Tuesday, June 5, 2018

From the "if you didn't love him before" department - HuffPOOPOO headline/story: "Trump disinvites Philadelphia Eagles from White House Super Bowl celebration * They disagree with their President because he insists that they proudly stand for the National Anthem, hand on heart, in honor of the great men and women of our military and the people of our country,” Trump said in a statement. “The Eagles wanted to send a smaller delegation, but the 1,000 fans planning to attend the event deserve better. * He said the fans would still be welcome at the White House on Tuesday but for a different ceremony meant to “honor our great country” and “pay tribute to the heroes who fight to protect it" -- Trump loves our country, respects our military and law enforcement officers, and keeps his promises... what's not to love about Trump..
Online headline/story: "ICE: NYC released 440 ‘dangerous’ illegal immigrants over 3 months, many rearrested * The federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, in focusing on New York City, notorious for ignoring ICE demands for jailed illegals since 2014, said that from January to mid-April the city shrugged off 440 requests. * And, said ICE, “nearly 40 individuals who were released from custody, reoffended and were again arrested for crimes by local law enforcement officers.” -- Tell me again how DIMocrats feel they are winning the hearts and votes of American citizens?
Howard Schultz.. chair of Starbucks is going to step down.. it's believed he's going to make a run at Trump in 2020. Howard Schultz..the man who printed a 68 page manual for hois employees on how to treat people (Matthew 7:12 would do it) also stated that"If you support traditional marriage, don't buy our coffee!". Schultz doesn't support homosexual marriage, he's against against TRADITIONAL marriage..wonder what his wife of 36 years, and his three children "feel" about this?
That OnStar commercial .. the one showing a car off the road and a techie talking reassuringly that he stay with her until help arrives...she ought be ticketed for reckless driving and endangerment...I was taught..very emphatically ..that I was not to serve.. grab tight on the steering wheel and hold on, if an animal ran in front of me...I was taught that the people in the car were more valuable than the animal ( in this case, a deer) or the c
From the "hey, wonder if this is a "Bernie" program to eliminate homeless people from California" department - Online headline/story: "Vermont will pay you up to $10,000 to move there * The only requirements? You have to be employed full-time by an out-of-state employer, happy to work remotely in your new home and to commit to becoming a Vermont resident." -- Heh heh heh.. I can see it now.. Gov. Moonbeam Brown giving all the California homeless a job and title (One-way Ride Bus Inspectors) and a government dispense "burner phone" and send them to Vermont.
Online headline: "Bill Clinton addresses his remarks on Lewinsky scandal, says he supports #MeToo" -- Yeah.. if Bill Clinton supports #MeToo, it's only because he defines it as an opportunity to meet more women that aren't Hellary.
Online story: "Over the weekend, Senator Bernie Sanders (Loonbag-VT) announced that he would be taking on his next big opponent: Mickey Mouse. * Sanders joined unions pushing a ballot measure to require a minimum wage of $15. “The struggle that you are waging here in Anaheim is not just for you,” Sanders sputtered" -- What is it about DIMocrats... or Independents who parade around as DIMocrats? They already "own" California, but have no clue about what goes on in Wisconsin, Michigan, or Pennsylvania..nor do they care.. or... maybe Bernie has forgotten that Disney OWNS ABC ... and most DIMocrat Congresspersons.
From the "DIMocrats support the new math" department - Online headline: "In Narrow Opinion, Supreme Court Rules For Baker In Gay Rights Case" -- Hmmm... I guess if you are a liberal and lose. a 7-2 Supreme Court ruling is "narrow" while a 5-4 decision "your way" is a landslide.. Hey, Trump has made it safe again for Christians to stand strong! Can I get an "AMEN!".
You know, when Fox News agrees with mainscream media that Trump was wrong to sign the $1.3 Trillion Dollar Continuing Resolution, the Trump was right..and I agree with Trump...it was THE way to get the best military spending bill.. Establishment politicos were out maneuvered...they really thought Trump wouldn't sign it, and then those politicos could razz Trump about not keeping his promise about taking care of our military.
You know. if ABC was sincere in it's response to Roseanne, ABC would refund all the charges it made to advertisers...ABC, at a minimum, should donate those revenues to educate people to be better able to handle such stupid statements.
Funny...NOT! DIMocrats are trying to separate what Joy Reid said 10 years ago from what Roseanne said recently. The only real difference is that Joy Reid was not punished by MSNBC and other 'left' groups 10 years ago when Reid said those things.
So Slick Willie feels that if the current President were a DIMocrat, the Republican Congress would be in the middle of an impeachment process.. You know, Clinton is probably right...if the current president WAS a DIMocrat, it would be Hellary, and the Republican Congress would be right in doing so.
Interesting... Stormy Daniels' attorney, Avenatti asked some DIMocrat donors to pony-up for his legal costs of going after President Trump.. Hmmm... bet this is extortion as well... guess Avenatti could tell them that if he doesn't "win". he and Stormy will be coming after them next.
Online headline: "Violence breaks out as Antifa, Patriot Prayer clash at dueling rallies" -- And it's easy to distinguish the sides.. one wore masks, and the other had American flags at their side.
Online headline: "Georgia Republicans Split With Trump Administration Over Steel Tariffs" -- Good grief.. why don't GA Republicans just lay low and let Trump negotiate.. I know Republicans are not use to America winning, but they should wait until he announces the results before disagreeing with him.
Wow... the volcano is erupting in Hawaii.. hope you've noticed that are aren't any
"fracking "sites in Hawaii.
Online headline: "Lawsuit tries to force Georgia to use paper ballots in 2018 elections" -- Hmmm... OK.. then how about requiring voters' index fingers be coated in purple ink, and putting their fingerprints on the ballots so all ballots can be scanned for duplicate fingerprints.
Online headline: "Jim Carrey trolls Melania Trump in latest politically charged artwork" -- Hmmm... poor Jim Carrey.. can't get a movie anymore so he's struggling to get his name in the news..
From the "unexpected learning something I hadn't thought about" department - Did you know that of the Top 50 "Most Dangerous" Volcanoes in America", 27 are in Alaska.. hey, it's not Big Oil that's threatening polar bears' environment...
The new GA Law on phone calls from cars goes into effect July 1st his year... of course, the law fails to recognize that different people can drive one car but only one phone is recognized by the bluetooth system.
I'm not going to upload it, but there's a picture of Bruce Jenner wearing a formfitting gray top that out to be an affront to every other woman in the world.. normal or re-gendered. Oh.. and one of the most disturbing bits of info was that "Cait" missed she-it's son's wedding because she-it had a prior commitment to some event in Vienna. Guess she-it was snubbed by she-it's son as "best man", and the bride as "maid of humor... uh..honor"...

From the L-E headline missed the point... again" department - Justices side with baker who turned away gay couple" -- Aside from this WAS NOT being the issue, it looks like the L-E has hired a headline writer from the NATIONAL INquirer..we saw this when L-E headlines screamed that a teen was sent to prison for stealing a pair of "sneakers", and that a man dying from a Whitewater Rafting event was "the FIRST fatality" as though hoping for moe... But the real rub is that I guess if you are a liberal and lose, a 7-2 Supreme Court ruling is "narrow", while a 5-4 decision "your way" is a landslide.. Hey, Trump has made it safe again for Christians to stand strong! Can I get an "AMEN!".

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