Sunday, December 19, 2010

What will "Don't ask, don't tell" mean for the future of the military? Can you not see the 'discrimination' law suits being conjured up to challenge not being promoted on the same rate as a 'straight' soldier; or the harassment charges for being deployed to less than preferred locations?
Baker, like too many MCSD buildings, is being demolished, but not because it is 'old', but because it was never adequately maintained by the MCSD system.
When you start listing the differences between liberals and conservatives, there's really only one big difference. Both want to 'make a difference', both want to 'help' their fellow man. The big difference, though, it that liberals want to do it with someone else's money.
For those so accustomed to spend New Year's Day affixed in their loungers in front of their TVs, with nearly half of the teams having 7-5 records, they may be channel surfing for movies rather than games.
While a winning streak of 80+ games is remarkable at any level of any sport, comparing the opportunity of the UCONN ladies basketball team to win its 88th consecutive game as equal to John Wooden's 88 game win streak with UCLA is carrying political correctness way too far!

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