Thursday, June 7, 2012

Online story: "ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE -- The White House is denying claims from Republican Sen. John McCain that it orchestrated leaks of classified information to news organizations to boost President Barack Obama's national security reputation and re-election chances. * White House press secretary Jay Carney says any claim of leaks for political gain is "grossly irresponsible." -- Hmmm, but no where does Carney deny the claim of 'leaks' for other reasons. --- Online story: "ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE -- The White House is insisting President Barack Obama will not extend the Bush-era tax cuts for wealthier Americans – even temporarily. * Carney's stand came after former President Bill Clinton caused a political headache for the White House by suggesting in an interview that tax cuts for people of all incomes – including the rich – should be extended into 2013 to avoid economic harm and allow time for a broader fiscal deal. * Pressed directly on whether Obama would support a temporary extension, Carney said: "He will not. Could I be more clear?" -- And why would potUS Arpege want to do anything that might help his successor be successful in overturning potUS Arpege's 4 years of disaster? --- Bill Press, liberal talk show host on Current TV (co-founded by Algore) went on a revealing tear on the day before 68th anniversary of D-Day. He called our National Anthem an abomination. Quote: "PRESS (11:31:) … But it’s an abomination. First it ranges two octaves most people can only do kind of one octave. I mean when you think about it, it’s bombs bursting in air rocket’s red glare it all kinds of, you know a lot of national anthems are that way, all kinds of military jargon and the land there’s only one phrase ‘the land of the free’ which is kind of nice and ‘the home of the brave?’ I don’t know. * Are we [Americans] the only ones who are brave on the planet? I mean all the brave people live here. I mean it’s just stupid I think. I’m embarrassed, I’m embarrassed every time I hear it." -- Come to think of it, as many times as the mainstream media highlights potUS Arpege busting loose with a song, have you ever heard him sing our National Anthem? Come to think of it, have you ever seen potUS Arpege salute our National Flag? --- Charlie Sheen has come out claiming to have a 'foot fetish'. I guess he means the foot he so often sticks in his mouth. --- The latest from "This week, the Romney campaign is basing their entire message on a huge double standard -- and we can't let them get away with it." -- True.. it would be hard to combat since potUS Arpege and the DIM&DUMBERats have no standards at all. --- In a L-E story Wednesday, Alabama says it is looking into a new law to ease prison overcrowding. Why does Alabama need a new law to do that when just promptly and properly enforcing its 'death sentence' will do the same thing. It will immediately open new accommodations on death row, and the residual effects will be that it will deter future criminals from doing future crimes. --- Online quote service: "The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government - lest it come to dominate our lives and interests". - Patrick Henry" -- Obviously is not one of the principles potUS Arpege believes in. --- What started out as a project to restore the Chattahoochee to its pre-dams conditions has literally turned into a man-versus-nature circus. It's beginning to look like what we would see if you restored a burned out forest with plastic, fireproof trees. --- From L-E story: "Since people either built new houses, bought new houses, purchased new businesses, developed property or made significant improvements to their houses, the tax digest grew. That means the city expects to collect about $1.5 million more in property taxes in fiscal year 2013 than in fiscal year 2012, Hodge said. " -- Well, since Columbus survived last year, how about designating the growth in the tax digest to be used to rebuild (payback) our fund balance. --- L-E headkine/story: "Muslims file suit to stop NYPD spying * WASHINGTON — A Muslim civil rights group that has worked closely with the Obama administration to build better relationships with American Muslims is suing the New York Police Department over its surveillance programs." -- Now, is this a group of illegal or legal aliens? --- L-E's "Quotable “A word to the wise ain’t necessary — it’s the stupid ones that need the advice.” Bill Cosby American comedian (1937- )" -- Why couldn't Bill Cosby have been scheduled to be at the Civic Center rather than Ron White? --- L-E headline: "Cruel June for Obama, Dems — and could get worse " -- Well, if the potUS Arpege and the DIM&BUMBERats are true to themselves, it is a probability rather than a "could". --- L-E "To Do" headline: "‘Elmo’s Super Heroes’ ready to teach life lessons " -- I guess they have come directly from Git-mo after warming up by torturing Muslim extremists. ---

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