, Inc. in Columbus, Georgia for its Head Start and Early Head Start programs. Bishop adds, "One of the best and most valuable investments we can make for the future of our communities is our children." -- Hmmm... obviously, Bishop has not followed up on his "investments" (i.e. OUR tax dollars).. If he had, he'd see how bad the important thing we can give to children is a good education, but all reading test scores indicate "it ain't happening"! C'mon Bishop.. after 40 years as a Congressman, do something to leave a legacy you and we can be proud of!

After all the flare up of Hunter Biden's artistic emergence, what's happened to his painting career? Who walks away from a "career" that people will "voluntarily invest" $500,000.00 for something you blew bubbles out of a soda straw as your artistic talent? Is his LA Gallery "partner" still selling them?

Online headline: "US prepares to position troops in case of potential Sudan embassy evacuation * Civil conflict between Sudan's military and rival paramilitary group leaves roughly 70 US Embassy staffers stranded under shelter in place order in Khartoum" -- This would not be happening under Trump! Biden's abortive exit from Afghanistan has emboldened despots throughout the world.

Online headline: 'Washington governor poised to sign massive 'assault weapons' ban, says it 'will save lives'" -- When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will own guns. Hmmm .. and now, hunting, other than with bow & arrows or rocks or pocket knives, will be the only option Washingtonians and out of state tourists will have... and who knows when those will be banned as well?

"You're not Black like me!"... Hmm. this was the excuse that Don Lemon "injected" to shout down Vivek Ramaswamy in an interview on CNN when Lemon had no answer.. no facts.. to offer in their exchange.. I just wish Ramaswamy had responded, "I'm more Indian than you are Black." ... Lemon would have blown a fuse .

Here's a chart of our National Debt growth:
2008 $10,025 68% Bank bailout and QE
2009 $11,910 82% Bailout cost $250B ARRA added $242B
2010 $13,562 90% ARRA added $400B, payroll tax holiday ended, Obama Tax cuts, ACA, Simpson-Bowles
2011 $14,790 95% Debt crisis, recession and tax cuts reduced revenue
2012 $16,066 99% Fiscal cliff
2013 $16,738 99% Sequester, government shutdown
2014 $17,824 101% QE ended, debt ceiling crisis
2015 $18,151 100% Oil prices fell
2016 $19,573 105% Brexit
2017 $20,245 104% Congress raised the debt ceiling
2018 $21,516 105% Trump tax cuts
2019 $22,719 107% Trade wars
2020 $27,748 129% COVID-19 and 2020 recession
2021 $29,617 124% COVID-19 and American Rescue Plan Act
2022 $30,824 123% Inflation Reduction Act and student loan forgiveness
TODAY $31,696 And growing as we breathe

I heard a Democrat trying to "justify" Biden's National Debt "spike" by saying the Debt went of 8 Trillion during Trump's 4 years... Hmmm.. let's look back a moment.. When Obama/Biden took office, the Debt was $10.025 TRILLION and when they left, it was $19.573 TRILLION...and our military was in shambles and our "pandemic preparedness supply closet" was empty.. and Congress had to raise the debt ceiling to even get Trump's White House doors open.. When Trump left office, the Debt had risen to $27,748 Trillion but included all the repairs to our military and the fantastic response to countering Covid-19! When Biden took office, the military was strong, and the Covid-19 "defense" was in place.. yet, in two years and 3 months, the National Debt has risen from $27.748 T to $31.696 T. almost $4 TRILLION more, and it's all been spent on PORK PROJECTS and WELFARE...So.. in the 10 years Biden has had an affect on our National Debt, it's increased almost $13.5 TRILLION... and the floodgate is still open!

Online headline/story: "State Department misses subpoena deadline to provide Afghanistan cable to House GOP * The State Department on Wednesday violated a congressional Republican subpoena to hand over a sensitive diplomatic cable about the U.S. exit from Afghanistan. * Blinken said he opposed providing the cable to protect the integrity of the Dissent Channel, a sensitive communication mechanism that allows diplomats to raise grave concerns about U.S. foreign policy issues that are directly raised to the secretary and other senior State Department officials." -- Hmmm... Blinken.. (As in Secretary of State Winkin' and Noddin') says he'd be glad to give an in person "briefing" with the Chairman.. but after Blinken previously issued a statement that the Biden laptop was "Russian Disinformation", who wants to accept along anything he SAYS as evidence to a committee..

Online headline: "Michelle Obama says she was 'never invited back' to White House for her portrait unveiling in swipe at Trump" -- Hmmm...I find her "assessment" a tad bit hard to believe... but I can see her feigning not receiving an invitation as an excuse...

Online headline: "The Supreme Court needs two more days to decide what to do about mifepristone" -- While I believe that abortions are not a legislative issue (they are an issue between women/couples and their relationship with God) other than insuring that procedures are medically safe, I do believe that any readily available medicine that's intentionally made to "take a life" cannot be safe in the hands of the public in general. There are too many possibilities for personal endangerment for ever making such a pill readily available for a self-medicated birth control "solution".

Online "headLIE": " Decision to dismiss charges against Alec Baldwin does NOT 'absolve him of criminal culpability'" -- Good grief.. even if charges are still "bringable", they won't be as soon as the 2-week news cycle ends, but to dismiss it on undisclosed :evidence" that says the FBI is wrong about the revolver not being able to fire a bullet UNLESS the trigger is PULLED is a JOKE!.. and a BAD JOKE! Regardless....just do not go to the movie to see it!

Online headline: "Columbus GA Councilor John House to step aside next week to care for his wife, Marilyn" -- If you aren't already, keep John and Marilyn in you prayers... John has been a good friend and servant of our City as well as to God and his bride.

I tell what.. seeing the test launch of Elon Musk's latest rocket was incredible! The rocket designed for deep space exploration. stood 394" tall.. That's a 39 Story Building.. and Space-X got it off the ground.. sure.. it "blew up" later on, but the test was "all about the launch" and that was incredible!

One of our local BCers, former FBI agent Bud Paepcke is an author. I've read his first book and am ordering his second one, and here's info for you:
"I'm a little bit excited to inform you that my 2nd book in a series of books has finally been published by Fulton Books, Inc., of Meadville, Pennsylvania. This book is entitled: Those Thrilling Yarns of Yesteryear: A Few of Our Heroes - Volume 2. It's a little longer than the first book and is all about some of our amazing American military heroes. Below are the links to Amazon and Barnes & Noble, where the book can be purchased. There is both a paperback and an eBook version. As is the case with my first book, I want to remind you that all royalties (proceeds I receive from any book sales) go to the Semper Fi and America's Fund, where I hope they will benefit some of our wounded warriors. I suggest you can go online and check out the details of that worthy charity. I want to thank each of you who has encouraged me over the years by responding to my telling of YARNS. I also thank God for giving me the ability to write about some of the wonderful heroes who have defended freedom."

Here is the link to Amazon:
Here is the link to Barnes & Noble:

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