Thursday, October 11, 2018

Hellary keeps hoisting herself by her own petard. She claims she won the popular vote by 2.9 Million, yet what she doesn't want talk about is that in California, she won the 'popular vote' by 4.3 MILLION votes. Votes that were are not screened to be sure they were actually legal votes. In other words, Trump won the total popular vote of the other 49 states by over a million votes.
Some of the Gulf Coast cities were enforcing curfews now that the hurricane had moved through. How sad is this, that curfews be enforced to curb looting. How low are criminals that add more misery to their neighbors by stealing, rather than helping, what little they have left following a disaster.
From the "It is getting more and more apparent" department - The Despicorats have no desire to find common ground or issues and problems..why ..because finding common ground leads to civil discussions, and civil discussions lead to solutions.
Has anyone thought about what Despicorats actually fear about what Trump has brought about to make America great again? I see them scared that the base is actually seeing successes that Despicorats have said can't happen - more jobs, less unemployment, less government dependence, less taxes, and less crime - .....but spite of Despicorat resistance.
Did I hear right.. that the MCSD is going "in house" to do it's own "printing" for needs usually put out for bids in the community, on the basis of "cutting expenses"? My guess is that the administration has no clue to the business aspects of its actions. Let's start with the lack of sales taxes on "end use" supplies that get collected by local businesses. Then, let's talk about the reduction of property values .. thus property tax revenues, when businesses close. Then, let's talk about how the MCSD can feel it is costing less yet no business expenses are being considered since the taxpayers are already footing the bill for management labor, property overhead (rent/utilities/insurance), and workers are not getting paid out of profits, nor are any fed/state with-holdings being collected/put in the "general kitty". Bad idea.. all around!
From the "it's all Nancy Pelosi's fault!" department - Online story: "Democrats suffered a stinging loss in the fight over Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation, and have concluded that the constitutional system is to blame. * you see, if only the Founders hadn’t forged the Great Compromise between large states and small states at the Constitutional Convention in 1787, giving each state equal representation in the US Senate, they would have defeated Brett Kavanaugh handily. It’s only because smaller red states have two senators just like larger blue states that the judge got confirmed." -- Hmmm.. You know, if Nancy Pelosi had INSISTED that Despicorats actually read the bills and our Constitution, most of their anger and angst would dissipate, and America would never have lost it's greatness.
While we're on the subject of the Constitution and it's wisdom. let's parse Hellary claim that it's the Constitution's fault that she lost because she won the popular vote (of course, her margin in California alone is her only claim for his because the overall popular vote in the other 49 states favored Trump). Let's remove the Electoral votes given for each states Senators since they are awarded on a population basis.
Overall, there are 538 Electoral votes.. 435 for the number of House members , 100 for the number of Senators, plus 3 given (literally) to Washington, DC. Trump won 304 of these, Hellary won 227, and 7 were cast for others (Colin Powell -3, John Kasich -1, Rand Paul -1, Bernie Sanders -1, and Faith Spotted Eagle -1). Let's eliminate 102 votes that represent the 2 votes per state plus Washington DC, That brings the Electoral College voters down to 436, so the winning total would become 219 (versus 270) needed to win, Trump won 30 states and Hellary won 20 states plus Washington, DC. therefore we'll deduct 60 Electoral votes from Trump, and 42 Electoral votes from Hellary. That changes the tally to 244 (304 - 60) for Trump, and 185 (227 - 42) for Hellary, Trump still wins. Go home, Hellary.
Online headline: "Eric Holder rejects Michelle Obama's call for civility: 'When they go low, we kick 'em'" -- The former Attorney General is advocating vigilantism and elimination of "due process" to get what he wants? We should known... he spent his entire term as Attorney General ignoring or failing to uphold the laws of the land he swore an oath to enforce. Hey Jeff Sessions! Is this not an open confession of Holder's dereliction of duty.. even treason?
You know, we pay a lot for garbage service, but somehow, we aren't getting enough service for what we pay. Take yesterday for example..because Monday was a holiday, our garbage service was delayed until we had our last pick up 9 days ago. Now, Tuesday homes don't suffer the agony of two extra days of garbage rotting away, nor having to cram two extra days of garbage into their cans following Monday Holidays, but that's a different complaint problem yesterday was that it was raining off and on, and when my garbage was picked up, the men did not bother to flip the lid back up, so my cans, and various garbage dregs at the bottom got soaked and became odorous. Seriously, how hard would it be for our garbage service to close the lids... at least on rainy days?
Now the Despicorats are scheming ways to "pack the Supreme Court with liberal judges when (IF!) they ever get back in power.. Franklin Roosevelt tried to do so by expanding the number of judges back in the 30s, but being a typical Despicorat, FDR didn't read the Constitution.. even an Executive Order cannot override a Constitutional Amendment
Online headline: "Joe Biden not running for President in 2020 -- 'at this point'" -- Who's Bleep Veep Biden fooling.. he's not going to run because he cannot win.. even the Despicorat nomination.. much less the Presidency. Biden has never really been a contender for the Despicorat nomination even though he's made efforts 6 different times. In fact, the only reason he was on Obama's team was to insure Obama's safety... no one.. absolutely no one.. well other than Biden himself, wanted Biden to accede to the Oval Office.
Besides, after seeing how Despicorats behaved in the Kavanaugh "inquisition", Biden would not want to have his actions revisited during the Clarence Thomas "lynch mob" attempt in 1991, when Biden voted loudly against the only African-American currently sitting on the Supreme Court.
Online headline: "Sen. Heitkamp dismisses Clinton's comments on civility as 'ridiculous'" -- Hmmm.. well, Heitkamp could have drawn better attention if she just narrowed down her evaluation and said, "Hellary is ridiculous!" , but nothing's gonna help her since she voted "no" on Kavanaugh..
Online headline: "Census citizenship-question case goes to Supreme Court" -- Excuse me, but why did a court even accept this challenge? And while the US Supreme Court mulling this, why don't they rule that any... all .. voter files be compared to this.. and future... Census records as to whether they are citizens and even eligible to vote.
Leave it to MSM-13. We are directed only to the path of Hurricane Michael, yet there are 5 other active hurricane active world-wide.... including one with a projected path through New Mexico/Texas/Oklahoma, though downgraded to a storm.
Did you notice, MSM-13 did not blame Trump for Hurricane Michael.. I guess MSM-13 found nothing it could fault about how well prepared FEMA was in handling the Hurricane that hit North Carolina earlier, and MSM-13 didn't want voters to remember that this close to the elections.
From the "most wasted used of paper and ink" department - M/C L-E Thursday AM headline/story: "Here’s where you can find shelter in Columbus * Those fleeing the wrath of Hurricane Michael, which has forced mandatory evacuations in some areas along the Gulf Coast where it will arrive Wednesday afternoon, will be able to seek temporary shelter in Columbus." -- Huh! Shelter from what.. Hurricane Nothingburger (a.k.a. Michael) in Columbus? I guess we should at least point out that obviously the L-E staff went home way early yesterday since part of this story states "it WILL arrive Wednesday afternoon"

What is it with MSM-13? UN Ambassador Nikki Haley resigned.. retired... from a very stressful job she did extremely successfully, and MSM-13 feels there's something sinister.. underhanded.. in her actions. Why will MSM-13 not just applaud her for her accomplishments (and President Trump for his insight), and wish her well for the future?

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