Monday, October 15, 2012

Is there no shame in the Oblunderman administration? David Axelrod is out claiming the Benghazi security reports went directly to the State Department, not the White House.


Even Axelrod couldn't fake that he actually believed what he was saying.

How could CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and NBC blast Bush43 incessantly on WMDs, but ignore the Dumbnamic Duo handling... lying... about Benghazi?


Looking back at the performance of Bleep-VeeP Robinette, it's scary to think Oblunderman laughed it off simply as "Joe being Joe". The Bleep-VeeP man is often alone with leaders of other countries, and that's pretty unnerving


Liberals... you can't live with them... or deport or shoot them! Would you believe that liberals are trying their best to make 'appearance discrimination' a civil rights legal case? Just because you don't take of your self, or there isn't a government program of free beauty salon services does not mean you can't learn to put your best foot forward for yourself.


In one of the latest from, the Oblunderman crew is claiming it's running a 'grassroots' campaign. Huh? Oblunderman is the sitting president, the incumbent... not some political newcomer. Besides, if he was doing a mediocre + job, he could be running the country without worrying about what the election results will be.


L-E headline: "Skydiver sets supersonic record" -- Hope Mayor Obamalinson doesn't see this, and organize an inquiry group to check into a 'high speed 'sails' system between the Moon and Columbus.

So there will be a COLA, all though minor, increase for Social Security checks next year. Maybe Congressional paycheck raises and Congressional entitlement program increases should be limited to the Social Security COLA percent.


Former Senator Arlen Spector has passed away. Guess he'll be stuck in limbo weighing offers from each side as to what direction he'll take.

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