Monday, October 22, 2012

Online story: "Edith Windsor is an 83-year-old widow who lost her wife in 2009 and was subsequently stuck with more than $363,000 in estate taxes -- money she would not have had to pay if she were in a heterosexual marriage. " -- Hold on for a sec... The real issue here is not about homosexuality, but about the 'death tax' structure, and government greed for absconding with people's life savings when they're dead and cannot speak up for themselves. Having a $363,000.000 'estate tax' means there was a healthy 'estate' when she died, and the IRS code must have treated her as a single person, no next of kin, and probably without a will, so the government just wants as much of it can get.


The Jesse Jacksons, the Jeremy Wrights, the Al Sharptons, the Barack Obamas, and most liberals of the US must really feel they are failures in life. All their energy and hatred expended for racist issues, and none of them feel/think anything has improved or been accomplished since the 1950's. That's really sad when you think about it.


Don't wait for potUS Oblunderman to label terrorist attacks for what they are. potUS Oblunderman still hasn't called the Texas attack by the Muslim officer on fellow military personnel an act of Islamic terrorism.

From the "it's not one world" department: The family of an Afghani military man was slaughtered by the Taliban because he refused to join the Taliban cause.

A Sunday morning commentator made a valid observation concerning the Libyan assault and murder of 4 Americans on 9-11-12. He asked whether the State Department held back from dispersing the terrorists from above because the State Department considered the 4 Americans killed as "dispensable". There was even a drone above the site for 6 hours sending live video to Washington, and no military intervention.


Constantly worth repeating: "Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses." - George Washington Carver

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