Thursday, March 5, 2020

From the "well fancy that" department - Online headline/story: "California holds cruise ship offshore for coronavirus screening * SAN FRANCISCO, March 4 (Reuters) - An ocean liner that previously carried two passengers who contracted the coronavirus was barred on Wednesday from returning to its home port of San Francisco from a voyage to Hawaii after at least 20 people aboard fell ill. * California Governor Gavin Newsom said the cruise ship Grand Princess would remain at sea until passengers and crew complaining of symptoms that may be consistent with the coronavirus can be tested to determine whether they have it." -- Hmmm... hypocrisy...Thy name is California.. California politicians support an open border policy, and oppose holding illegal aliens in "cages" or on the other side of our border until they can be processed, yet California has "sealed off" it's Western Border to American citizens with passports, and is holding them off shore in "cages" until they can be processed...
A few "Editions" ago, I mentioned how the MCSD didn't deserve the responsibility of getting new SPLOST funds because they had taken unused funds earmarked for "roofing projects", and abusively spent it of a "carpeted baseball/softball complex" at Columbus High School, yet are asking for more "roofing money" in the NEW SPLOST referendum.. Not only was I right, it's even worse than we knew! The MCSD is getting REIMBURSEMENT from the STATE on "completed roofing projects"! In other words, the MCSD is getting tax dollars up front to complete these projects then submitting the proof of finished projects to the State for MORE tax money.. In other words, the MCSD is "DOUBLE DIPPING"! We are get taxed up front, then they are getting more of our tax dollars in the reimbursement process... In addition, the MCSD issues "bonds" to pay for projects BEFORE the revenues are in house, so we also are paying taxes, too, for the interest on those bonds. The MCSB needs not only to investigate this, it needs to install a policy that either forbids SPLOST projects that the State reimburses us for, or make the MCSD take any state reimbursements and apply them to paying off the bonds the MCSD issued for those projects.
Online headline: "Warren weighs her options. Endorsing Sanders is probably #1" -- After the beating Warren and Sanders took on "Super Thurs... uh... Tuesday" when Steyer, Buttigieg, and Klobuchar pummeled Mini Mike by shutting down their campaigns and endorsing Creepy Joe, it appears that there could be only one reason Elizabeth Warren did not get out of the race yesterday ...there's "quid pro Joe" to keep her from leaving Bernie as the leading ... and .. only FULL socialist vote option.
From the "the "SWAMP" still exists" department - Online headline/story: "Coronavirus: Congressional leaders strike nearly $7.8 billion bipartisan emergency funding deal * Sen. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., who chairs the Appropriations subcommittee that oversees health funding, suggested that no one really has an idea of how much money is really needed. * You know the President's number could be right, and in a more functional Congress we would do something like the President’s number, and 60 days from now we'd all get together and do a second number once we know more, but we appear to be incapable of that kind of realistic approach to legislating.”" -- Blunt is RIGHT! Trump asked for $2.5 Billion... and that's all that should be allocated to begin with, and if more is NEEDED, more can be given... later... rather than having nearly $8 Billion floating around aimlessly...
Why is the DNC so fired up that Biden beat Bernie in Arkansas and Alabama? Biden won't be close to winning either.. any of the Deep South states for that matter.... In fact, on "Super Thurs..uh.. Tuesday", Trump got more votes in both Arkansas and Alabama than all the Democrats COMBINED!
From the "this defines Democrats concerns about public safety" - Online headline/story: "Chicago police, Lightfoot defend decision not to cooperate with ICE after DHS says man accused in McDonald's child sex assault was previously deported * CHICAGO (WLS) -- The man accused of sexually assaulting a 3-year-old girl inside a bathroom of McDonald's flagship restaurant in River North had previously been deported, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency said. Chicago officials responded Friday, standing by their decision not to cooperate with ICE on immigration-related business." -- You know.. the little girl and her family would probably preferred all being victims of a street killing t=rather than having to deal with this the est of their lives! Democrat government policy has destroyed this family's dreams.
From the "more definition of what Democrat policy does to our nation: department - Online headline: "ISSUES Virginia delegates walk out as pastor prays for protection for preborn children" -- Whew! I bet those Democrat legislators would have stampeded out had the good pastor prayed for children who survived abortions before they were killed...
Online headline: "Chief Justice of the United States John Roberts issued a highly unusual and forceful rebuke to Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., calling his seemingly threatening statements directed at Associated Justices Neal Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh "irresponsible" and dangerous." -- Standing "O" for Chief Justice Roberts! I really don't know HOW he restrained himself from publicly flogging Schumer, Schi** and Nadler during the Senate Impeachment farce. It's nice... no... IMPORTANT .. to know Chief Justice Roberts has a line drawn defining "too much crap".
From the "how quickly liberals forget... and turn on people" - Online headline/link: "Video - Flashback: Michelle Obama & Whoopi Praise Harvey Weinstein"
Another one bites the bullet...say goodbye to Mike Bloomberg...Not only did he not "get thing done", he took his and went home after endorsing Creepy Joe... of course, after "stop&frisk" New York may not be as safe for Biden as it was.
All these drop outs from the Democrats...their campaign accounts need to be audited before any distribution of the funds can be made. Donors need to be identified who already have maxed out to the ones still running so no donor fraud happens.
You know, if Bloomberg really detests Trump as much as he claims, he should take all the billions he's accumulated from the successes of the Trump economy for the past 3+ years and donate them to reduce the National Debt.
I asked one of my Texas friends, "What was worse...Bernie emulating Castro, or Biden recruiting Bozo O'Rouke to take away his legally owned guns."  He said, "What's the diff?"
From the "cooler heads rule... as it should be" department - Online headline/story: "School closes 'gender-neutral' bathroom after sexual assault * Transgender activists have insisted that allowing men who identify as women to use a bathroom with females poses no threat, but an alleged sexual assault case in a "gender-neutral" bathroom at a Wisconsin high school is only the latest case to refute that claim. * Austin Sauer, 18, of Rhinelander High School was arrested Thursday for fourth-degree sexual assault, child enticement and exposing his genitals to a child in the school's bathroom, according to WAOW News. * the school did not alert the parents about the alleged incident, arguing it was isolated and Sauer had been suspended from school. * The Family Research Council has produced a list of more than 20 incidents in public bathrooms of women either being assaulted or having their privacy violated by men claiming to identify as women" -- As a result, this school did abandon that policy.. but that doesn't resolve officials' liability!
I saw a local post on a social media site that bemoaned the percentage number of black criminal incarcerated in out local jail that "suggested" that the issue might be different if Columbus. GA had a black Sheriff and/or Mayor.. I thought to myself.. how does a law.. or a crime .. predict what color an offender will be?

Columbus Ledger-Enquirer guest commentary.. headline/content: "The FCC wants to shut out the public – again * BY PAUL GOODMAN * TRIBUNE NEWS SERVICE * President Donald Trump is not a big fan of open government. He likes to implement policies without having to deal with annoying inconveniences, like input from the public." -- "(Trump) likes to implement policies without having to deal with annoying inconveniences, like input from the public"? Good grief.. the Public ELECTED President Trump to speak for us.. to act in America's best interests.. to keep his promises.. Trump did not say he was going to confer with us personally about what he should do when problems arose.. he asked us to trust him to do what's best for America.. and we do.. and he keeps his promises.. You know, keeping promises is not the strong point of most career politicians... this is why we support President Trump!

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