Thursday, March 26, 2020

Br'er Trump took it to the the Congressional Donkeys yesterday, and is laughing all the way back to the Oval Office.. in November.. After getting them down on their request for funding the Kennedy Center down to $25M for the Performing Arts, Trump then announces he actually likes the JFK Center and he's OK with the funding since he got what he wanted for our Nation's working families. You might say he showed Pelosi and Schumer are actually only the leads in the Democrats for the Performing Farts.
One of the best "Memes" showed up on Facebook yesterday..."Remember Democrats impeached Trump for withholding aid to Ukraine. Now the Democrats are withholding aid to American Citizens. Remember this in November!
Online headline: "New Orleans emerges as next coronavirus epicenter, threatening rest of South" -- Hmmm... and I recall that the Governor of Louisiana and the Mayor of New Orleans ere not about to put a halt to Mardi Gras just because of Covid-19... and I also recall both the Governor and Mayor are DEMOCRATS!
Interesting....when you look at the Covid-19 map showing state-by-state see a definitive pattern ... states with major cities, especially "sanctuary cities", lead the nation in Covid-19 cases....and are led by Democrats.
You know, after learning of the absence of a sufficient plan to address Covid-19 in Mexico, you'd think California .. especially Pelosi and Schi** .. would be concerned about keeping an Open Border with Mexico.
I do believe Creepy Joe has been infected by a mutation of Covid-19.. Now he claims that when he left the Senate, he became a college professor at the University of Pennsylvania. As I recall, when Biden left the Senate, he became Obama's VP for 8 years.. but even though he's been "honored" with a "title" (Benjamin Franklin Presidential Practice Professor), and the university opened the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement in Washington, D.C., outside of its campus as part of the professorship, a spokesperson for Biden at the time who now serves as his deputy campaign manager, told the paper, "He will not be teaching classes.” The strain Biden has contacted is Covidiot-2020.
I hear Hellary may be ghost writing a sequel of "It Takes a Village" to promote Biden's candidacy.. the working title is rumored to be "It Takes a Village Idiot".
All you Apple iPhone users be on alert..I got an e-mail saying my Apple ID was locked and I need to contact Apple Support...hmmm, I thought..what does Apple Support know about my Samsung Android phone?
My faith in America is growing...while at Sam's twice in the last 3 weeks days, I've had black Sam's employees/voters respond to my Trump/Pence hat...a young voter crossed over the parking lot to high 5 me while vocalizing, "Nice Hat!" and yesterday, one grizzled vet, wearing his Army unit hat, Looked up at me as I passed, flashed me a "thumbs up" and said, "DAMN DEMOCRATS". Guess he heard how Pelosi and Schumer were delaying the Covid-19 relief bill with socialist pork!
Dilemma? A man is attacked..stabbed .. in Phenix City, AL then transported to Columbus, GA for treatment (at our expense!) and the victim dies. Question: Does it count as a Columbus murder or what?
With MCSD schools out, why are some of schools' "Speed Zone" blinking lights being used?
I heard we had choices when it comes to getting a case of Corona.. I went to Publix and almost... ALMOST brought home a case, though having to decide between "light" and "extra" was too much for me to process at the time...

On my day out yesterday, my first stop was at my bank's ATM for cash replenishment. I took precaution by wrapping my "punching finger" in tissue paper. I punched in my PIN number on the number pad with ease, but when the commands switched over to the touch screen, my tissue paper protected finger would not connect with the on screen "buttons"... how come "the bank" closes the lobby "except by appointment" yet has no one at the ATM wiping the screen clean between users?
Talk about irony, I filled up (as documented in a previous posting) at 1.99 a gallon on March 14th and still have half a tank of gas left today as I'm venturing out to Sam's and Publix...and toilet paper is not even on my list. Hope gas is still this low when we head out on vacation in July.
Contrary to my bank, Publix and Sam's had people wiping down their shopping carts and presenting them to their customers.
Sam's did not, though , have wipes at the Self-Checkout lanes, so you had to pick up the same laser "wand" as everyone before you had..
Oh! Speaking of Sam's: Sam's is back into the toilet paper business...and at prices lower than 2 weeks ago!
Online headline/story: "Ilhan Omar says coronavirus outbreak calls for 'radical' takeover of private hospitals * Omar offered no specifics on how the takeover of private property would be achieved, but critics on social media quickly reacted that Omar’s plan sounded like communism. * “Here is another radical idea,” one Twitter commenter wrote. “Let’s admit that communism doesn’t work and that it caused the #ChineseVirus.” -- I'm real mixed on whether we should support her re-election.. She never has deserved to serve in Congress, but I enjoy having her to point to .. along with Pelosi, Schi**, and Nadler... when convincing another wavering Democrat voter why it would be more beneficial for him/her to be supporting Republicans .
Hmmm...if you are going to wear a Covid-19 mask in public, how about taking a Sharpie and drawing a smile on it...
Things are really looking up for America's future.. Justices Breyer and Ginsburg are now 81 and 87 respectfully, and Trumps gonna have an opportunity to one or both of them before his 2nd Term is over!

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