Tuesday, June 19, 2018

From the "polls news and nothing but the poll news" department - Online headline/story: "Poll: Kim Jong Un has higher approval among Republicans than Pelosi * The Ipsos survey conducted for the Daily Beast found that among Republicans, 19 percent indicated they hold a favorable opinion of Kim, while 17 percent said they have a favorable opinion of Pelosi." -- Hmmm... Only 17% approve Pelosi? I guess it's because it's actually a poll of DIMocrats being described as Republicans. Personally, I hope Pelosi is around for the next 7 years so Pence will be a shoo-in in 2024..
From the "Fountain of Truth" department - Online headline: "Hillary Clinton: That is an outright lie" -- Hmmm.. this is the most universally CORRECT headline that has ever been written about anything Hellary has ever said...
Online headline: "Cuomo To Commander In Chief: NO NEW YORK NAT’L GUARD FOR YOU!: -- Hmmm... looks like Kathy Griffen may have landed a job... campaign manager for NY Governor Cuomo.. Of course, like Griffen, Cuomo may have a tough time getting the people of NY to hire him again.
With all the push and talk from Mayor Tom-LYING-son to raze the Government Center and build a new one, you have to be suspect about the flooding of our Government Center Sunday night/Monday AM... Has anyone confirmed the whereabouts of Tom-LYING-son Sunday night/Monday morning?
Estimates are that 36,000 gallons of water flooded the Government Center... Now, who's gonna pay the Columbus Water Works for that... and not with tax dollars...
HMMM...these libs are so confusing..they get upset when lawbreakers are separated from children, yet actually encourage women, even ILLEGAL ALIEN women at the border, to separate themselves from children in their wombs.
The City needs to look at it's parking meter restrictions and enforcement in downtown... again... friends of ours were back visiting in town over the long weekend, and went downtown on Monday.. they enjoyed seeing the sights and sites.. ate lunch, enjoyed some shopping , walked on the Riverwalk, their children frolicked in the Splash Pond, and when they got back to their car.. enjoyed the "droppings" of a City metermaid. I paid the ticket as they were our guests, but 2 hours is not enough time to give visitors to enjoy Columbus.
Oh, while we were there, I noticed the old clock taken down from the Iron Bank during its new paint job, has not been put back up.. I ask y\you, what's a historic landmark without its history?
Speaking of Historic downtown Columbus icons, has anyone ever "fessed up" about where the cast iron fountain that disappeared from Heritage Park is... or how about "Steggie , the Brontosaurus"?
Listening to the fingerpointing ramblings of former Kerry spinmeister as a Component of Fox's new "A-Team" panels and also realizing Juan Williams is an ad hoc member of the "A -Team", I must conclude "A-Team" is an acronym for "(_@_)-Team" .
Online headline: "Man fatally shot in Historic District, Columbus police say" -- Hmmm... looks like Number 19, and June is not even over...guess we can really say that Mayor Tom-LYING-son's legacy year is off to a "bang -up" start, and will really finish with a "bang" when even the drug dealers are out trying to raise extra cash for Christmas presents..
Online headline/story: "Hillary Clinton cites another Bible quote to fight Trump on immigration * Clinton also took a swipe at Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who, on Thursday, cited the Bible to defend the border policy, and added that recent criticisms were not "fair or logical and some are contrary to law." * "I would cite you to the Apostle Paul and his clear and wise command in Romans 13, to obey the laws of the government because God has ordained them for the purpose of order," Sessions said. "Orderly and lawful processes are good in themselves and protect the weak and lawful." * She invoked her own quote from the Bible — Matthew 19:14 — in response, saying that "Jesus said suffer the little children unto me. He did not say let the children suffer." * Clinton said that "those who selectively use the Bible to justify this cruelty are ignoring a central tenet of Christianity."" -- Hellary?... citing the Bible".. how many times has she tripped over the 10 Commandments.. especially about "LYING"?, and now she quotes Matthew 19:14... well, bears false witness about it's meaning.. if she wants to use Matthew 19:14, she should direct it to the president of Mexico... and the Board of Planned Parenthood.
Hey, Columbus Health Department... it's mosquito season.. how about writing up the tire place on River Road just North of the 38th Street intersection, and the tire place on Veterans just South of 38th Street for leaving all those tires out in the rain catching water that creates mosquito breeding areas.
A retired military friend of mine was telling me about a friend of his who also retired but moved to Shicago... His friend had to dismantle his guns, and sell off his ammunition, because it is against the law to transport a working gun or live ammunition into Shicago... Hmmm.,.. the South Side Shicago gangs are ecstatic knowing out of state tagged vehicles riding through South Shicago are helpless.
Gotta LOVE Trump... China threatened with more tariffs, and Trump called their bluff, met that and raised them...
L-E story: "The Trump International Hotel & Tower in Chicago is one of the largest users of water from the Chicago River, but records show it has never met Environmental Protection Agency rules for protecting fish. * City records indicate the skyscraper siphons nearly 20 million gallons a day for its cooling systems. State and federal regulations limit the number of fish that can be trapped or killed during water intake." -- You know, the only reason Shicago officials have an interest in the number of fish Trump Hotel/Tower "traps or kills" is that the Shicago DIMocrat Party voter registration committee doesn't know how many fake applicants it can file.


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