Friday, April 28, 2023

 Budweiser says it's going to throw more money into marketing Bud Light... ( "the beer"...or "BUD.....light"? I tell you what, though, I've checked 2 stores this week for our favorite beer (Dos Equis) and it's been sold out and both stores had huge inventories of Budweiser products stacked in as many '"point of sales" spots as they could find...Sell any AB stock now!

Good grief! A couple of House Democrats were kicked out of the the Senate after riotous action protesting the Senate not passing the long dead Equal Rights Amendment. Hmmm .. kicking them out was the Right Thing To Do... not just because of their inappropriate actions, but for NOT KNOWING OUR CONSTITUTION! The Senate doesn't "pass" Constitutional Amendments!

Oh... watching a news report on Oregon's "solution" to the homeless problems, we learned that with all the concern Oregon has exhibited towards ending homelessness has actually INCREASED the homeless population each of the last nine years. Hey, Columbus GA Council, how about an update on former Mayor Queen TT Tom-LYING-son's "End Homelessness in 10 years" Program... What was the original number compared to now?

Online headline/story: "Georgia sends cash to rural areas for homelessness * The Department of Housing and Urban Development awarded another $2.2 million to the state last week, which will go toward housing people in remote areas of Georgia. So far, the state has received nearly $5 million from the federal government for addressing rural homelessness in 2023. * “Our job is not done,” Deputy Housing & Urban Development Secretary Adrianne Todman said in a phone interview." -- "Our job is not done"? Good grief! No job is possible to complete as long as government ENABLES people not to be responsible for Ronald Reagan would say, "The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."!!!
Online headline: "Senate Dems line up in favor of spiking Biden's Chinese solar handout" -- If Democrats lined up every time Resident Biden "got things wrong", they would be constantly in lines.

From the "what's wrong with this picture?" department - Online headline: "Iran seizes ship in Gulf of Oman, US Navy says * Marshall Islands-flagged vessel was en route to Houston before being seized by Iran after leaving Kuwait" --Hmmm... what's wrong with a Shell Oil chartered oil tanker being "pirated" at sea? Everything! Put aside the most obvious 'theft" thing, but why does Resident Biden's "shut down fossil fuel Day 1 edict" still allow fossil fuels to be imported from other countries?

Conservative and Independent women need to take a deep breath before deciding that the issue of reproductive choices is the determining issue for voting for Democrat Congresspersons or for President. First, Congress and the President don't determine this issue .. your state reps and Governor do... The US Supreme Court gave the states back that issue that a previous court had erroneously ruled on. When conservative and independent women make that "THE ISSUE", and vote accordingly, they are also voting for an open border, Socialist control of education, hyper inflation, devalued savings accounts, and criminals roaming the streets unchecked.

While "mentioning" the recently opened "The Banks" (f.k.a. The Chase Homes) in Columbus, GA were built at a cost of $30,000,000.00 for 102 apartments on prime river front property (that isn't figured into the $294,000.00 per unit costs), something bothered me about the way government officials are so joyous calling it "affordable housing". You know why they call it "affordable"? Two things.. tax payers.. that's us... are paying for them, and the "residents" get huge discounts on rent that we supplement... but there's one other issue I found.. those "affordable housing" units pay NO PROPERTY TAX while we taxpayers pay for police and fire services, maintenance, roads, and more than likely other services as well.

Maybe there's a glimmer of HOPE left after all.... After the alarming "letter" signed by 697 UNC elitists, 100 Harvard professors and staff have stood up for FREE SPEECH! I wa shocked .. but pleased... of course.. those 100 professors and staff people probably won't survive the next Harvard contract renewals...

Online headline: "Seventh auto supplier follows Hyundai to Georgia" -- Hmmm... and none of the 7 have chosen Columbus, GA... WAKE UP, Columbus Council .. make the Chamber do its job better or shut off funding it with our tax dollars

Online headline: "Biden administration files suit against Tennessee ban on lifesaving care for transgender youth" -- Biden is suing Tennessee for its ban on lifesaving care for transgender youth? HUH! Actually, the Tennessee law GIVES lifesaving care for youth until they are old enough to make their own decisions!

Online headline: "‘I Had No Damn Idea!’ Biden Stunned As South Korea President Wows State Dinner Singing ‘American Pie’" -- Biden exclaimed, "I had no damn idea that you could sing." - Hmmm... if Resident Biden has cut out the last 4 words ("that you could sing"), and left it at "I had no damn idea", Biden could have finally made his first truthful statement since elected!

Online headline/story: "Wanted gang member and girlfriend arrested in Columbus GA on numerous drug crimes * Paige and his girlfriend, Fatira Jimeson, were taken into custody and charged with, among other things "Felony trafficking fentanyl". -- "Felony trafficking of Fentanyl"? Hmmmm...Is the 21 grams being analyzed for its chemical footprint to see if it matches with Fentanyl found in local deaths?

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