Monday, October 1, 2018

What's gotten into Senator Graham? All of a sudden, it's like he's "gained a set"... and I like it! After calling out the entire Despicorat members of the Judiciary Committee for their behavior during the Kavanaugh Inquisition, now he's called for an FBI investigation of Feinstein's staff. This follows the "set up" he made when he "totally exonerated" Feinstein during the hearings. Let's hope Graham designates the "old" as well as the "new" staff.. she had one staffer for 20 years that was exposed as a Chinese spy that was "let go" without any prosecution.
You know, Judge Kavanaugh IS a big threat to Despicorats.. with him on the Supreme Court, there will be 5 sitting members who value the Constitution.... OUR Constitution... over their own agenda. hat this means is that even if there is a stalemate in selecting a replacement for Ginsburg and/or Breyer, and there is a period of time when only 8 Justices are available, decisions will still be made that uphold the .. OUR... Constitution as it was written and properly amended.
You know, if Breyer retires/dies before Ginsburg, if I could make a m[nomination, I do believe I'd name Judge Merrick Garland.. Garland was nominated by Obama because Obama knew he'd never get confirmation hearings so name someone with a a leaning to the left rather than a hard leftist like Kagan or Sotomayor so the left could complain about the Republicans up until the 2016 elections. Obama also thought Hellary would win, and she'd get to nominate another .. and much further to the left... judge, after she was sworn in. It would be an interesting "hearing" to hear Despicorats do to Garland what they are doing to Kavanaugh. Oh, and when Ginsburg leaves the bench, I'd nominate Hellary.. then after the FBI pre-investigations, and after the Republicans got her in committee under oath to talk about the e-mails, Benghazi, the Foundations, the Christopher Steele's dossier, the 2016 Primary. Vince Foster, and Bill's "women", I'd withdraw her name so she could concentrate on trying to stay out of jail.
From the "goose and gander" department - Online headline: "Andrew Gillum staffer fired after calling for Trump's execution, wearing shirt deriding pro-Trump states" -- You know, if a Trump worker said/did the same things, he AND Trump would have been labeled racist.
Online headline: "Willie Nelson sings new song, 'Vote 'Em Out,' at Beto O'Rourke rally" -- I tell you what, Willie Nelson has damaged his and his son's futures more than he has helped Beto O'Rourke's.
One of those "silent Friday" stories was that the DJIA.. a.k.a. "The DOW" has removed GE from it's list of 30 iconic businesses that reflect American Industry. It's about time.. I haven't bought a GE light bulb in 10 years since Obama tapped GE's Jeffrey Immelt as his key economic adviser during the transition. Walgreens becomes the new component.. I will be checking Walgreens to see if they are replacing GE light bulbs as well.
And talk about confirmation.. I was in Lowe's yesterday to help two my daughters buy some new appliances.. their stove had gone kaplooyie, and they were having issues with their dishwasher. They made their choices but were told neither was "in stock" and new ones could not be delivered or installed within the week.. I stepped in and told the salesman to find models he had "IN Stock"... adding the caveat of "but nothing by GE". Without looking up from his computer inventory, he responded, "I don't blame you."
Well, well, well.. what a difference having a leader in the White House makes..Trump just announced an "October Surprise" that not only helps America economically, but politically as well.. it will help Republicans at the polls...Trump just announced the USMCA.. it's the new trade agreement between the US, Mexico, and Canada that replaces NAFTA, and America wins again! Trump 2020 Vision.
Hmmm.. some privacy invading information was posted on 3 Republican's Wikipedia pages. Home addresses of Senators Graham, Hatch, and Lee were posted, and Maxine Waters is angrily denying it was from her staff/office.. Fortunately, to post on Wikipedia, the URL address of the poster(s) is recorded. Seems that the URLs lead straight to Maxine Waters' office computers. Waters mad a big mistake in "denying complicity". Everyone knows she lies.. She'd been better off trying to claim credit joyously.. no one would have considered her smart enough to do something like that.
From the "you better well believe it" department - Online headline/story: "White House limits scope of the FBI's Kavanaugh investigation * White House limits scope of the FBI's Kavanaugh investigation * While the FBI will examine the allegations of Christine Blasey Ford and Deborah Ramirez, the bureau has not been permitted to investigate the claims of Julie Swetnick," -- Hmmm.. well, we already know Dr, Ford's claims need further expose as they look like they may border on fraud, and Ramirez's claim rings more of a "Me next" to get publicity for my cause, but Swetnik.. that's a separate cesspool.. She was at least 20 and in college, and says she went to 10 +/- "rape parties" before she became the "victim", then... then continued to go to more of them for the rest of the year> Gimmee a break.. what was a college student doing hanging out with, and going to high school parties with minors minors every week? Besides, where are the other couple of dozen "rape victims"?
If I were President Trump or Paul Ryan, or Mitch McConnell, I do believe I'd call for an investigation of Sheila Jackson Lee... what was she doing in the Senate Judiciary Committee session, and what was in the envelope she furtively slipped to Dr, Ford's attorney that he slipped into his coat pocket?
You know, while we blame Obama for incurring nearly 50% of our National Debt, we also need to put the spotlight on Nancy Pelosi when she was "Speaker of the House" for the last two years of "W" Bush's and the first two years of Obama's terms, out National Debt soared 25% from the point she took over as Speaker until the overwhelming majority of American voters booted her out of the Speaker's seat. We know she didn't read the ObamaCRAP Bill, but now it looks like she never h=did read the Constitution or any of her college economic books either.
Even Oregon doesn't have an uniform as ugly as what Kentucky wore Saturday evening.. Why would a coach put his team in ugly uniforms for a big home game
It was mentioned jokingly, but what an idea... if Kavanaugh doesn't get confirmed, or as long as the Republicans keep the majority in the Senate, Trump should nominate Hellary when Ginsburg or Breyer leave, and Hellary could be questioned about all her scandalous actions, under oath, and she could go to jail for lying under oath! You know the truth is not in her.
Undoubtedly, one of the best advertising decisions ever made was when All-State Insurance bought into the netting raised up to catch successful extra point kicks. Think about how many you seen as you watched game winning (or margin beating) kicks split the uprights and nestle in the All-State "good hands".
Undoubtedly, one of the best advertising decisions ever made was when All-State Insurance bought into the netting raised up to catch successful extra point kicks. Think about how many you seen as you watched game winning (or margin beating) kicks split the uprights and nestle in the All-State "good hands".
I got a Stacey Abrams mailer Saturday...I have no doubt it was designed and executed by the same folks who have directed the Despicorats Judiciary Committee members plan to lynch Judge Kavanaugh. It's sent out by the Democratic Party of Georgia (PO Box 89202 Atlanta,GA 30312). It excoriates Brian Kemp. Yet there is not one request to "vote for" Abrams. There is not one mention, nor one message of what Abrams will bring to the table to lead GA forward. We must elect Brian Kemp!
Dr Ford said Feinstein was just suggesting legal help because she (Ford) was just naive about lawyers. Both of her brothers are Washington area worked for the same firm that now represents GPS Fusion. Feinstein wasn't trying to suggest a lawyer, she was making sure the right firm was handling this.
From the "how can we word this headline to make it work for us" department - HuffPOOPOO headline/story: "Christine Blasey Ford's Friend Doesn't Deny Assault Claim, Lawyer Says * An attorney for Leland Keyser stated plainly in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee that his client, a friend of Christine Blasey Ford, does not “refute” Blasey’s sexual assault claim against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. * Although Keyser believes her friend, Walsh said “the simple and unchangeable truth” is that his client is “unable to corroborate” Blasey’s account because she does not remember it. " -- Good grief! Dr. Ford cannot remember where she was, how she got there, how she left, or how she got home, yet she vividly remember Leland Ingham, now Leland Keyser, being with her, yet Leland Ingham, now Keyser, has zero remembrance of the event. Even Columbus' Democrat District Attorney could not sell this in our court system.
Online headline: "Mother files federal lawsuit after son doesn’t make varsity team * The mother of a Ladue High School student took her case to the federal courthouse after her son, called John Doe in legal documents, did not make the varsity soccer team and was not allowed to play on the J.V. team. * The mother’s suit claims her son is the victim of age and gender discrimination because she says the rules are different for the girls’ soccer team. -- Good grief! Looks like being a "helicopter mom" has reached a new level.. but... but.. there is a simple solution some Obama or Clinton appointed lower court federal judge will uphold.. Hey, mom, just declare your son to be a girl, and play on!
We're back to Monday ... again.. Two things that haven't changed are that Zeph Baker still hasn't turned in his Campaign Disclosure Forms for his run for Columbus' mayor's seat, and we still haven't seen public disclosure of Mayor Tom-LYING-son's accident with another City vehicle.. Remember how the L-E jumped all in on Councilor Allen's son's accident while driving a City Fire Department vehicle? Oh,, Amy Bryan's Council Post 10 signs have not reappeared on the building at the intersection of 13th St and 5th Ave,, maybe she left them in Denver...Oh, I have a new item to add to the "Monday List".. when's the Natatorium going to be fixed and open for use...hmmm, or maybe it's been seen to lose less money closed than open so it may not re-open...(I did see one of the Aquatic's Commission members just "bailed out")
M/C L-E headline: "Community Foundation looks to future of giving" -- It's sad that a story gets reported and an important fact gets "left out".. There would be no "Community Foundation" if it hadn't been for the Columbus Council reneging (BREAKING) on it's promise to the Chattahoochee Valley Fair. The "Fair" had a long term lease on the grounds/Auditorium and had built it's "product" into one of.. if not the most loved events in the Valley. Buildings had been built to allow local churches and Service Clubs to raise money selling food wares the area loved, buildings were built to provide space for home economic and farm contests and displays, local businesses had available space to promote their businesses... and then a new Civic Center was brought up.. The Chattahoochee Valley Fair, wanting to be a team player, gave up it's lease with the understanding that it could resume after the Civic Center was completed.. It didn't happen.. Council pulled he rug out from under the "Fair" by not allowing the "Fair" to have the two weekend time frame it needed the Civic Center Space.. Council felt it would hinder the Civic Center from getting a potential sport team from coming to Columbus. The beloved "Fair" was terminated.. and the funds it had to award out to local projects and "Fair" competitions needed a way to be distributed. Therefore, the Community Foundation got it's founding partner. The Valley lost its "Fair"... and tradition...forever..
From the "Holy Crap, Batman!" department - Online headline: "A new lab-grown meat startup may have overcome a key barrier to making meat without slaughter" -- Looks like the sequel to "pink slime" that was being mixed into real ground beef as an extender that ended up in meat dishes... and often in school lunch offerings..
If the FBI is going to re-open the Ford allegation, it should be two-pronged. Since the witnesses Ford named not...recollect the event that Dr. Ford has alleged, then perhaps there's another possible scenario. Surely with all the flak taking up most of the time of the media, something surely should have jiggled a remembrance by someone who took her to the house in question and/or drove her home afterwards, but no one has stepped let's look at the possibility that it didn't happen in the summer of 1982, but the summer of 1983..This would have made Dr. Ford 16 at the time and able to drive herself to and from said site. It would also change the summer dynamics of the now graduated Brett Kavanaugh. I know my summer following graduation changed my life dramatically..Not only was I working hard to earn money, I also was working out to be in shape when I reported to college, and...was getting ready to leave for college, and my summer was about a month shorter than past ones as freshman orientation started earlier than classes. It also meant I had less time to spend with extraneous people.
Now that the FBI is reopening the Ford allegations , here's something that sounds rather suspect..Ford claims that she was naive about lawyers and asked Sen Feinstein for advice. What she failed to tell the world is that her dad is a lawyer and both her brothers are lawyers in the DC area. In fact, her oldest brother worked for the law firm that now represents GPS Fusion. This is a little too convenient to be coincidental.
Another thing I have found is that Dr, Ford's father worked at the CIA at one time, and we know no one actually fully reties from the CIA. He would surely be able to advise a psychologist on how to manipulate a lie-detector test, but more importantly, advise her/her lawyers on "who to get to administer one . Perhaps one given by a FBI professional should be administered.
Online headline: "McDonald's removing artificial additives from its burgers" -- "removing"? When did they start ADDING such to their products.. just the thought of a company ADDING artificial additives is revolting! No more Mickey D's for me..
It's amazing...Despicorat Spinmeisters are saying that the only thing important about further investigations is making sure Kavanaugh does not get confirmed. You know, I guess now MSM-13 will have to adopt the philosophy that if you are a liberal you cannot be racist nor biased.
I sure hope the Republican has surveillance on all the witnesses Ford named that refuted her story... undoubtedly there will be attempts by DIMO-SOROS-crats to buy their change of testimony by promising a barrage of legal protection and future revenues.
Seeing as she wanted anonymity, and some "unknown" person connected to Feinstein's office who "leaked" her name out, it was almost sickening to listen to every Despicorat Senator fawningly tell Dr Ford how brave she was for coming forward. After hearing the Despicorats treat Judge Kavanaugh with such disrespect, I think Judge Kavanaugh was the braver one to be there.
If anyone wondered about Jeff Flake being appropriately named, Friday, Flake exposed himself..Within a hour, he proclaimed his support of Kavanaugh then decided he wouldn't vote for him without another FBI investigation. What this tells me is that the FBI should be investigating what the Despicorats have on Flake.
Despicorat fawning Fox New's Chris Wallace really exposed Flake, Murkowski, and Collins when he said McConnell had to to adjust to the (quote) "weakest links" (end quote).
After the character assassination carnage from a pack of hyena-like Democrats, I don't to ever one of them preach about bi-partisanship or working-cross-the-aisle.
Senator Durbin read a letter from the ABA saying the vote should be delayed. Durbin then said the American people should have complete faith in its Supreme Court Judges. Well Senator Durbin, I think it more more important that Americans think..and feel..that our Senators are concerned with our needs rather than their personal and party needs.
You know, when Sen Feinstein received that letter from Dr Ford, if she thought it was credible, really credible, she would have brought if up..even anonymously which us allowed, at that time. Her failure to do tells us she only saw it as a "Hail Mary" if all else failed.. shame on Senator Feinstein.
Senator Graham pretty much put Sen Feinstein on the spot Friday...he said that he had 100% confidence that she did not leak the Dr. Ford letter that was in her possession. Now, she is obligated to demonstrate Sen Graham's confidence by finding out and revealing the feckless culprit!
Sen Feinstein complained about Judiciary Committee Republicans saying 2 weeks ago that they'd all be voting for Kavanaugh even though Sen Flakes' position was not concrete, but what was a crime was the Senator Schumer's announcement on the day Kavanaugh was nominated that the Despicorat Party would do everything in its power to defeat Kavanaugh.
Sen Kamala Harris said the judiciary committee actions were against what America stands know, what America stands for, as so eloquently stated by Superman is "truth, justice, and the American way". Not one aspect of "what America stands for" was demonstrated by any one of the Despicorat senators on the judiciary committee.
Why does Fox News give any credit to Despicorat spinmeisters who claim that Republicans will suffer at the polls if Kavanaugh is confirmed..Despicorats have no concept of what's true nor what Americans are feeling.
After the incredulous judiciary committee witch hunt, if any Republican Senator fails to support Judge Kavanaugh the Republican leadership should strip all of them of any committee leadership assignments.
You know, if women are "looking" at which party has women's issues at heart, women should remember that it was the Despicorat Party machine that used and abused Dr. Ford to further its own agenda, and it was the Republican Party that treated her respectfully.
From the "if you don't like the results. just change the rules" department - Online headline/story: "Georgia to seek federal waiver on standardized tests * More than one in 10 Georgia school districts will use their own exams to gauge student progress, with the ultimate goal of substituting them for the state standardized tests. * The state board of education gave approval Thursday for 11 districts to join 10 previously approved to participate in the state’s “innovative” testing pilot program. That is only the first step in eliminating the Georgia Milestones. The U.S. Department of Education would have to approve any waiver of the Milestones, which are a federally-approved component of Georgia’s school monitoring system." -- Yikes! Bend over, grab your ankles, and grit your teeth... here it comes! I can imagine already what the results will be when the MCSD writes out its own test questions... 110% graduation rates..
I remember the first time I met Gene Hodge.. May 5th, 1969.. Setting the stage: In
those days", new car tags were required by April 1st of each year, but in 1969, Governor Maddox gave a month's extension to May 1st due to economic chaos left by President Johnson. In those days, if you put your "new tag" on too soon, it was probably be going to be stolen, so I generally waited until the actual date to put my new tag on. That year, I did not, but I forgot to do so on May 1st.
On the 3rd, I was traveling to Houston Lakes Golf Course for a Columbus College Golf team match. As I entered into Dodge County, a sheriff's car was on the side of the road, as I passed it, he did a u-turn and got behind me..within a 100 yards, he flipped his lights on. I stopped.. he came up and said, your tag is expired.. "follow me to the sheriff's office. I did.. we walked in, and the deputy took my license to the sheriff and told him my tag was expired.. The sheriff looked at my license, then looked up at me... and said.. "I use to play golf with a Dupont Kirven from Columbus.. are you any kin?" My spirits lifted, and I said "Yes, Sir, that was my grandfather." Then he said, "He was a mighty fine man. My deputy says you told him you do have a new tag but forget to put it on... is that true? Again, I said, "Yes,Sir!" Then he said, "I tell you what.. I believe you... here's my card... on Monday, take your tag receipt to your Sheriff's Office, and have someone call me and tell me what date you paid for you new tag. If anyone else stops you, show him my card and have him call me. " I said
As I left the office, the deputy followed.. glanced at my car and said, "Those wipers look worn.. you might want to go the gas station on the corner and get some new ones.. There was nothing wrong with my wipers, but in those days we had "Vehicle Inspection" laws, and could be ticketed for any " infraction".. real or imagined. I pulled into the station.. and noticed the name of the station was the same last name as the deputy following me. Fortunately, I noticed there was a Pontiac dealer across the street.. I slowly drove through the gas station and pulled into the Pontiac Dealer's place..a man came out and I told him to "replace my wipers as fast as you can".. he looked at them, and said they were fine. I said, "yeah, I know, but if you don't that deputy across the street is going to give me a ticket" - He replaced them, and I drove slowly out of Eastman and Dodge County until the deputy stopped at the county line.
Early Monday morning took my tag and receipt to the Sheriff's office, and there I met Gene Hodge.. I believe he was a corporal at the time, but he called the other sheriff, and I took my tag out to my car and Gene Hodge followed me with a screw driver, and we put my new tag on. We were lasting friends ever since. We will miss Gene Hodge.
From the "can't wait to see and compare Columbus's employment/unemployment rates with Cobb County's" department - Online headline/story: "Cobb’s unemployment rate drops to 3.2 percent * Cobb’s unemployment rate dropped to 3.2 percent in August, a full percentage point lower than the 4.2 percent rate notched in August 2017, according to new data from the Georgia Department of Labor. * The rate is also down from July, when Cobb had an unemployment rate of 3.4 percent." -- Of course, Columbus' Mayor Tom-LYING-son won't be as excited.
From the "another case of why 99% of lawyers destroy the reputation of the other 1%" department - M/C L-E headline/story: "Son charged with battery, exploiting elderly mom * Judge Julius Hunter ordered McDuffie held in the Muscogee County Jail on bonds totaling $12,500 and bound the charges over to Superior Court. If McDuffie is able to make bond, Hunter said he must stay away from his mother and have no contact with her. * McDuffie was represented by public defender Robin King but he didn’t testify. Seeking a bond, King noted the suspect’s mother wasn’t treated by emergency medical services personnel at the scene." -- Well, we know if he does "make bail", the judge's "order" won't be obeyed, but what about this lawyer... noting "the suspect’s mother wasn’t treated by emergency medical services personnel at the scene"...she obviously tried to lessen the charges and bail amount by inferring the mother wasn't hurt "too bad". I just hope the lawyer's mother is never injured by any one, but if she is, that person's lawyer get's the perpetrator out on bond for the same reason! Sleep well, madam lawyer.... NOT!
M/C L-E headline/story: "Officials looking at containers on right of way to reduce litter from evictions * The city of Columbus is taking a closer look at ways to reduce debris and litter after families are forced out of their homes during evictions. * Muscogee County Marshal Greg Countryman said deputies conduct 5,800 to about 6,000 evictions or dispossessory proceedings every year. " -- "5,800 to about 6,000 evictions"? You know. that's upwards of 115 EVICTIONS a WEEK! Seems to me, it would be more prudent... and cheaper.. to fix Columbus' economic issues than address issues caused by eviction proceedings..
From the "let's talk about women's issues that the Despicorats do not address" department - M/C L-E headline/story: "REMEMBERING THE FALLEN AT MOGADISHU * Spouses of the 3rd Ranger Battalion participated Saturday in the Mogadishu Mile 5K run held in downtown Columbus in remembrance of the members of the 3rd Ranger Battalion who were killed in the Battle of Mogadishu in Somalia on Oct. 3-4, 1993." -- You know.. I was surprised.. well actually "shocked" to see a picture in the M/C L-E showing the spouses of Rangers participating in the Mogadishu Mile/5K race.. Despicorats claims they are the "party" that addresses women's needs/issues, but when have you seen the Despicorats deal with real issues that the spouses of our military are dealing with? Trump is changing this! Trump 2020 Vision.
M/C L-E headline: "Woman shot in back while walking with sisters at Wilson Apartments, police say" -- You know.. there have been 27.. possibly 28 killings in Columbus this year.... so far. It's a trend indicating we could expect well into the 40's before year's end.. Unfortunately, it will be a record in Mayor Tom-LYING-son's last year and in her kick-off tear for higher political aspirations. But how many shootings have we had where people were wounded and survived or the shooter missed? These are numbers we should be informed about as well.

M/C L-E headline: "COLLEGE FOOTBALL * Auburn beats Southern Miss after long delay" -- Good grief.. why was not this game called off instead of being resumed after a 3-hour weather delay...What disregard for the safety and loyalty of the Auburn fans. It was resumed for the almighty TV dollar... yet the game offered nothing but an extra "W" for Auburn's stats and bowl eligibility. It was against a non-conference team and a team not even ranked.. There was no other reason to continue this game after the first hour delay.

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