Friday, June 15, 2018

Online story: "Clinton has remained steadfast that Comey’s letter (to Congress of October 28th) helped tip the election in Donald Trump‘s favor." -- Not "what happened"... "what didn't happen".. What didn't happen was Hellary losing a single vote from her followers. What didn't happen was Hellary didn't feel she needed to campaign in Wisconsin, Michigan, or Pennsylvania. What didn't happen was Hellary showing concern about America's future or military. What didn't happen was that America's majority of states felt "she was the one".
Yesterday, the husband of one of my nieces by marriage sank a birdie putt on number 7 T Shinnecock Hills to take the lead at that moment, and ended the first round tied for the lead.
A little tidbit for all you golfers out here..Russell Henley..former UGA star and rising one on the PGA tour is married to a Columbus girl .. Tiel Duncan Henley..a rising star in the art world herself. Oh, and they are building a home here in Columbus.
Oh, and don't blame lack of coverage on the L-E's operations being sent to Macon, GA.. Russell Henley's hometown IS Macon.
The US Open is going on at Shinnecock Hills Golf Course in NY this week.. I'm wondering why NY liberals UpChuck Schumer and Hellary Clinton aren't protesting at the front entrance about the Shinnecock Hills logo of an Indian wearing a war bonnet.. Of course, they may believe it's an ancestor of Pocahontas Warren.
Also heard that in the restoration of Shinnecock Hills over 500 trees were removed.. Between the antifa, tree huggers, and libs in favor of returning America to its natives, you'd think the tournament could hardly be played there.
The most revealing, the most disturbing bias in the IG's report is that Peter Strzok still works for the FBI and has classified file clearances.
The DIMocrats are scared s***less.. They sent out the A-team spinmeisters over to Fox to combat Martha McCallum during the 7:00 hour..I say the A team because the primary defender/diverter appeared to be more Hollywood appealing than Brad Pitt ever thought he was rather than "the usual suspects".
Yep..the DIMocrats indeed are scared about the IG report.. The Congressional baseball game was played last night and not o e of the DIMocrats took a knee during the National Anthem.
L-E Guest Commentary headline/content: "Guess who's coming to a White House dinner? Dictators and despots * BY MARKOS KOUNALAKIS * Special to McClatchy * Kim Jong Un just got one of the most coveted invitations for any foreign leader — a White House visit. If the Singapore Summit delivers results and continues to serve President Trump politically, that door will stay open and the invitation will remain valid. That would make Kim the latest in a string of despots and dictators who over the years get to pose for an Oval Office grip and grin." -- Before going any further, we must know "Who is Markos Kounalakis?" He was born in Sacremento, CA, and now is a a resident of San Francisco, and he's a graduate of UC Berkeley, and Columbia University. He's currently a Visiting Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University and a guest foreign policy columnist for The Sacramento Bee and McClatchy-Tribune News. He served as Chairman of Internews Network and for two terms on the Board of Visitors at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism. He remains active on the Board of Councilors at the University of Southern California’s (USC) Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism; and the Board of Advisors at USC’s Center on Public Diplomacy.. In other words, if Obama had met with Kim and gotten any American- benefiting concessions, Kounalakis would be praising him.
Purely a local issue moment - Just a reminder about the local run-off elections.. for MCSB Post 2.. vote for Mike Edmondson.. I still cannot get by a candidate - Bart Steed - can even be eligible to run when he has an open-ended $165,000 contract approved by Dr Lewis.. In Council Post 10.. definitely John House..I supported Tollie Strode as my first choice.. the best choice IMHO, but I also said I would not be upset if John House won.. To me, it's Columbus' loss that we couldn't have both serving on Council... or either one of them as our new Mayor. As for Bryan. only a loop-hole in the Chamber by-laws enables her to run... but that loop-hole still doesn't clear her of being eligible by common sense that no one with "day job" being paid with tax dollars being able to run without resigning from that job.. Mike Edmondson in MCSB Post 2 did such..
In an e-mail from Representative Hank Johnsom, D - GA4, comes this exclamation: "News that the Trump Administration’s Department of Justice will refuse to defend the constitutionality of key provisions of the historic, life-saving Affordable Care Act in an upcoming lawsuit in Texas proves there is a cynical sabotage campaign of Americans’ health care." -- DOH! OObamacare still exists and was ruled Constitutional by the US Supreme Court, so why does the DOJ HAVE to defend it... the burden of "proof" lies 100% with the filers.. What DIMocrats won't admit to is that OObamacare has been stripped of its penalties which will bring it unceremoniously to its knees.. Sorta like Guam tipping over with too much US government involvement.
From the "when is a "leak"... not a leak?" department - Online story: "The Department of Justice inspector general identified a number of instances where FBI employees regularly spoke with members of the media and received a number of free perks from journalists including meals and tickets to various events. * On page XII in the report, the IG says the department “identified numerous FBI employees, at all levels of the organization and with no official reason to be in contact with the media, who were nevertheless in frequent contact with reporters.” * The IG expressed “profound concerns about the volume and extent of unauthorized media contacts by FBI personnel that we have uncovered our review.” * The contact between FBI agents and the media extended to receiving “improperly receiving benefits from reporters, including tickets to sporting events, golfing outings, drinks and meals, and admittance to nonpublic social events.” -- So, "when is a "leak"... not a leak?" -- When it's a planned bribe to get personal benefits.. I do think the IG needs to expand this probe throughout the full Obama terms and the last two years of the Bush terms when DIMocrats took control of the House.
Online headline/story: "Ellen DeGeneres returns to stand-up comedy after 15 years * Ellen DeGeneres is going back to her roots, launching her first stand-up comedy tour in 15 years in a limited run of shows on the U.S. West Coast in August. * Her stand-up tour will visit San Diego, San Francisco and Seattle from Aug. 10-23." -- Hmmm.. in the vernacular of liberalism, I guess Ellen "could" call this a "World Tour".. after all, San Diego, San Francisco, and Seattle ARE her world.
From the "if you can't be relevant, be insignificant" department - Online headline: "Jim Carrey marks Trump’s birthday with a grave-urinating pic" -- And what's worse than not having any talent for acting... acting like you have talent for artistic expression.
L-E headline/story: "DeKalb parents seek ouster of ex-Muscogee school official * The Champion newspaper in DeKalb quoted an unidentified parent as listing the following words teachers allegedly have used to describe Braaten: “Dictatorial, intimidating, negative, anxiety, punitive, bullying, abuse of power.” The newspaper reported that dozens of parents and supporters were at the meeting to call for her dismissal." -- While I don't find it hard that the L-E will "try" someone in the news, but I do have two questions.. Will Dr. Lewis testify in her h[behalf? and Will Braaten be willing to have him testify?
L-E story: "New York’s attorney general filed a lawsuit Thursday accusing Donald Trump of illegally using money from his charitable foundation to settle disputes involving his business empire and to burnish his image during his run for the White House. * The lawsuit seeks $2.8 million in restitution and the dissolution of the foundation. The two-year investigation detailed a closely coordinated effort between Trump’s campaign and the foundation. * Trump blasted the case as politically motivated. In tweets, he called the case “ridiculous.” “I won’t settle this case!” he wrote." -- Good grief.. the NY attorney general feels he can make a case against Trump for using $2,8 Million, when Trump spent $100,000,000,00 of his own multi-BILLION dollar holdings to get e;ected? Let's face it.. Trump's Foundation spendings/expenses are under IRS scrutiny annually separate from his personal and business reports. Yeah .. right. Now the Clinton Foundations.. especially the ones in Canada, need a lot more scrutiny... not only by the NY attorney general but IRS as well.
From the "strange bedfellows" department - L-E story: "Sens. Marco Rubio and Elizabeth Warren plan to introduce a bill that would prevent states from suspending residents’ driver’s and professional licenses over unpaid federal student loans. Critics have called the practice a self-defeating approach that denies borrowers the means to pay their debts." -- You know.. student loans would not be as grave a debt problem if loan companies had to use good business practices to issue them, and if government was not standing on ready to bail out the loan companies, colleges, or students.. the government cannot.. should not bail out individuals (banks for that matter, either) who aren't qualified by assets or job potential to get such loans.. One solution would be to limit loans only after students complete one year of non-remedial college courses. Another would be to limit loans except to majors in "professional studies" that will provide students with above average income streams. Better yet, limit loans for standard college majors to two years, and up to 3 years additional if going to a graduate degree in educational. medicine, legal, and/or business degrees.
L-E story: "Lamanta Reese lived much of his gang life in virtual reality, posting videos on YouTube of him and others taunting rivals. He died at age 19 in the real world, bleeding from his head onto a porch on Chicago’s South Side after one of those gang rivals, prosecutors say, shot him 11 times * Reese, whose nickname was Taedoe, was prolific on Twitter, posting 28,000 tweets under the handle @taedoeDaShoota. He displayed bravado but was also introspective, tweeting about his odds of dying a violent death. One of his last tweets read: “Death Gotta Be Easy Because Life is Hard.” -- 19.. 19 years of age and was already feeling "Life is hard" You know.. this is another failure of the public education system... it doesn't matter whether or not he received a diploma (betting he did.. for participation and legislative statistical "facts"), this young man of 19 left public education feeling hopeless and unprepared to end the cycle.
Hey.. wasn't Obama's Secretary of Education the former Shicago Superintendent?
L-E headline/story: "US support for death penalty inches up, poll finds * A Pew Research Center poll released Monday found that 54 percent of Americans are in favor of capital punishment for people convicted of murder, up from the 49 percent the same survey found two years ago." -- "inches up"? I guess, the pollsters started asking a few non-liberals how they "felt".. Without the death penalty.. and it's vigorous use of it in capital cases, there is no deterrent to curb street violence like we are experiencing now.

L-E "headLIE": "California’s low suicide rate is a direct result of its gun laws" -- What an impossible stance to assume... or claim... suicides are a decision carried out by personal choice.. it matters not whether it's by gun, drugs, hanging or even suicide-by-police-engagement.. It doesn't happen because of an outside element.. it happens because a person decides on ending one's own life.

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