Friday, October 19, 2012

The Columbus Civic Center is looking for a "naming rights partner". I know there will be the usual local suspects, but a sleeper could be Chuck E Cheese. It would certainly fit in with the food and venue offerings which are a bit too cheesy.


There was an unexpected "debate" last night at the Al Smith Catholic Charities Find Raiser in NYC. Romney kicked Oblunderbutt

Rumor has it that O J Simpson is trying to sell the knife he used to kill Moviles & Ron. Maybe the NFL will offer to pay off the civil suit if O J will bury the knife up his....


The debates have been effective for Romney because America has missed having a real stand-up-for-me, God, what's right, and my country presidential choice.

From a fellow BCer...sums it up succinctly:



Online headline/story: "Government Welfare Payments Top $1 Trillion for the First Time * Putting it all together, federal spending on welfare greatly exceeded spending on the military ($540 billion), Social Security ($725 billion), Medicare ($480 billion) as well as the Departments of Justice ($31 billion), Transportation ($77 billion) and Education ($65 billion)." -- We need a safety net, BUT not one with the power to drown those trying to provide such.


Bleep-VeeP Joe is blasting Romney's tax plan saying we shouldn't believe him because he's not going to explain it until after he'd elected. Hmmm, short memory Joe.. not too long ago you pushed HELL-thSCARE through the Senate without wanting anyone reading it.


From a fellow BCer, a message to pass along to everyone. Copy and paste to your search engine:


There was a time Auburn would have welcomed having the 'Dawgs at home two years in a row for alumni bragging rights. 2012-2013 is not one of those times.


Once again the Columbus L-E does a disservice to its subscribers. Another Judy F. Brouillette spew of misinformation is in today's L-E, again without the * showing her connection as the treasurer of the local DIM&DUMBERat Party. Mitt Romney being better prepared and more effective is really not considered being "underhanded" outside of "JudyWorld".


L-E story on the Lakebottom 'roundish-about': "Crosswalks will be marked at each of the four points of intersection to guide pedestrians away from the center of the intersection.." -- Since vehicles are not supposed to stop as they maneuver the 'roundish-about', I guess trying to cross by foot at any point will be akin to a video game of "Frogger".


As it appears in many descriptions of suspects in various shootings and drug stories in gthe L-E, how about the L-E giving us a visual on what a 'low' and "low fade" hair cut looks like so we may be able to recognize an at-large suspect.


L-E headlinestory: "Newsweek to cease publishing print magazine * After 80 years of publication, the news magazine will shift to a digital only format, available online and on tabley computers " -- Hmmm, guess we'll start seeing obsolete iPads scattered around doctors' offices.


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