Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Online headline/story: "Federal officials reach deal on $2 trillion aid package" -- Hmmmm... what could be better now than an "alternate ending" of the Wizard of OZ... I can see it now.. the House "lands" on top of Pelosi, the Wicked Witch of the West!
From the "when is self-deprecation not a sign of humbleness?" department - Online headline/story: "Joe Biden Torn Apart After ‘The View’ Appearance: He “Reminded Everyone Why He’s Been in Hiding” * managed to bungle the appearance when he cautioned that “the cure” for COVID-19 “will make the problem worse, no matter what.”" -- Good grief...Biden has promoted him self as "the Cure" for cancer, and Covid-19, and now says that if he's elected "the cure" would be worse than the symptoms.. Wanna know something... for once he's RIGHT!
President Trump needs our help. At lunch today, let's pray and ask God to help even more. I suggest we pray in unison, "God, please give Nancy Pelosi a new, patriotic heart and a working brain. Thank you!"
McDonald's sure took it's time on making a statement on "social distancing" when it decided to monkey with it's iconic "M" and become "^ ^". Personally, I "social distanced" myself from McDonald's when it's local clown teamed up with now ex-Columbus, GA Mayor Tom-LYING-son to try to take away the tax freeze.
Looking at Covid-19 cases by states, one might think Oregon has adopted a President Trump solution... and built a wall between Oregon and California & Washington..
Online headline: "Fourteen inmates escaped from jail in Washington state, 6 still on the loose" -- Good grief.. liberals cannot make up their minds! I fully expected a headline more like, "14 Washington Democrats "socially distanced" themselves from Public Housing, 6 successfully."
Online headline/story: "Georgia to mail absentee ballot request forms to all active voters * All of Georgia’s 6.9 million active voters will be mailed absentee ballot request forms for the May 19 primary, a major push to encourage voting by mail during the coronavirus pandemic, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger announced Tuesday. * voters will choose whether they want to vote in the Democratic Party or Republican Party primary, sign their names, add a 55-cent stamp, and put the forms in the mail. " -- Good grief.. whatta invitation for fraud and lawsuits... not to mention 2-way postage expenses of $7.5 MILLION. Talk about a fraud opportunity.. our neighborhood already experiences mailbox thefts, and good heavens at the the inevitable 'nursing home ballot harvesting" opportunities, and unless the state specifies "no forwarding", who knows where the ballots could end up...On top of these situations, who doesn't believe there will be a Civil Rights lawsuit claiming that having to put a 55-cent stamp on your request and ballot is some kind of illegal "Poll Tax".
From the "truth shall set you free" department - Online headline: "US was more prepared for pandemic than any other country, Johns Hopkins study found" -- Hmmm... and the Democratic voter base would have known this, too, if MSM-13 had run headlines of the countries already ruled by the type of government that Dems/MSM-13 want to inflict on our nation.
Talk about bad luck..think about Corona beer..Can you imagine how welcome you'd be if invited to a party, and you said, "I'll even bring a case of Corona!"
Columbus Ledger-Enquirer guest commentary headline/content: "In Biden’s ‘mental slips,’ I see the tricks of a master stutterer * BY DAN ROCHE * LOS ANGELES TIMES * I’ve heard him use overly complicated or quirky phrasing and immediately recognized the method of a master stutterer: the savant-like ability to rephrase a thought or paragraph, on the fly, to avoid a problematic word or syllable." - Good grief. What level will MSM-13 stoop to to make excuses for Creepy Joe? I bet MSM-13 would applaud his "new clothes" if he showed up at a press conference or debate in the nude.

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