Sunday, December 26, 2010

I'm dreaming of a White Christmas...wait...that was no dream! Wow!
L-E headline/story: "South Columbus Elementary school robbed second time in two days * In both burglaries, an alarm system thought to be armed did not activate when the windows were broken." -- Why wasn't this "detail" attended to, and fixed after the first robbery?
L-E headline/story: "New tax law packed with business tax cuts * The massive new tax bill signed into law by President Barack Obama is filled with all kinds of holiday stocking stuffers for businesses: tax breaks for producing TV shows, grants for putting up windmills, rum subsidies for Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. * There is even a tax break for people who buy race horses. * Millions of homeowners, however, might feel like they got a lump of coal. Homeowners who don’t itemize their deductions will lose a tax break for paying local property taxes." -- "Business tax cuts"? Sounds more like some more 'lame duck' DUMB&DUMBERat 'monkey business'. Bet this is another of those famous Pelosi Bills...we didn't know what was in it until they passed it.
L-E story: "PORTLAND, Ore. — Procter & Gamble Co. will not renew its endorsement deal with Tiger Woods at the end of the year, * The company used Woods and dozens of other athletes as part of its three-year “Gillette Champions” marketing campaign" -- Hmmm.. Must be because Tiger "shaved 'too close' for comfort".
Did you see the L-E ad for how to check for 'false IDs"? How about looking on the back for the scan bar... better yet, convenience stores, bars, and liquor stores could be made to use the same license scanner you had to have your driver's license scanned by when you went to vote. Call your Congresspersons and demand this to become a law.
Read Walter Williams' column today. Washington, D.C. spends $24,000.00+/- per student for public education annually, and even our test scores are higher. Why does the MCSD accept Federal dollars for anything..especially because the 'attached strings' that come with that money cost us even more of our local tax dollars?
From L-E story: "When he (potUS Imam-a) does interact with people in Washington, it’s often with elites. * He attends events at his daughters’ exclusive Sidwell Friends School, a favorite of the city’s political and media elite. He meets frequently with journalists from The New York Times, giving them access to his office and senior staff while refusing to talk to most media based outside the New York-to-Washington corridor." -- Does this sound like 'a man of the people'? Yeah..right. Read the rest of the McClatchy article for more exclusionary practices.

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