Demi Moore must be ready to leave Hollywood! Not only did she finish 4th in the
"Best Actress" in a Leading Role, she even finished behind a male!
You know, Hollywood is so hypocritical .. it
accepts men as women and women as men, but it separates "Best" by
having Best Actors and Best Actresses without any boundaries.
Online headline: "Bill Maher and panel rip
'f------' stupid' no-spend day movement, interpretive dance protests to counter
Trump" ---Hmmm...seriously, do these idiots, both protesters and reporters
alike, who are "working" for the Far Left Activists Groups not
realize they are being funded by Billionaires?
From the "absolute truth" department -
Op-Ed: Kamala Harris ideal replacement for Newsom in California" --
Yep... Absolute truth .. KamaLALA would definitely be the
ideal replacement for Gavin Newsom ....but who wants to replace Newsom with a
Online headline: "Tim Walz: I Might Run for
President in 2028" -- Well, it's "FOR SURE" that he
runs his mouth at all times! I think he got the 2O24 election results even less
than KamaLALA does ... Truth be known, Walz is only interested in keeping his
campaign funds account open for the next few years so he can use it for his own
Online headline: "Moderate Dems hatch
comeback plan that distances party from far-left politics and ‘embraces
patriotism" -- Hmmm... Modern Dems "hatch" a comeback plan
that distances Democrats from far-left policies? Such a plan already exists ..
join and vote for the Republican Party plan!
Online headline: "Sen Sanders sees ‘no
argument’ against DOGE finding waste in federal defense spending"
-- Hmmm ...Bernie says that the Defense Department is the largest
single budget item we fund, but he lies! Now, with Bernie's "help",
interest on our National Debt is the largest budget item we fund!
Online headline: "Making English the official
US language can’t erase the fact that the US has millions of Spanish speakers
and a long multilingual history" -- Yes, but making
"English" the "official" language insures that the
history of America will forever be preserved and the past to be
accessible by all future Americans!
Online headline: "Rave reviews for this new
Columbus GA Mexican restaurant, bringing modern twists to loved classics"
-- I'm sure it's good, but my bride and I love "Monterrey Tex
Mex" at the intersection of Whittlesey & Whitesville..... it's
our favorite "trip to Mexico"!
Wonder if Columbus GA Council, Mayor Skippy the
Poo, and City Manager "I-see-a-nothing" Hugley really thought through
their decision to turn over our Animal Conrol Center to PAWS Humane? Did they
consider that PAWS Humane is a "no kill" organization, and vicious
dogs picked up after attacks ... such as pit bulls, et al.... will eventually
be back on the streets or completely overflow the facility accommodations
and they start flying them of to such places as.. well, as Wisconsin.... on
Columbus GA's taxpayers' expense....
Online headline: "Full-fat milk is back and
it could be healthier than oat, soya and low-fat alternatives" -- Of
course full fat milk is! Reducing fat content or creating a substitute from oat
grains or soy beans takes a lot of processing...
Online headline: "Businesses sue Hochul over
‘illegal and misguided’ $75B climate law, claiming it will cause a spike in
costs to consumers" -- Democrat voters seem to not understand that
when they vote for Democrats, taxes will go up, government spending will go up,
and that they will pay for it. Corporations do not pay taxes .. only people pay
Online headline: " Bill Murray Says Bob
Woodward’s ‘Criminal’ Book About John Belushi Made Him Wonder if ‘They Framed
Nixon’ " -- John Belushi....(not to be confused with his brother
Jim)... was indeed a creative acting genius who destroyed himself in his
private life. While I remember his tragic end, it's his on TV & Movie
screen magic I will remember him by. As for Woodward & Bernstein's
"depiction" of Nixon, one must remember that the Left
(Democrats/Liberals) had even more control of the media then than now...there
was no Fox News back then.. The Left worked harder, then, bringing down Nixon
than they did working to keep Biden alive the past 4 years.
Online headline: "Biden aide admits
administration was ‘gaslighting’ Americans by covering up alarm at his age and
health" -- You know, the Republican Party should file a suit
questioning the legality of the new laws "Biden" signed in to law
based on his lack of his KNOWN competency .. and perhaps even examine
whether his signatures were possibly forged. Hey! Woodward… where’s your book
on this situation!
Online headline: "Couple detained after forcing
their way past Miami airport security as they ran late for flight to
Mexico" -- This "report" intentionally dodged
reporting the nationality of the couple that were involved and arrested.. bet
theirs more involved that's been left out.Online headline: "Couple
detained after forcing their way past Miami airport security as they ran late
for flight to Mexico " -- This "report" intentionally
dodged reporting the nationality of the couple that were involved and
arrested.. bet there's more involved that's been left out.
Online headline: "‘No Other Land’ Directors
Use Oscar Speech to Call on World ‘to Stop the Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinian
People" -- Wait a minute! Israel defending itself from a
religious group whose tenets are built on eradicating its people because
they disagree with your religious beliefs is not genocide.. HamASS/Islam have
the same goals as Hitler did!
Online headline: "Fan-favorite ‘Reagan’
biopic misses Oscars’ Best Picture consideration over DEI requirements: ‘There
they go again" -- Hmmm...Good grief! The Oscar judges’ requirements
for DEI must not recognize God either because God "cast" Adam and Eve
as biological male and female.
Online "headLIE": "Palestinian says
blockade of aid to Gaza aims to ‘bring people to their knees"
-- HeadLIE INDEED! Another London activist reporter
"feeling" HamASS jihadist terrorist are "people".
Online headline/story: "'The confinement is
unbearable': Migrants describe being held at Guantanamo * Jose told ABC News
the room in which he was placed had "cobwebs and a disgusting smell."
He said that he spent 10 days without a mattress. * "They give you food
... but it's like they don't give you any, [it's] very little food," Jose
said. "There came a point where I would lick the plate. The food had no
salt, but I would still eat it as if it were very tasty, because I was
hungry." -- Hmmm... and their story of why they were seeking asylum via
the Biden phone app saying their conditions at home were worse! There is no
room for complaints!
Online headline: "NY Ex-Rep. Jamaal Bowman
launches Super PAC to defeat pro-Israel pols ‘from Yonkers to Gaza" --
Good grief! This is the Congressional Jihadist who criminally pull the Fire
Alarm in the Capitol Building to circumvent a Congressional vote.. and his
"PAC" is confirmation he's nothing but a "Piece-A-Crap".
Online headline: "Zelensky wants US to 'stand
more firmly' on Ukraine's side" -- Well, then, Zelenskyy NEEDS
Online headline: "CNN's Jake Tapper gets
ripped on social media for 'trying to rewrite history' with new book on Biden's
decline" -- Hmmm... Tapper should lose his journalism credentials
for not releasing the book while Biden was still in office!
Fox News' Charlie Hurt pretty much nailed the
reason why so many public schools no longer teach cursive writing.... Liberals
don't want students to be able to read the US Constitution...or, for that
matter, the Declaration of Independence.
Online headline: "Multiple wildfires in the
Carolinas force evacuations, burn ban issued in South Carolina"
-- Hmmm....did CA Gov Newsom vacation. in South Carolina this past
Online headline: "Federal judge rules Trump’s
firing of head of special counsel was unlawful, will maintain his job"
-- Good Grief! How can a judge rule that a temporarily
appointed "Special Counsel" is entitled to keep his/her
job when the President of the United States doesn't want him/her on the
taxpayers' payroll? Trump should fire this judge as well!
Online headline: "Women athletes don't
compete vs. transgender in Team USA track event, giving default victory to
trans athlete" -- Hmmm... Trump should have the Tranny and
event officials arrested and USATF banned from any future US Olympic
Online headline: "Ex-MSNBC host Joy Reid went
on antisemitic ‘rant’ about COVID, former staffer claims" -- And what's
Online "stretch": "Fact Check: Yes,
Biden administration is the only one to have created jobs every month" ---
First.. It's SNOPES... write it off for what it is.. but yeah ..Biden
"may" have created jobs that DOGE is now exposing as "NEVER
Online headline: "Moscow asks for direct
flights to resume between Russia and the US" -- Hmmm..... Not
in my book... and don't believe President Trump will give away a bargaining
chip without a "win".
Online headline: "Producer Bob Ezrin
Renounces U.S. Citizenship, Returns Home to Canada" -- Hmmm... good
luck at getting another "Green Card"!
Online headline: "Dem bid to end Trump energy
emergency squashed after forced Senate vote" -- Hmmm...Sen
Kandi Kaine, DIM - VA, wants to cut trillions out of the economy and eliminate
nearly 1,000,000 jobs! Of course, Kandi feels the taxpayers won't mind..
Talk about OUT-OF-TOUCH!
Online headline: "14-year-old arrested in
shooting on Cusseta Rd. in Columbus GA." -- You know, I think
the laws need to be updated that all gun related crimes committed, regardless
of the age of the perpetrator, be treated as adult crimes and subjected
to adult consequences. Gang leaders intentionally involve minors in major
crimes as indoctrination and gang initiation because they KNOW the courts
don't punish them as seriously.
Online headline: "Ex-Columbus mayor proposes
name for city’s new judicial center, a $207.5 million project"
-- Great idea! I second that emotion! ..Judge Allen should be
honored for his contributions to America's and Columbus' history.. Of course, but
I do question whether an "implosion" of the existing Government
Center Tower will even be necessary in 2027... as poorly as it's been taken
care of, it may just collapse on its own before then.
Online headline: "Millionaire Floyd
Mayweather's Words on President Trump Has Fans Talking Nonstop" -- Hmmm...
of course if Mayweather's words on Trump had been "negative", the
headline would have read, "Black Boxing Champion Floyd Mayweather's Words
on President Trump Has Black voters Talking Nonstop"
Online headline: "Columbus GA Clingstones and
Chick-fil-A introduce new ‘Fuzzy’s Kids Club’ program" -- What... change
the children's menu to a 4-piece box of "Peach PITs"?
Online headline: "China tests world’s first
jet fuel-powered engine to hit 16 times the speed of sound" -- Wait a
minute... I didn't catch that.. it flew by me too fast... Hmmm... Wonder if
Congressman Smalwell's ex-lover Fang-Fang passed that secret along?
Online story: "Republicans are demanding
records showing the extent to which the Biden administration used taxpayer
money to defend its position that student-athletes are employees of the
universities for which they play. * President Joe Biden's NLRB argued
the entities intentionally obscured the rights of college athletes by labeling
them "student-athletes" and not "employees." --
Hmmm.. so Resident Biden felt "student" who played sports are
"employees"... so Biden musta felt "classes" musta been
"voluntary extra curriculum activities".. Technically, then, students
who went to classes who didn't play sports were being discriminated against
when they had to pay to attend classes.... Wow! Think about all those student
loan debts they take with them for classes which Biden considered
"voluntary" if you played ball...
Online WTVM-TV9 Columbus, GA headline:
"Black History Month: Remembering Thomas ‘Blind Tom’ Wiggins"
-- Is it just me, or does it seem the same few people are
highlighted every year? Why not have a different group each year to show the
depth of accomplishments of local and national Blacks in American history?
Online headline: "Senator calls for
investigation of organizations tied to Stacey Abrams" -- Hmmmm... and I
think DOGE should get the call!
Online headline: "City officials and
employees roamed Columbus streets Thursday morning to pick up illegally placed
signs — and they warned residents that a first offense may come with a steep
fine.“Operation Illegal Sign Roundup Campaign” be.." -- Were
those T-shirts paid for out of tax dollars funded accounts?
Hmmm… and is City Manager “I-see-a-nothing” Hugley
gonna fine himself for this sign on the City Right-of-way at Columbus Commons?
Online headline: "Columbus GA protesters
rally as restriction on trans student-athletes passes GA House" -- Hmmm...
and why are this few people protesting "newsworthy"? Oh... Hmmmm
...and BTW, what's the status of Jeremy Hobbs' crimes?
Online headline: "Minnesota high school
forced to cancel no-whites student trip after civil rights complaint" --
And, like the Congressional Black Caucus, why are situations like this even
allowed to be planned in the 21st Century! Think about.. an all-non-White
school trip was cancelled rather than allow White student to go also! What was
so secretive about what the non-White students were planning to be exposed to?
Online headline: "US HIV funding cut is
'wake-up call' for S Africa" -- Wait a minute,, This wasn't a US
problem... why does South Africa not want to solve this itself!
Online story: "Illinois taxpayers paid
out $1.6 billion for healthcare programs for illegal immigrants since
2020, well above the spending projections estimated by Democrat Gov. JB
Pritzker’s administration, per a new state audit released this week
at the request of GOP legislators. * The audit also found that, in many
cases, state money was spent on people who were actually U.S. citizens or
otherwise eligible for federal programs." -- Wow! And this wasn't even
DOGE.. looks like Illinois needs DOGE to re-do the audit…. speaking of
re-doing, Columbus GA needs a DOGE audit on it's recent "external
Online headline: "Mexico’s President Issues
Legal Warning: ‘Gulf of America’ Name Change Could Face Court Battle"
-- Hmmmm....Maybe President Trump should also give Mexico itself a
new name... say, "Fentanylia"....
Is this not the most CRYPTIC crime posting ever
from Columbus GA’s Police Department?
The left picture looks like a thug with guns in
each hand, and the right picture looks like the same thug laid out on the
ground with a bullet hole in his back..
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