Friday, October 12, 2018

From the "what we're saying is not what we REALLY mean" department - M/C L-E headline/story: "Residents are informed Chase Homes likely to be demolished next year * One of the topics was the possible closing and demolition of Chase Homes, a 108-unit public housing complex along the Chattahoochee River. Local Housing Authority officials had grown more concerned about the electrical power substation adjacent to the 17 apartment buildings on the site and were ready to push the issue." -- "grown more concerned about the electrical power substation adjacent"? Wouldn't the most logical step be to demolish and place elsewhere.. THE ELECTRICAL SUBSTATION? What's really reason? My guess is "the few" is more concerned about the Chase Homes being "somewhat" of an eyesore and image problem seen from the Whitewater course, and driving in on 2nd Ave...
From the "pathetic!" department - Remember the Banksy painting auctioned off in London for $1.4 MILLION? Well, when the auctioneer pounded his gavel and said "SOLD", the painting descended down through a shredder built into the frame. Well, the buyer has decided to accept her purchase. Oh, the name of the painting was changed from"Girl with Balloon" to "Love is in the Bin". I immediately thought of two better new names: "SUCKER" and "Some people have Too Much Money".
From the "anthill into mountain" department - M/C L-E headline/story: "Suppression complaints loom in Georgia vote * BY ASTEAD W. HERNDON * New York Times * Tensions escalated in the already bitter race to be Georgia’s next governor on Thursday after reports that the state had placed tens of thousands of voters’ registrations on a “pending” list, sparking charges of voter suppression and election rigging." -- Well, well, well... if you cannot verify something as "the truth", send it to the New York Times... the NYT will print ANYTHING that promotes the Socialist agenda. There is absolutely no legitimate reasons for a citizen of GA not to have or be able to get a Voter ID, or to be able to keep any address changes up-to-date.
From the "Leonard the Pitts is half right" department - M/C headline: "Progressives need more than numbers * BY LEONARD PITTS JR. * Miami Herald" -- Well, Pitts' headline is pretty accurate which is not something I say very often.. "Progressives DO need something more than numbers"... they need FACTS! (Save your sanity and do not read past the headline). Oh, and remember, "Figures don't lie, but liars figure a lot."
Spoiler Alert! "First Man" opens at the theaters today... reminder.. the movie directors decided NOT to show the American Flag... OUR flag, being planted into the surface of the not reward these (_*_)s for spitting in our face.
Did you hear the black C-N-word-N-word panel of African-Americans go after Kanye West's support of Trump based on Kanye not being black enough? African-Americans should be appalled at how the Despicorat propagandists ridicule blacks for thinking for themselves.
You know, the Despicorats could increase their credibility concerning their continuing assault on Judge Kavanaugh, if...if they had exercised the same concern about the Clintons, Attorney Generals Holder and Lynch, the FBI scandals, and Obama.
More than half of Americans have more than a vested interest in the November Election Results... About 55% of Americans are invested in the Stock Market via pensions, IRAs, and individual savings accounts and experts feel that if the Despicorats win both the House and Senate, the market will take a hit based on the uncertainty of a Socialist controlled Congress. You seen a sign of it in recent days as the "jittery" sell off. Vote Republican and circumvent such a happening.
From the "pot/kettle" department - HuffPOOPOO headline: "Andrew Gillum condemns Ron DeSantis for negative ads aired before Hurricane Michael" -- Good grief.. when a Despicorat complains about an opponents "negative ad", you know it's got to be the truth...
Online story: "The U.S. Supreme Court rejected two last-ditch efforts to save the life of Tennessee death row inmate Edmund Zagorski, apparently clearing the way for his execution despite a delay caused by legal wrangling. * The court rejected a challenge of Tennessee's lethal injection protocol and lifted a stay of execution ordered by a lower court because of inadequate counsel. * Zagorski was sentenced in 1984 for the slayings of two men during a drug deal. * Supreme Court Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Stephen Breyer dissented from the majority's decision not to stay the execution, with Sotomayor writing that those sentenced to die "are not entitled to pleasant deaths under the Eighth Amendment, but they are entitled to humane deaths." -- "entitled to humane deaths"? Good grief, the man has dodged death more years than the age of my oldest child.. and families of the two men he killed have suffered the indignity of realizing they could.. or maybe some already have... die before this man is put to death. My real question are why such "complicated" methods of injections "necessary"? There are other inject-able substances that kill surely and quickly.
Online headline/story: "'The View': Neil Patrick Harris calls out Whoopi Goldberg for comment she made 30 years ago * "You know, I did my first movie ever with Whoopi Goldberg -- a movie called 'Clara's Heart' -- and we worked together on that," he said. "And she told me -- I was 15, 16 years old -- she told me on my last day of shooting that in 10 years time she was going to have sex with me." -- Whoa! Think about it....Now we know why Neil Patrick "Doogie Howser" Patrick took an alternative lifestyle!

You know, when you think about it, maybe Neil Patrick Harris should file an official accusation directed at ABC.... maybe even a start up a new "movement" # No WAY!

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