Sunday, December 12, 2010

Suicide bomber attacks Sweden...Sweden, no less. What is the Muslim point? IF the overall Muslim faith is any different from the jihadist element, now would be a good time for examining itself.
You have to wonder if Bernie Madoff feels any remorse. I pray that he does, but do not know if he is capable of such.
L-E headline: "Snowstorm forces postponement of NFL game " -- Wimps! Both teams and every player's agent should be forced to watch the 1967 Packers-Cowboys game sitting in a food freezer.
The squeeze on education has evolved because of the mountain of unfunded mandates forced on the local school systems by our legislators over the years. Mandatory classroom sizes, busing, too many high electricity summer days scheduled, and mandatory 'special' programs have all contributed to a system of top heavy salaries dominating the local budgets at an 85% rate. There is just no place left to cut from already inadequately budgeted maintenance needs. Let's get back to neighborhood schools, drop federal programs that have 'strings' attached, and send a message to the state that mandates must be funded before they are enacted.
L-E headline: "Civil War’s 150th anniversary stirs debate on race * Whites, blacks have differing view of planned festivities " -- 150 years ago, the first major page of change was turned. Amidst the carnage, a new direction in US history began. 150 years later, too many people of all colors are living as though it's still 1860 though we live and work side-by-side, and share the same goals for our children. It's time all recognized history for what it is rather than what it was. There is probably more division, now, caused by a refusal to move on, than there was in Lincoln's time.

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