Friday, December 10, 2010

Online headline: "House Democrats Reject Obama's Tax Cut Deal " -- The DUMB&DUMBERats lost 65 of their number in November for next term; are the remaining 193 making a suicide pact?
The quote in yesterday's L-E "Cryptoquote" was one from astute Mark Twain: "Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it." How many in Congress deserve voter support?
Online headline: "Harry Reid Goes All In For Online Poker" -- Surprise, surprise, surprise! Wasn't it Nevada gaming firms that told their employees to vote for Reid.
L-E headline/story: "Students to be charged today in cyber attack * Police say two juveniles have intentionally slowed down school district’s computer network since last month * Even though the problem affected the school district for about a month, Joiner described the technique the students used to jam the system as unsophisticated." -- This sounds like the detection abilities of the MCSD are even less sophisticated; maybe the students should be hired to install new detection programs.
L-E headline: "FAA loses track of 119,000 aircraft " -- Once again, government proves itself incapable of efficiently doing business of the people. While we do have to suffer under the Constitution's defined divisions of the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches, why are we made to suffer under other divisions?
L-E headline/story: "Obama reportedly cigarette-free * Smoking “is not something that he’s proud of,” Gibbs said at the daily White House press briefing. “He knows that it’s not good for him. He doesn’t like it. He doesn’t like children to know about it, obviously, including his.” " -- Well, looks like potUS Imam-a has distanced himself from his strongest supports...liberal smokers.
Ever thought about why anyone could vote for a DUMB/DUMBERat? They all campaign on fiscal restraint, but when they get to Council, State or National Congress, they seem to think they are sitting down at an all-you-can-eat steak&lobster bar with a fork in each hand.
When politicians are asked to cut the deficit, they say eliminating small programs/earmarks won't do very much, but it's all these small programs'earmarks that have created the deficit.
Have you gotten use to, or even plan on trying to get use to the Ole Miss Black Bears? Why not ust Bears?
The MPAA has gone nuts! It just reduced the NC-17 rating of "Blue Valentine" to "R" despite an unaltered oral sex scene that incurred the original rating. Of course, the movie should be rated "X" or worse.
From L-E story of "Blue Valentine": "He (Harvey Weinstein) also said he couldn’t see any way the scene could be altered without undermining the point of his movie. “Cutting the scene would have been cutting into the heart of the film,” he said. -- Sounds like the whole film should be laying on the cutting room floor.

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