Tuesday, July 26, 2016

As the Democratic Convention begins to coronate Hillary amidst her shroud of scandals, the words of my late cousin, Dr. Fred Gordy of Conway, Arkansas remain steadfastly on my mind. Fred was a player in our mutual Cuzzin Jimmy's presidential campaigns, as well as the politics of the Clintons. Immediate following the 1992 Democrat Convention, Cousin Fred called my Dad to tell him that he'd "sent a check to the Re-elect Bush Campaign" because he "couldn't wish the Clintons on the rest of America". His words are still hauntingly appropriate.

There was an unexpected tragic moment at the Democratic Convention last night. Paul Simon took the stage and demonstrated the loss of his voice.... and mind.

Cory Booker reminded the Democrats that blacks were once classified as 3/5ths of a person. What he didn't say was that it was the New England states that demanded that so the South wouldn't get more representation in Congress.

Hmmm..last week mainscream media was chastising Republicans for being juvenile when chanting "lock her up". Hmmm, what will the liberals call their own delegates and protesters in Philadelphia who were chanting "lock her up" yesterday?

At first I wasn't sure if Al Franken was drunk or what, but as he slurred his way through his babble it became more of a situation about HOW drunk he was, but what was with his position about parents leaving their 8 & 4 year children at home to feed themselves while the parents go out on the streets and campaign based on Hillary's family values?

A lot of the Democrat drivel aimed at Trump was about where his clothing lines were made. Seems like most are made overseas..mainly because he's a smart businessman, and did so because of the Democratic Party initiated taxes and regulations that has stifled manufacturing profitability in America. Trump also wants to overturn those taxes and regulation so it can be profitable ..again.. to manufacture and create jobs here.

Sen. Pat Spearman, D-Nev, self professed liberal, lesbian and African-American, drew attention to an old Negro spiritual song.. I'm still trying to remember the last time I heard "Negro" referenced, and the last time I could say "Negro" without bring called a racist.

I thought the Democrats were about diversity, but it seems there was a shortage of heterosexuals in the building.

It's really sort of appropriate that the Democrat Convention is held in Philadelphia...during the 2012 election ..59 voting districts didn't report a single vote for Romney.

One Hillary spinmeister (Sen. Chris Murphy - D-CT) is trying to suggest that the Russians are trying to influence our election...at best, if there was any truth about a foreign government trying to influence an election, it would be the communist and Muslim countries that have "donated" to the Clinton Foundations.

Don't you know that even moderate Democrats are concerned that nearly half of the Democratic primary voters, the Bernie ones,  are so far to the left of them, and Hillary is pandering to them?

You know.. Bernie's appeal to young voters is, in reality, a condemnation of the Common CRAP curriculum.. Kids leaving high school and college are no longer taught that socialism and communism are failures doomed to implode.

I don't think Hillary had a pleasant time at her VFW in NC speech yesterday morning. When she stopped at her "applause points" barely a smattering of applause happened..in fact, with the size of the staff she had with her , apparently a lot of her staff didn't clap either.

Let's see.. Hillary didn't know anything about her personal e-mail server, she didn't know anything about the DNC e-mails, she said she doesn't know anything about the Republican Convention..she also claimed she didn't know anything about Whitewater, or Bill's womanizing...my question is why she thinks anyone should vote for someone who doesn't even know what she did yesterday.

Clinton said she would make sure she didn't, as Commander-in-Chief, send in our troops carelessly.. Hmm.. maybe that explains why she didn't have troops sent into Benghazi.

You know, Bernie ignored the foregone conclusion that this was automatically  Hillary's "year" and ran against her because he felt she was not capable.. Why does he now feel she is capable when he knows she had to manipulate the primaries to get the nomination?

Hillary, you would think, would be campaigning on continuing what ZERO-bama started,  and she doesn't, , she campaigns on  the changes she wants to initiate. Isn't that "dissing" ZERO-bama?

Neither Bernie nor his supporters don't get it...Hillary didn't hire Debbie "Washedout" Schultz to help her campaign, Hillary hired her to keep her silence.
You know, the Democratic Party "super-delegates" are really on trial in Philadelphia.. will they "stay their manipulated path" and vote for Hillary, or will hey stand up and be counted for truth and honesty in politics?  Ooops, got carried away there for a second..truth and honesty have been forsaken in Democratic Partyy politics for generations.
Robby Mook, Hillary's campaign manager, held a press conference yesterday..obviously orchestrated to avoid answering media questions..there wasn't a microphone to pick up of the questions, so we didn't really hear them, but we did see him chuckle and smirk at the end of each question, then give a statement of his own choosing. What we don't know is whether his responses were even pertinent to the questions,.but what was clear is that Hillary is scrambling in damage control mode.

Hillary says all the charges brought up by te Republicans "have no basis of truth"... "truth"? What does Hillary know about "truth"!

From the ,"what were they thinking" department - There was a major shooting atrocity at a Ft Myers, FL  club Sunday...it was advertised as a Teen Glow Swinsuit party for 13 to 17 year olds. It's not a question of what the club owner(s) were thinking, but what were the parents thinking allowing their children to go! This was a club that served alcohol and staged bikini/lingerie "contests". Surely it is against the law to solicit minors into an adult club for such purposes.. One was even 12 YEARS OLD!

Personal note: Authorities were quick to note that this was not a "terrorist" act.. Excuse me, but since when is not a gang related shooting not a "terrorist act" in a black neighborhood?

Online headline: "Michelle Obama skewers Trump in fiery DNC speech" -- So First Lady like.... NOT! Can you imagine Laura or Barbara Bush "skewering" an opponent?

L-E headline: " Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake swings the gavel during the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia on Monday." -- Good grief.. does that mean that she's ordering the police outside to give "protesters"  space to destroy?

L-E headline/story: "Georgia appeals court says ‘upskirting’ not against the law * A divided Georgia Court of Appeals this month tossed out the conviction of former grocery store employee Brandon Lee Gary, who recorded videos up a woman’s skirt — known as “upskirting” — while she shopped. The 6-3 majority opinion said Gary’s behavior, while reprehensible, doesn’t violate the state’s invasion of privacy law, under which he was prosecuted." -- Let me get this straight.. it's illeagl to record one's conversation if the other party has not consented, but the court feels it's "OK" to record another persons genitalia without his/her consent? Maybe those 6 judges need to have a "Go-Pro camera sewn into their judicial robes.

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